Country: Portugal
Registered: April 8, 2017
Last post: May 5, 2018 at 2:27 PM
Posts: 124
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china numba wan

posted about 6 years ago

pritty cool to play with the homies but for the rest i dunno

posted about 6 years ago

they should atleast put a english cast for the finals of this.

posted about 6 years ago

wasn't kariv one of the most talented uprising dps/hitscan player in korea before he joined LAV?

posted about 7 years ago

mission kill OW outside NA is still going i see.

posted about 7 years ago

Quartermain mayb to San Fran u forgot, that was also rumoured from the korean side.

posted about 7 years ago

i would just get rid of misfits as a whole and pickup a runaway / meta athena mix

posted about 7 years ago

freemason family that plans to take over the world with the lizard people
first step make ppl stupid and weak with video game addiction and then strike

posted about 7 years ago

this looks spicy really looking forward for the meta shift.
i can see them forming 2 different teams one with dive and one with 3-4 tank with soldier
we need like a gossip thread for all this leaks

posted about 7 years ago

looks like money finally took over the game and blizzards mission to kill overwatch outside NA is in full swing

posted about 7 years ago

so frustrating to see players like kellex or chips forced to play mercy :(

posted about 7 years ago

haha STRIKER is just so fkin goooooooood

posted about 7 years ago

preetty sure they are stacking up already for the new meta once mercy is dumpstered.
effects zarya is still nutty if we should get back to tripple tank soldier at one point.

posted about 7 years ago

Those shit you’re talking about, are you sober? or is it just after you make love to your boyfriend?

posted about 7 years ago

I don't think taimou wants to play in the current state has in, he seems like a mental wreck that is struggling big time almost like bipolar.
i hope he gets that shit in control before its to late

posted about 7 years ago

i wanted to write BS but my phone wanted to write bias sorry pls no bully

posted about 7 years ago

Hha such a bias, fined for trying to create some friendly banter to the twitch community

posted about 7 years ago

i think losing 1 map vs western teams is in the contract of the koreans.

posted about 7 years ago

Those shit you’re talking about, are you sober? or is it just after you make love to your boyfriend?

posted about 7 years ago

thank god we need more hltv memers here.
ow community way to serious and rarely speaks sarcasm

posted about 7 years ago

i swear they use him to create drama only
this guy probably got a script of 200 pages to create drama for OWL promo

posted about 7 years ago

easy for boston we sleepin on them big time.
wait once the mercy meta is gone and kellex on lucio again.

posted about 7 years ago

"project kill OW " is in full run by blizzard, lets see how this continues in non NA countries.

posted about 7 years ago

blizzard killing the game outside in NA :D

posted about 7 years ago

like I said already before just like in csgo he doesn't change his style .
overhyping unnecessary things and lack of game knowledge from his side.
he was lucky he had ppl like fifflaren or anders beside him so they made up for his lack of knowledge

posted about 7 years ago

well u all look from the hero perspective but u also need to look from the mental and team chemestry perspective and they dont have it yet with xQc D:

posted about 7 years ago

less xQc more Cocco and more mickie for the motivational speeches.

posted about 7 years ago

this guy seems like hes hella depressed with alot of mood swings and some mental problems.
this is not gonna get him far in the sports world. get him a motivational mental coach and he will become god.

posted about 7 years ago

not really cba watching the same maps 3-4 times a day :(
not even worth staying up for me anymore.
just gonna watch the vod highlights and mayb let my pc run while sleeping once the coin reward is live.

posted about 7 years ago

looks like korean overlords taking over ow just like they did with sc2,lol and many other games

posted about 7 years ago

sup with the triggered feminazis here

posted about 7 years ago

Literally every team with more Koreans than the other team won all their games so far.
if you judge by these stats the bottom of the league will be Huston, SF, dragons, mayhem
Koreans really this stronk or the non korean teams wronk??

posted about 7 years ago

london has 3 of the best genji,tracer players in the world im pretty sure they know how to counter dive from the get go

posted about 7 years ago

u can kinda realise that semmler has mayb 10 - 50 hours in overwatch.
calling the payload a truck and calling ult charge energy :D
but he sure knows how to hype the crowd

posted about 7 years ago

feelsbadman had 3 accs running while sleepin, just for coins :(

posted about 7 years ago

how many of this 400k were actually just there cuz they thought they would get coins? :D
just see csgo goes from 200-600k viewers on avarage big tournaments to 1 - 2 mil during the valve sponsored major when u can get a reward.
announce something for free an humans will storm that freaking gate within a second

posted about 7 years ago

did anyone actually get coins from watching live?

is it worth to let my pc , laptop , phone run while being a sleep on 3 different acc's or thes sheet ip based??

posted about 7 years ago

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posted about 7 years ago

pretty sure kephri gonna show his 8 incher to the 2 girls and then they are totally motivated and will transform into top500 players and run over the competition

posted about 7 years ago

yet they want to hire a caster that used to do porn for 2 years
something not quite right.

posted about 7 years ago

semmler haha

posted about 7 years ago

now they also hired a former pornstar and the most hated caster in csgo haha
blizzard please stop this nepotism already!

posted about 7 years ago

2 LA teams facing off against eachother in LA during a showmatch
something tells me the spitfire lost this game on purpose :D

posted about 7 years ago

same maps all day everyday FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago

lets not judge to early this is pre season and doesnt actually matter for shit :D

posted about 7 years ago

london spitfire is basically either old kdp or gc busan

posted about 7 years ago

i h8 dat biatch dud so boring to watch a mercy compared to a zen,ana,moira

posted about 7 years ago

despite the fact they didnt scrim or prac anything before prerseason shows me that shanghai dragons might slaughter some teams in the early/mid stages

posted about 7 years ago

11 pm start, might actually be able to watch 2 maps :D

posted about 7 years ago

even if the london roster merge wont work u can still run back to the gc busan or kdp starting lineups

posted about 7 years ago
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