Country: Vatican City State
Registered: August 6, 2016
Last post: January 27, 2018 at 2:12 PM
Posts: 226
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What he said was dumb and I can't stand the way he talks but that was in no way homophobic, he was just ranting randomly.
It's just trash talk, he was probably pretty upset lately about being shit on by the community for his winston and when he doesn't even play he gets called out by muma. Don't get me wrong, it's in blizzards best interest to give him a penalty but I don't believe what he did is as bad as people are making it out to be.

posted about 7 years ago

Anyone have the clip? Can't find it.

posted about 7 years ago

If there are any who are good enough they would be picked up, pretty sure most teams would instantly pick up any female player if she was as good as effect or soon, there just isn't a single one who proved herself as good enough for owl, especially considering some insane players like knoxx and akm didn't get in.

posted about 7 years ago oh boy a new episode

posted about 7 years ago

No English stream?

posted about 7 years ago

"Team UK is not even solid" - Sideshow, 2017

Really enjoyed the show, are these gonna be monthly or whenever you guys are up for it?

posted about 7 years ago

His name perfectly fit the team FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago

Exactly what penda said, just because dazed isn't sure doesn't mean that he is lying, I'm not saying that AZK is confirmed on leaving overwatch but that he at least is thinking heavily about going back to cs considering that he must have talked to both swag and dazed about it, i'm not sure why you are trying to make it seem like they are not reliable sources of information.

posted about 7 years ago

"Me, Dazed and AZK might start scrimming soon"
That's seems like a plan and a conformation that he asked AZK, brax isn't just gonna go "yo AZK, i know i haven't talked to you in like 2 years but can we scrim together now since i told my stream that we will and you got unbanned"

posted about 7 years ago

I mean why are you so convinced they haven't even asked him when they are already making plans? Does 1 tweet from slasher really deny everything they said so far, maybe he changed his mind in the meantime, we currently don't have conformation one way or the other but I'm pretty sure they would have at least asked him if he wanted before talking about the team so much. Also what makes you think that slasher is so close to him if the guys that he spent like 2 years playing with aren't?
I'm not saying that either one is wrong but you seem to be pretty focused on denying what ex-ibp guys are saying.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm actually surprised that AZK wants to go back considering that ibp is still banned from majors and any team he plays in will end up being a farm team for other NA teams, guessing he is burned out of overwatch

posted about 7 years ago

I mean it isn't really dying, there are just no tournaments currently because blizzard told everyone to wait for the owl and are currently doing the world cup. Also there aren't many people that are willing to throw 20mill into an unproven concept of the league so that's why teams are dropping out, if we had as many lan tournaments as cs or other esports i'm sure the numbers would be much better.

also please use this version, it's much better :/ -

posted about 7 years ago

here's a version with proper linework
actually seeing what's left now there's a big chance we aren't gonna get bingo, eunited is probably the best bet for not buying into owl

posted about 7 years ago

Still kinda disappointed in France this group stage, it wasn't a dominant performance I was expecting from rogue.

posted about 7 years ago

As much as I agree that rich is shitting on overwatch way too much he isn't the type of reporter to post stuff without being 100% sure in the sources.

posted about 7 years ago

β€œThe sponsor said that for the money Blizzard were asking they could have bought into the NFL” a source informed us β€œand Blizzard told them that this league will be bigger than the NFL. At that point they pulled out.”


posted about 7 years ago

ur on fire lad, keep it up.

posted about 7 years ago

4-2 Envy Let's go boys.

posted about 7 years ago

literally unwatchable now

posted about 7 years ago

I saw it but i'm not sure what was the point of it, does it have any features that make it better compared to something like workshop csgo maps?

posted about 7 years ago

portal bundle is only 2.23€ now aswell if anyone doesn't own these already -

posted about 7 years ago

Post your recommendations, carts and other sale related stuff here. - rate, anything that i should remove or anything that i should add?
also pubg is not discounted feelsbadman

posted about 7 years ago

Group A: Faze and Selfless. As much as it's gonna hurt selfless that they don't have dafran both CLG and Liquid are in terrible form, if they fail badly i'm taking Liquid to come out in 2nd place.
Group B: LG evil and YGGP. I don't really see toronto or envision making it out of the group sadly, maybe they can pull off a few close games tho.
Group C: Yikes and Immortals. As much as I want to see FNRGFE succeed this is a really hard group and i think yikes and immortals have more team experience.
Group D: C9 and Hollywood hammers. I'll be rooting for Renegades here but if we go by their latest results it doesn't look too good for their chances at getting out and kungarna would have a great chance at getting out if it was any other group

Group A: eUnited and Bazooka puppies. Except for eUnited i don't really know much about any of these but i guess i'll take bazooka puppies because they have the best name in the group.
Group B: Misfits and Lazer kittens. Pretty obvious choices imo, don't think NWA or Cyberathletes can make it, I'll be cheering for my boy mgemike tho.
Group C: NiP and vivi's adventure. NiP is currently in a terrible slump but this group isn't terribly hard, I'll be expecting them to struggle quite a bit against GA but I'll take them to make it in the end.
Group D: Movistar and Cyclowns. Alfa squad doesn't seem too shaby but i think these 2 are the obvious choices.

posted about 7 years ago

[It's not about competitive being pointless or not. He's a public figure, he's making money from his team, tournaments he plays and Twitch viewers]
So because he is a public figure and makes money he should be punished more than other people?

[it is basically saying "f*ck you" to his mates, his team, the team sponsors and Blizzard who's investing money in tournaments he plays.]
I agree that he is saying fuck you to blizzard and the other players in the game but how is it a fuck you to his sponsors, once again he is throwing matchmaking games, not pro games.

[You probably know it, but Riot has been banning pro from tournament for toxic behavior in solo Q. Blizzard reaction is fair and a season ban isn't that harsh.]
Are you seriously taking riot as an example? The company that didn't want to implement sandbox mode due to "toxicity" and do you seriously believe that someones career should be taken away from them due to them talking smack to other players in a game where you can just mute people? I'm getting a bit offtopic but that's what riot has done. Also I agree that he should be banned for a season from matchmaking and the team should be able do demand an apology from him but kicking him out of the team and banning him from playing in any tournaments for 3 months is still way too harsh in my opinion.

posted about 7 years ago

Correct action is removing a guy from his job and not allowing him to work anywhere else for 3 months for trolling in matchmaking games? How do you even justify a punishment like that for ruining games that are completely pointless in the end. Let me put it in a different way would it be ok for a boss to fire a lets say cashier because he was being a cunt to other players and was throwing the ball to his net when he played his last bbal game which is completely unrelated to his job?

posted about 7 years ago

I get blizzard not allowing him to participate in the tournament because of this but kicking him out of the team? really?
By the same logic of "he ruined the mm games for people" shouldn't every pro player that has a smurf account at a low rank be thrown out of their team because ruining games by throwing isn't much different to ruining games by destroying newbies.

posted about 7 years ago

If i understand this correctly he threw his matchmaking games on stream because he felt like it? The way this is being talked about on reddit and blizzard forums makes it seem like he threw a pro match so he could buy more puppies for his puppy torture dungeon, if he wants to throw pointless mm games he should be able do it, he is losing his mmr along the way so it balances itself out.

posted about 7 years ago
At least eunited put up somewhat of a fight against them i guess :/

posted about 7 years ago

They got to top 16 rolling every team and lost to a close game against selfless, was pretty nice watching pro matches with comms. Also seagull stealing all the viewers from TakeTV feelsbadman

posted about 7 years ago

This is gonna be hype af

posted about 7 years ago

PogChamp 6 French PogChamp Must be NA team PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

ez reverse sweep

posted about 7 years ago

~10:00 - 15:30 in the vid, Gods sent TSM the tweet that ajax made and deleted months before he joined tsm that could be considered offensive which got him removed from the team.

posted about 7 years ago

Damn, you beat me to it Admirable Feelsbadman.
Also I didn't know that gods ratted out Ajax, seems like a dick move.

posted about 7 years ago

pyyour is the coach, seagull streamed one of the scrims and it was pretty entertaining -

posted about 7 years ago

This isn't even the same video dude it's an entirely different topic, he removed that video and said that he'll redo it to clarify some stuff.

posted about 7 years ago Episode 10 ft Harsha
r/overwatch gets destroyed in this one

posted about 7 years ago

Happy Birthday Sideshow! :)

posted about 7 years ago

3-1 for NV, let's go boys.

posted about 7 years ago

I think I meme'd up this thread too much, I love RL dude, I was making more of a "the absolute madman" reference.

posted about 7 years ago
Can anyone stop this man?

posted about 7 years ago
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