Selfless Gaming has decided to suspend Dafran from their active roster following recent behaviour on his own stream that centered around actively throwing games in Season 5 all the while being fully transparent about his intention to grief other players.

His rampage escalated on the second day when he started inciting his fans to “THROW4DAFRAN”, asking his viewers to join competitive games and throw. His preferred methods for griefing included running a DPS only Lucio or playing Symmetra\Torbjörn and setting up in spawn or corners of the map that weren't being used, all the while playing another game on his other monitor, with that game overlayed on top of his Overwatch gameplay.

When his stream ended earlier today Dafran sent out the following TwitLonger:

Time to stop trolling

I honestly do not give a shit what happends to me and my fucking career, you can all go fuck yourselves


I am starting to realise my actions may be affecting my org, teammates and their careers...

Time to reform into Seagull V2 and be a cute little nice guy FeelsBadMan

Troll community, disband.... :(

This however appears to be too little too late as Selfless Gaming has released the following statement:

Effective immediately, Dafran is suspended from the active roster of our Overwatch team.

Upon further VOD review of Dafran's behaviour, especially this past night, we have found his actions to be completely unacceptable, and in clear violation of Blizzard’s rules around player conduct, in addition to our own expectations of player/teammate conduct. Blizzard has also reviewed the case and has suspended Dafran’s account from Competitive Play for the duration of Season 5. In addition, Dafran has been disqualified from competing in the Overwatch Contenders Season Zero, as well as Season One. Having finished our own detailed review, we agree with and fully accept their decision.

While Dafran will no longer be playing with our team, we will be assisting him in finding the help, counseling, and guidance that he needs to improve his mental and emotional well-being. He is a dear friend, and we will be as supportive as possible during this time off from competitive play, so that he can come back stronger and better than ever. In the meantime, we will be finding a substitute/replacement for the remainder of the Contenders Season Zero.

As fans of the game and its competitive scene, we appreciate Blizzard’s quick and righteous decision. We apologize to our fans, the Overwatch community, and any/all persons and players impacted by Dafran’s actions.


In response Dafran tweeted out:

This is obviously a monumental loss for Selfless with Contenders Season Zero only a week away. Dafran has been a huge part of their success as half of the superstar DPS combo with Sinatraa where he played a key role, defining their unique playstyle that many teams would go on to emulate. It may be an impossible task to find somebody with the same prowess and synergy to fill such big boots in such a short period of time. Current speculation places iddqd in the mix, as he has been spotted filling in for them in scrims and NRG failed to qualify for Contenders.

Looking forward, it seems likely to shine an unwanted spotlight on professional players and how they behave in the public eye. There is an argument to be made that Dafran’s viewers spurred him on as they found it entertaining... and when you have a formula that works, you stick to it. Could the org have seen this coming and acted to prevent it in the first place? It was obviously a part of Dafran’s mentality for some time, as the manager of Selfless Gaming has pointed out on Twitter. But ultimately only Dafran is responsible for Dafran's actions, as the man himself freely admits.