Country: Hong Kong
Registered: April 8, 2016
Last post: July 25, 2020 at 3:44 PM
Posts: 297
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Great in-depth article Snivy, it's kinda nice seeing that the players are doing alright but sad that they're missing a lot of stuff :(

I hope they'll all be able to go home soon!

posted about 4 years ago

Runner, haksal, bumber, stitch, and runner.

Runner two times Pog

posted about 4 years ago

Kellex Corn Flogs 🕯️

posted about 4 years ago

"someone" (Tank)

Now I can't help but laughing at imagining Gen.G going "uh yeah we needed a tank... so we picked someone... like literally anyone......... let's go 2020"

posted about 5 years ago

More coaches than players

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Overwatch World Cup 2016, MLG Vegas 2016, the BEAT Invitationals, CyberPowerPC 2017 Extreme Gaming Series Invitational and the iBUYPOWER Invitational 2016, probably among others. He is working in CS too.

Also Uberchain, a wonderful woman from the TF2 community as well, spoke up about her own experiences and traumas caused by Dashner:

The lessons we have to learn from this is: stop covering actual monsters, and get this man out of eSports.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Shock know how to exploit spark, this is just dead trap for spark, no team can beat shock rn. Shock will be champions owl season 2. They solid and strong. I feel lose from reign actually boost player morale. Now they full of spirit and hungry for win than ever.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Effect, Taimou, Logix, Pine are some examples, and there are also the cases of injuries due to the rhythm being really intense, like Bischu and Birdring, not to mention the fact that the entire old Shanghai Dragons team worked 12 hours per day

But sure, there is totally and definitely no problem with the league rhythm 🙃

As for increasing the player cap, more players means more people to pay, and also more benchwarmers. 100% never happening. The amount of players in a team could be fine if they just split the hero pools correctly instead of having 3 people working on their Zarya (I'm looking at you, Houston. Seriously, I love you, but this is such a mystery to me.)

(oh, and don't make me say what I didn't: hero flexibility is important but should be correctly well thought.)

posted about 5 years ago

APEX finals teams intro. GOD DAMMIT those were hype af.

posted about 5 years ago

one of their supports is a literal bot :^)

posted about 6 years ago

Just wondering, is someone from the Reign staff able to speak Korean? Or are the Korean players fluent enough in english?

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Why isn't Fury in that team smh

posted about 6 years ago

This roster is super stacked holy


posted about 6 years ago

This has been reported to the competent authorities, thanks for your input!

posted about 6 years ago

can an org pick graceful

posted about 6 years ago

I believe Féfé is gonna handle that role as Player Development Coach, not sure though

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

... oh damn. So I guess that's not one more flag, just a different one after all. Joe, if you read this, I'm genuinely sorry.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

This might be the last tournament we see RunAway under this form...


posted about 6 years ago

Valiant is specialising in getting Dynasty's players it seems

posted about 6 years ago


Love that guy, I was afraid I wouldn't see him again or not that soon, glad to see he's found a home!!

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Name your favourite (feel free to say why too):
OWL team - Philadelphia Fusion
Current non-OWL team(s) - RunAway
Pre-OWL team(s) - Is RunAway allowed? Otherwise FaZe
Player (only one allowed) - Carpe
Other players - ShaDowBurn, Haksal, Stitch, Bumper, Geguri, LiNkzr, Mickie, Poko
Streamer(s) - Kabaji, Emongg (I barely watch any OW stream)
Caster combo - UberX
Analyst duo - Bren and Sideshow
Main desk presenter - Puckett
Match - Contenders KR season 2 finals, RunAway vs KongDoo Panthera
Tournament - OWL
In-game moment - Carpe sticking the pulse bomb to ArK in the air on Anubis in stage 1
Clutch moment - Carpe vs Boston Uprising on Lijiang in stage 4
OWL entrance - Snillo

About your personal Overwatch career:
SR now - Unranked, I don't play this game anymore
SR peak - 3114
SR goal for this season - I don't even know if I'll play but if I do I'd like to go to masters
Main class - DPS
Main hero - Genji
Other heroes you regularly play - Widowmaker, Tracer, Pharah
Favourite hero - Genji
Hero you hate - Sombra
Favourite map - Route 66 or Hollywood
Map you hate - Blizzard World
Favourite game mode - i don't know anymore man
Least favourite game mode - Elimination
Best play - one of my Widow 5Ks or Genji 5Ks or Junkrat airshots (the only enjoyable thing to pull of with this garbage hero)
Best achievement - Becoming good at Tracer in a few hours only since I was garbage with her at first
Reason why you play Overwatch - I don't
What got you into Overwatch in the first place - the TF2 migration, I tried OW in the beta and I liked it

About other video games:
Games you are playing at the moment - Smash Bros 4
Other esports you watch - Smash 4, TF2
First game you ever played - FIFA 2001
Favourite game as a kid - Pokémon Leaf Green
Favourite game of all time - Bravely Default
Biggest achievement in a video game - Reaching playoffs finals twice in TF2, only to end up second, also reaching playoffs finals at my first Smash 4 tournament only to end up second again. can i win something please

About you personally (no pressure to answer any of this if you don't want to):
Age - 21
Location - France
Describe yourself in 3 words - Music, games, computerscience
Favourite music artist - Danger
Favourite music genre - Electro/Ambient
Sports you play - I used to climb but I don't anymore
Sports you watch - Football World Cup when it's on, otherwise none
Hobbies - playing games, listening to and making music, photography, being lazy
Weird fact about you - i can crack almost every articulation of my body except my shoulders and my hips
Shameless social media plugs - no because i do have shame unlike you all

posted about 6 years ago

"SDB vs Kang"

ShaDowBurn gonna 1v6 these aussies lesgo :^)

posted about 6 years ago

We actually have improvised watch parties on Discord, in #tournament-talk. Whenever a match happens, don't hesitate to start the discussion here, people will follow. It's the same with voice chat, offer to go in VC while watching a game and often people will follow the initiative.

As for coaching pages, I agree 100%, we should have that. Also have them listed in the team pages. #GiveChefHeidiAPage

posted about 6 years ago

Runner was here!! He hugged everyone after the match on stage!

posted about 6 years ago


Fantastic article Scrub, as always!

posted about 6 years ago

For team Korea it didn't have huge implications, for RunAway though it was a way to prove their worth against some of the best OWL players. I think RunAway did a great job.

posted about 6 years ago

They're all in Korea yes.

posted about 6 years ago

Shame "Rawkus" Flaherty

posted about 6 years ago


Glad to get some positive streamers in OW on Twitch though!

posted about 6 years ago

Thing is, Outlaws get their colors from OpTic Gaming, so unlikely to change imo. Plus this color scheme gained them so many fans already.

posted about 6 years ago



posted about 6 years ago

As of recently, Overwatch is a game where in order for someone to have fun, it requires their enemy to not have fun. You're having fun with your cool Brigitte combos? Great, but the enemy is having a shitty time being permastunned and knocked back to spawn. You're having fun with the invisibility, teleportation and hack from Sombra? Fantastic, but the enemy probably doesn't want to play hide and seek while their abilities are unavailable. You're having fun with Hammond just rolling around a pole with 2000 HP, or with the new Symmetra wall with 5000 HP, or 1v1ing a DPS as Moira? Awesome, but you know, the enemy doesn't have fun having to cut through all that HP and lifesteal.

This is why I left Overwatch, tbh. It's not that I hate the game itself or that I'm fed up with it, it's because every. single. change Blizzard makes contributes to ruining the fun of those who have to confront those changes.

That, and also the fact that Blizzard hates when people find cool stuff with their engine and remove it instead of making it a feature just like almost every other FPS (:

posted about 6 years ago

There are as many coaches and managers as there are players monkaS

posted about 6 years ago

I will only speak of Fusion because they're my favorite team.

Neither HOTBA nor Poko will leave. They both have their specialties, they both perform well, and they're both loved by the fans. I see no reason to make them leave.

Joemeister will likely move to a background spot: coach, analyst, or something. Dayfly will probably stay, or be traded.

Fragi might be transferred, but if he does, it's certainly going to be to an OWL team, I doubt he falls back to Contenders. He certainly is OWL level. Even then, I think he's still an asset to the team, and I'm sure they can fit him in some strategies where Sado wouldn't particularly fit.

Snillo being transferred doesn't sound like a surrealist idea, but I think they can make great use of his Soldier if needed. He's also a pretty good McCree, so if the meta shifts to double hitscan again (which, given the hitscan buff, might happen), they can run Carpesnillo again. Their duo is super deadly, so it would be a shame to break it. Overall I think they'll keep Snillo.

ShaDowBurn... As much as I love him and dislike EQO, his very particular playstyle doesn't really blend in with the rest of the team. It's a really tough situation. He might be transferred, but I would hate it. I hope they can make him fit somehow.

The rest will stay, 100%.

As for recruiting FU players, I doubt they'll do that a lot. They'll probably just use FU as a talent greenhouse and help players grow until they sell them, and only recruit them if they need someone in that role (ie. Alarm, but when they have Boombox, he might just be a benchwarmer).

To put it in a nutshell, my fangirl heart think and hope they'll stay together for a lot longer, because they look like a really united family and have shown how far they can go by sticking together when the world was against them.



decide if Linkrz will be hitscan or projectile

LiNkzr is too good of a Genji and Widow to stop him from being that. He's the central point of the Outlaws besides their tank line and Rawkus, and as Gigantti said, "just let LiNkzr do his things, and it works".

Also I doubt Seoul will get rid of Gambler.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Mangachu back on D.Va???

For real though, I'd love to see TiZi play again, along with WooHyal.

posted about 6 years ago
R   R
P     P
E       E
posted about 6 years ago

Yui like... Jasmine Tea Yui from TF2??? POGGERS if that's the case

posted about 6 years ago

That guy chose a name very dear to me as a nickname and plays the same role than me and I honestly don't know if I should hate him or root for him and his team until death lol

posted about 6 years ago
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