PogChamp Boys
AKM has said recently on twitter that he is grinding out genji.
Don't forget about the 3d chess of preventing other teams from picking up AKM. Fuel have a lot of money, if Taimou wants to bench himself so they can play AKM and keep him off the roster of another team it is probably worth it. Not like this has to be their only pickup, I'm sure they're also looking into another main tank or offtank to pick up.
People have said a few times that it's super obvious what Dallas are going to do in a match according to the players they pick, so at least with AKM you don't just know he's playing one role like with Seagull. Taimou could also just be stepping down (last two matches he did) to focus on himself and the team for a bit to get back to form and then they have options to do triple DPS or any number of things with Effect on Zarya, Timo on Hog with Mickie still on DVa if that ever for some reason becomes a thing (who fucking knows, maybe triple tank lineups?).
It'll be interesting to see how this goes for sure!
Just as a question, since I'm not questioning at all AKM's skills (I was one of the guys crying for him not being picked in OWL), but wouldn't have been better taking another off-tank?
For example I know that now Harb is on Kungarna but imo would have complemented well Mickie, I know Effect can play a sick Zarya, but his Tracer/McCree are simply top class, they already have Harry for those cases when you absolutely need a soldier and the rest of the heroes that AKM is currently strong on are already covered (to some extent).
Again nothing wrong in picking one of the best (if not THE best) DPS player still free, I'ìm just wondering if it might cause some internal issues.