Country: Iceland
Registered: July 23, 2016
Last post: July 4, 2017 at 11:19 AM
Posts: 21

Jake's skill rating article is spot on
Well worth the read and would recommend

posted about 7 years ago

Beware the reddit brigade of social justice

posted about 7 years ago

The "drama" in this scene is laughably petty

posted about 7 years ago

I don't think anyone is arguing that women are somehow genetically worse at video games or any such extremes.

But rather this ridiculous extent a poorly thought-out conversation over an obviously crude opinion is being taken just so some people can feel offended and it being publicly justified.
This victim mentality amazes me

posted about 7 years ago

Making the broad claim of "all women are x" or "all men can y" is always going to be wrong.
With that said he wasn't exactly lying when he said no girls in top elo or tournaments was he?

I don't see a reason to turn this into drama
petty excuse to start a witchhunt over a crude opinion

posted about 7 years ago

Better than yours, you blatant nerdstar farmer

posted about 7 years ago

No Team Iceland mention
article practically worthless

posted about 7 years ago

bandwagons aside
fraac's point here is completely valid

posted about 7 years ago

Well national playerbase would be way more accurate instead of population, but blizzard doesn't reveal playerbase numbers.

posted about 7 years ago

Inviting nations based on top 100 players sr
RIP Iceland

per capita rating:


posted about 7 years ago

Right now we're trying some stuff with Lucio. We feel like a lot of players feel like he is a "must have" in comps but he also doesn't feel super impactful to play. We're trying some ideas to make him more engaging to play while making him a little less obvious/must pick. We'll see if those changes make it to the PTR.

One tricky thing is that player perception of "must pick" doesn't match actual behavior. I sometimes look at the hero pick stats and they clearly don't match the "hero meta report" stats. Then players tell me to throw out my stats and look at only diamond and higher in competitive play only. Well, at that point, I'm not sure players realize what a small percentage of the player base they are asking me to make a decision based on. Obviously, we are in the process of toning Ana down right now. But we're also not out to see her never get played either. Player reaction is often to sledgehammer everything.

Balancing around low level gameplay because it represents such a large percentage of players has me worried, that pitfall has ruined a game or two before
Although I can't say I'm surprised that Jeff Kaplan would try to please everybody

posted about 8 years ago

Can't say I'm surprised

posted about 8 years ago

Looking for a highly skilled EU team, ideally with the aim of eventually competing in tournaments.

Long time TF2 player with over a year of experience playing at top level, notably placing 4th to 2nd in europe for the last four seasons

Lucio / ana main
Flexible to any support or tank role

Reliable keen bean, never emotional
Available practically any day of the week for practice
Can help out with practice ethic, VOD reviews and tactics
Can maincall, shotcall, ingame lead or whatever you wanna call it - if needed

Scrim experience of about 3 hours, 5 times a week for 6 years in TF2.
LAN experience at Dreamhack Winter 2016(TF2), insomnia58(TF2) and the Icelandic Overwatch Championship.

Current rank dancing around 4400.

cmd#21191 or STEAM

posted about 8 years ago

Happy new years overwatch gamers

posted about 8 years ago

Hm seems about right.
As far as that article goes the point still stands.

posted about 8 years ago

Make a controversial, uneducated or otherwise false claim that's guaranteed to bait tons of people into clicking and sharing to tell you how wrong you are.
How many of you knew the score esports existed before this.

Only solution is to not give these things attention

posted about 8 years ago

Can we please censor hafficools posts from here on out
Pro players shouldn't be allowed to invade my safe space with their crude opinions

posted about 8 years ago

Are you ready for day 2 of delays?

posted about 8 years ago

Went 8-2 in placements and I get 35 higher rating than last season
3939 s2
3976 after placement

smfh blizzard

posted about 8 years ago

what on earth

posted about 8 years ago