Country: Finland
Registered: July 7, 2016
Last post: July 24, 2018 at 3:41 AM
Posts: 76
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think it should list shadder2k playing instead of nil for gigantti

posted about 6 years ago

Is there actually any point for these teams to play against each other anymore, we all know what the score is going to be.

posted about 6 years ago

How unfortunate for Custa to play in such a bad team now.

posted about 6 years ago

it's great to start the week with some positive news.

posted about 7 years ago

some one-sided maps and some well fought rounds made for epic series

if we had access to all player POV's we could see so much quality content from this game.. one can only dream..

posted about 7 years ago

i was waiting for this all day at work to get past the boring day, and when i get home it's finally uploaded, your timing sucks!

posted about 7 years ago

in before rogue disbands and they all switch to Quake

posted about 7 years ago

Good stuff from Gigantti, not sure to say they lost their focus on last map or eunited "waking up" but wins a win. Looking forward to see how they play against Misfits next week.

posted about 7 years ago

Bit unexpected but it's nice to see the newer talent get a chance to shine with the RIPboys in the contenders.

posted about 7 years ago

Fly to Helsinki then. =)

posted about 7 years ago

gg sad days for westerns

posted about 7 years ago

So what, we're seeing 3 matches? :/

posted about 7 years ago

team finland = NIP = taimou leaving nV so he can be toxic in his own country and not burnout

you heard it here first

posted about 7 years ago

shadder too young?

posted about 7 years ago

is NIP rolling the dice on who plays

posted about 7 years ago

You know what showmatch is right, Just enjoy the comical aftermath and move on. :)

Contenders this weekend hype!!

posted about 7 years ago

This is very cool.

posted about 7 years ago

I was hoping for larger groups but this makes sense. Looking at EU groups i cant help but feel what are these teams, as this is one where i finally get to see what these teams are made off. Then again.. it's hard to get a glance of that without having a stream for all the games.. Do we get that? :o

posted about 7 years ago

Hopefully this immature shitter is good enough example for the rest of the competitive community to grow the fuck up.

Keep in mind this is not permanent, and in the long run he would be able to play later this year if he chooses to.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

What's better way to spend 10-hour workday than watching TakeOver.. i mean working!

gogo power rangers

posted about 7 years ago

quality comeback :thumbsup:

wp nv

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Step1: Make yourself a substitute for your team.
Step2: End up playing for your team anyways because no one else would touch the team with a 10 feet pole.
Step3: Produce more useless hype for your team when you play for your team "as a substitute".


posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

King Row street phase was pretty flaky on attack but other than that ggs.

posted about 8 years ago

official yeah

lets see if zappis ventures as genji again =)

posted about 8 years ago

@gghasha =)

posted about 8 years ago

i'd like to see you in one of those white wigs #6

posted about 8 years ago

So how long do you need to play together to "gel as a team". This is entering the same levels of stupidity as this whole "playing with friends" crap.

Longer NRG waits to show the public of what they can do, the higher the expectations are going to rise. Sometimes you wonder the thought process of people, i hope there are some fundamental issues affecting these decisions we are not aware of for the sake of sanity.

posted about 8 years ago

Very nice, happy to see tournaments that have most if not all active teams in their region.

Honestly at this point don't even care about NA vs EU type of matches, just need more matches in our own regions for the time being.

posted about 8 years ago

those flags are bit off

posted about 8 years ago

You should be used to having your dreams crushed by now #12

posted about 8 years ago

isn't it obvious, they are actually NA

posted about 8 years ago

Yes exactly, i'm more referring how different it would be with a more wide pick/ban system where you actually had a choice on picking mode you have a better chance on winning. That i believe is the accepted norm now, if you loose, You get to pick a map(in other games at least), you are strong on.

In the current APEX format, you can't really do that as you're forced to play a specific game mode, and as it came to be with these teams and the format sequence. nV had to win numbani to have a chance to potentially win again on 4th map.

This is highly speculative of course, and there are things they could've have done in this matches i'm sure to win regardless of these assumptions.

posted about 8 years ago

what am i watching...

posted about 8 years ago

Severely outclassed in CP doesn't really help with these map(mode) options APEX is using. Having 2 moderately close games and then forced to play a mode your opponent is clearly better on doesnt really seem like the best system for OW. :(

On the positive note, it was good seeing more heroes used by nV, hopefully they have better results in the losers route of this group stage.


posted about 8 years ago

that hollywood aggression holy shit

posted about 8 years ago

c9 looked real good here, CP maps staggering showcased once more in this match. Wonder how long potential changes to this mode will take...

posted about 8 years ago

Hammers couldve easily won Lijiang barring few throws and potentially hollywood if their tank comp would have worked as well as it did on Dorado(in the end at least). So all things considered pretty even match.

Rogue showed their prowess with their 3dps+monkey setup and it took way too long for the NA teams to adapt and make them actually work for these wins.

posted about 8 years ago

hate to see nothing NA content but this does look bit interesting

I think we all want some french whine.

posted about 8 years ago

If anything i wish LH wins so reinforce will have more awkward banter podcast/interviews in the future about his teams performance/decisions. ^_^

posted about 8 years ago

so much exaggerated claims all over the web in comments/podcasts/streams about envy, everyone's entitled to their opinion but don't be surprised if there are people who are not so eager to claim the sky is falling thus not agreeing with you.

Win is a win.

I'll be rooting for envy for sure, hope it's not a stomp from either side.

posted about 8 years ago

tbh coming back to win like this looks super promising for LG in the future.

EU power gogo

posted about 8 years ago

you just had to jinx it

posted about 8 years ago


posted about 8 years ago
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