bleghfarec made a good point about stuff related to the site but I'll give my perspective about things since I used to write for the site as well:
- Basically all of the news that we would write would just be regurgitation of information that most people can get from looking at a tweet, which is the biggest factor imo as to why news stuff died down on the site
- The overwhelming amount of contenders news really can take a toll on you if that's all you're doing, especially if it's for a (bluntly put) stale format with players frequently leaving and joining new teams so they can have a good result on their track record and (hopefully) inch themselves slightly ahead of the competition. This is partially the product of Blizzard's esports model and partially players have moved on to other things in life
- OWL news tends to come in huge waves, which can make doing articles on the topics tiring if you're writing on one team and suddenly two more teams announce their roster for the season within the hour
- Regarding the late news, I reached a point where I pushed myself way too far and ended up burning myself out from writing, leading me to end up having zero desire to keep grinding a skill that I've been working on since 2017 with Working in newsroom environments like that is quite hard when you're doing it on top of a full university schedule (or full-time job in the case of tamagao) and from the few writers we had our availability was rather sparse, leading to late articles that would be getting put out by the time an announcement's hype had died down as you mentioned. Not trying to use it as an excuse, but it was the product of the situation we were in.