Country: Ireland
Registered: May 16, 2017
Last post: February 25, 2018 at 8:40 AM
Posts: 81
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TBH Grim is just a carryover from Immortals. He has no place on valiant, even as a sub. I will be very surprised if he gets any play time all season.

posted about 7 years ago

Taking anything Harsha says seriously OMEGALUL

posted about 7 years ago

If this match is 10pm on thurs the 11th, why is it a day behind the other matches on the countdown>?

posted about 7 years ago

VOD Life for one of the hypest games FeelsBadMan hoping for a Dallas 4-0 Kappa no Kappa

posted about 7 years ago

World Cup is still a LAN, doesn't matter how many arbitrary restrictions you place on it. Players like Klauss stood out and got recognition when they are in the same boat as Logix. Mickie is another example from the year before. You can do work in World Cup.

Takeover he ghosted through. Admittedly his wasn't as clear cut as his other showings, but I chalk this up to the nature of Takeover. Being a casual environment with no crowd. Which coincidently means fuck all considering no future LAN that matters will be like Takeover.

& Not sure what you're smoking but he got his real recognition with Misfits in Contenders online season. People didn't rate him nearly as high as they did then.

So yes, he's a serial LAN choker. It's nothing surpising, he's young with little exp. He should hopefully iron out those nerves in OWL. As it's LAN every week.

posted about 7 years ago

Once? He choked World Cup, Takeover and Contenders.

posted about 7 years ago

Hope the rest of the Dallas stuff looks better so I can actually buy something to support them

posted about 7 years ago

and the fact that logix is a serial LAN choker.. Mayhem gona need to put 110% in this season

posted about 7 years ago

Mayhem about to secretly be last place finish in OWL

posted about 7 years ago

mate, i dont even wana hear it. EU has ONE city, owned by an NA org, filled with KR players. There are more KR players than EU in this league. I have no sympathy to spare for NA

posted about 7 years ago

Pretty sure he's on Philly. Seen Alicus let it slip in a discord, and there's not much else where he could be going tbh

posted about 7 years ago

flame wanted MESR as 2nd MT but MESR wanted to move towards coaching instead

posted about 7 years ago

average episode. wolf isnt knowledgeable enough to be a guest, he doesnt know enough about ow or its history. thorin already fills the gap of the 'clueless'. But with wolf there are two. Instead of Thorin playing off Monte & another guest, sparking debates between them, etc. Monte has to carry the show. Not worth a listen IMO

posted about 7 years ago

zero wins Boston comin' in hot to S1!

posted about 7 years ago

there is absolutely no reason why valkyrie should last 20 seconds

posted about 7 years ago

.maybe a projectile since Seagull said he will not plays genji for Fuel

people need to stop regurgitating this shit. Seagull said, right now, he is not playing Genji. That is because this is not a Genji favoured meta. There is no need for him to practise Genji atm.He's better off spending his time on Pharah. Seagull did not say he will never play Genji for DF. If a Genji meta came about, you can bet Seagull would be playing him again. It's just like back in triple tank when all he played was Zarya, barely any Genji if any. Thinking that Seagull will never play Genji for DF is incredibly naive.

I wish people would stop spreading this misinformed rumour that he is done playing Genji for good.

posted about 7 years ago

im gonna go with the latter

posted about 7 years ago

Hoping for a great roster

I'm sorry.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Kyky said he wouldnt recruit dafran on high noon sorry #memepolice

posted about 7 years ago
  1. unkoe practically confirmed to be on Immortals with all the leaks . and Bishcu has been rumoured to be on LA Gladiators. Head coach of Glads is former coach of Kungarna run by Phoeniux1
posted about 7 years ago

Kyb and LAN dodging

posted about 7 years ago

Runaway 4-2 or 4-3

Busan is overhyped. Panthera and Lunatic Hai just choked hard, making them seem better than they actually are. EZ for Runaway

posted about 7 years ago

When will esports learn to stop following each other on twitter before announcements? Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for their complacency, but it's such a dumb thought that we find out these things through twitter.

posted about 7 years ago

God Robin

posted about 7 years ago

NV winning OWL confirmed

posted about 7 years ago

Literally no reason to keep Kariv in this case. Kariv is just a worse Unkoe with the added issue of communication problems. If they keep him he's not gonna see many games.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm ready to explode when Boston reveals their roster and it's a tier 5 roster full of master level players, when teams like Rogue get thrown into the ditch. At least Faze is getting in

posted about 7 years ago

Faze 3-0 envision

posted about 7 years ago

How to create a top tier OWL team: Buy both Rogue & GamersOrigin
How to be an OWL GM: Do literally anything except that

I am starting to understand why people behind the scenes are saying some OWL teams are going to be a mess with high turnover. I'm plat and I just listed a way to create an amazing team. Kraft hit me up pls

posted about 7 years ago

Taimou is one of the best hogs in the world. they dont need a hog player.

posted about 7 years ago

Gods is cringy AF. idc how good gets, hope he never joins NV. much better players with better personalities out there

posted about 7 years ago

LF is gonna get smacked.

posted about 7 years ago

he has gotten foreign offers but he chose to stay with MA. Maybe some of them could have been for OWL. foolish choice on his part maybe but he wants to stay loyal to his team

posted about 7 years ago

It'll more than likely be real money not credits.

posted about 7 years ago

That Mei skin is pretty underwhelming. Wouldn;t make me want to drop money on it. I hope this is just a sample and the other skins are worth buying.

posted about 7 years ago

Why are people still taking this NV Dogman 'leak' seriously? Do you really think Effect would be dumb enough to show one of their OWL signings on stream just to compare hero heights? Really!? On top of the fact that NV has literally no reason to pick up Dogman. He's just not on their level, and plays nothing they need. Besides Dogman has already said he is not on NV.

posted about 7 years ago

Danteh is already on NRG

posted about 7 years ago

NV 4-0. LAN is a different beast to online play. NV has more experience than anyone else. FNRGFE already peaked.

posted about 7 years ago

Faze 4-0. Faze always show up on LAN. Expect Envision to get shit on

posted about 7 years ago

MY beat Runaway last they played. Stop underrating China. It'll bite you in the ass

posted about 7 years ago

?? A bunch of pro players said she was broken before she even went live. Mangachu even went on a rant about how much he told Blizz in the dev discord that she was broke. still went live. She's gonna be around until the next balance patch at least. She will be in pro play.

posted about 7 years ago

We are heading into a Pharmercy meta, people. The Mercy changes are cementing that. Seagull is gonna be starting for NV on a lot of maps.

posted about 7 years ago

Buy both Rogue and GamersOrigin to make a French superteam. There, job done. Your welcome OWL GMs. Now get on it!

posted about 7 years ago

Seoul isnt LH. The team was bought by Seoul from LH. They cant keep players in LH reserves, LH isnt their academy team. Theyd have to buy him out if they wanted him. And since Whoru cant play in OWL for over two years theyre just gonna move on. He may be a great talent right now, but that's useless because he can't play. Who knows if he'll still be good after two years, or what new talent will spring up that might be even greater than him. No point in trying to hold on to him, it doesn't make sense

posted about 7 years ago

pretty sure theyre just gonna cut whoru and move on. hes too young to wait for. best just let him find his own team in APEX. itll be two years at least before he can play OWL

posted about 7 years ago

I heard rumours that Seagull is now on a streaming contract for NRG, not a player contract. In which case there's a chance he no longer has a huge buyout. & Taimou has said on stream that the current NRG has no past members on it. And tbh I don't know if Seagull wants to stay on NRG. He defintely doesn;'t give the vibe that he does.

Seagull might be happy to join NV even if as a sub. He's good friends with Taimou. NV is the best in the west. I 100% think it's a possiblity he goes there. Also why would they get a Rein? Cocco is on the team.

posted about 7 years ago

credit to TISRobin

reddit thread:https://www.reddit.com/r/Competitiveoverwatch/comments/70hbae/former_runaway_player_mirage_has_been_accepted_to/

I'm thinking it's most likely New York since they seem to be going all Korean with LW Blue, and Flower can;t play. It'd be interesting if he went elsewhere

posted about 7 years ago
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