Country: United Kingdom
Registered: May 11, 2017
Last post: November 9, 2020 at 6:39 PM
Posts: 529
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Thanks! Added that info on

posted about 4 years ago

Oh shit the legendary ROADHOD videos have been made private I can never watch them again sadge

posted about 4 years ago

dammit now Pixel will be insufferable

posted about 4 years ago

People seem to think 'free speech' means 'I can be an asshole with no consequences'. What it really means is you can criticise without fear of undue repercussion. For example, saying you disagree with a political decision without worrying you'll be thrown in jail. Free speech is not calling women whores because you don't like them.

posted about 4 years ago

They broke the curse PogChamp

posted about 4 years ago

Not possible, Reign either win 3-0, or they lose, it is their way.

posted about 4 years ago already exists

posted about 4 years ago

Apparently you can if neither team wants to win

posted about 5 years ago

He was on their stream team (for mostly visa purposes tbh), and technically a backup for the academy team iirc?

posted about 5 years ago

I think. your last sentence is exactly what Boston are doing. Not wanting to spend money, finding a diamond in the rough, hoping for some success with them, so. they can then sell them for more at the end of the season.

posted about 5 years ago

KyKy was the problem :)

posted about 5 years ago

All good EU players go to NA to have a better chance of OWL, whereas KR and NA players can stay in their regions. Smaller regions like PAC and AUS get ignored by everyone, and there's more logistical issues with going to Korea or NA, so the talented players stay in their regions and hope they eventually get scouted

posted about 5 years ago

I guess it feels weird this year, but they're planning for the future, where in 5 years time it'll make more sense

posted about 5 years ago

It's rookie in terms of first-time OWL players.

posted about 5 years ago

Space seems to have been forgotten completely FeelsBadMan

posted about 5 years ago

Clearly they pay players by the map, so they have to play as many as possible

posted about 5 years ago

I'd just blame Scrub for bad titles

posted about 5 years ago

At least get it right, it's dallas fuLuL

posted about 5 years ago

Hmmm, almost like Jayne did this nearly a year ago

posted about 5 years ago

There's no good reason for getting boosted. If you don't have the time to play, why care about your rank?

posted about 5 years ago

Oof, Titans even tried to give them map 4, subbing out Twilight and putting Seominsoo on sombra

posted about 5 years ago

Yes, the Overwatch League are providing oversight to stop that from happening.

posted about 5 years ago

Eh, if they can sell the team with a competent GM that might help

posted about 5 years ago

I think I have like $13.58 lying around somewhere, you think that'll be enough?

posted about 5 years ago

Honestly, I'd be surprised to see trill start unless for some reason OGE physically couldn't play, or there is a dramatic shift in meta

posted about 5 years ago

Good to see the writers made it to Korea as well

posted about 5 years ago

replays I believe, at least I think I saw in a tweet somewhere that they'll have replays for this stage, when they haven't yet hit live servers

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Did you watch the Valiant games? Fate looked so out of sync with the rest of the team, so something wasn't working between him and everyone else. And tbh if I had to build a team around either Fate or Space, I'd choose Space any day

posted about 5 years ago

I'm impressed that they're going to win 4-0 in a best of 5 really

posted about 5 years ago

They're scared of the power of the bumper Widow, clearly

posted about 5 years ago

I also wonder if it's easier to get visas for someone over 18

posted about 5 years ago

To be slightly fair to Charge, the only real bad loss in there is Paris. Losing 0-4 to Gladiators, Titans and Shock (twice) is a really unlucky schedule

posted about 5 years ago

Washington already won a match last stage

posted about 5 years ago

6 Flag Meta just too strong

posted about 5 years ago

Ahh okay, I got jebaited by the Finnish flag, I thought he was just living in america temporarily, didn't realise he also had citizenship

posted about 5 years ago

Paris cashing in on being able to run the full mixed flag meta

posted about 5 years ago

Ahhh, the classic strategy of pissing off what few fans they had left in the hope that just signing Koreans will fix all their problems in one go

posted about 5 years ago

Another victim of only being allowed 2 imported players on a roster I guess

posted about 5 years ago

But then they become limited edition super quickly

posted about 5 years ago

Maybe he retired :candle:

posted about 5 years ago

You don't get the ads with the season pass, you just get a blank screen with a timer for a minute and a half. I wouldn't mind the breaks as much if it was actually filled with some kind of content for those who've paid for the pass, like highlights from the last round, player cams, anything really. But having to stare at a blank screen every 5 to 10 minutes is getting annoying already

posted about 6 years ago

Okay, at this point I'm pretty sure you're trolling now, but on the very very slight chance you're not, I recommend looking up how noise cancelling headphones work, they're not like the headset you have at home to play games with

posted about 6 years ago

All the players are wearing high-end noise cancelling headphones. You might occasionally hear some of the loudest crowd noise, but you definitely can't hear individual caster comments mid-match

posted about 6 years ago

You're aware that the players can't hear the commentators, right? When they call out team positioning and swaps and stuff like that, it's for our benefit alone. The players don't know any of that

posted about 6 years ago

But it'll be a close 3-2

posted about 6 years ago

Is this a meme I'm just not familiar with? It has to be right?

posted about 6 years ago
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