Country: United States
Registered: November 8, 2017
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 11:15 AM
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Widow is in theory

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

How do you reckon it’s gonna work then? Blizzard still needs to make overwatch esports work so having a world championship and major tournaments is where it should be

posted about a year ago

Ngl saw this coming, but hopefully they do a csgo/league of legends style model going forward

posted about a year ago
Apparently the company that owns them is in a free fall rn so they’re gonna release everyone on the team meaning players like Leave are free agents
Welcome to the chengdu zone 2.0 now

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

I don’t think it changes the result but something should be said that reign had to grind out 2 matches on Friday while Shanghai got the day off. I don’t get why u wouldn’t have the grand final like next weekend to build hype up and let both teams prepare

posted about 3 years ago

Everyone is gonna transition tho I don’t think people have really grasped yet how much the game is going to change. This isn’t just going to be a large update where it’s just the ui being updated and a few heroes and maps being added to pvp. Shits gonna change a lot. Every hero is gonna see a change and I’d say at least a dozen are gonna be reworked. Everyone is going to have to change their play style or the way they play their heroes because the game is going to change rapidly. I don’t think it’s bad people reacting is bad at all I’m saying treating it like every off tank is fucked is wrong right now. Either they are going to be able to transition of the game/heroes will allow off tanks heroes and players to be main tanks now

posted about 3 years ago

Again tho if the change was right now yea off tanks in the game we have now off tanks would be screwed. But off tank heroes even now can have main tank quality’s, like the justices Cinderella run was using gigahog. I think off tanks are going to be buffed enough to be main tank capable and it’ll evolve the tank position so u can’t just specialize heroes

posted about 3 years ago

I think people are kinda over reacting to this. It doesn’t fuck over off tank players. Most off tank heroes are all gonna get buffed to make them capable main tanks and overwatch 2 should be out a few months before it’s used for competitive play so players can adjust, so off tank players aren’t just being left to dry. I think its a little lazy from blizzard that they made this Change becuse they don’t know how to balance tanks right but I think it will help the game as a whole be more enjoyable. I think most of the fright from the community is more just because it’s a huge change and something we have no experience with, not because it actually hurts the game

posted about 3 years ago

Not rip. Fuck the valiant

posted about 3 years ago

They usually save the best for last. And this matchup is arguably the two top teams in NA

posted about 3 years ago

Fuck the valiant

posted about 4 years ago

Get hyped for

posted about 4 years ago
Includes staff as well. Packing10 is returning too. Fuck the valiant
Edit: one of the things I do ask is Ik a lot of fans like me and especially valiant fans are going to be very Angry about this. Even as a shock fan ( been one since the nrg days so getting that there before someone calls me a bandwagon). I just ask no one crosses the line with anything they say whether that’s on here or Twitter or anything else. I’ve been a part of this community for near 5 years and I’ve seen us do some great things so plz don’t let this cloud that. People have 100% a rigjt to be furious at this and I do agree that another western team making this move is wrong for the league. I just ask that no one makes any xenophobic remarks whether that’s directed at the team and especially at the players they sign after this

posted about 4 years ago

I can’t get the right link on my phone but the games are on AVRL twitch channel in the past broadcasts
Edit: day 1 games
Day 2 games :

posted about 4 years ago

Does anyone know where the vods are for these?

posted about 4 years ago

I was listening to the new plat chat episode today and they went in on this for about a half hour. I would recommend watching it and it was nice they had custa be in the episode becuse of his ties to the org. Some of the stuff they said was that most likely part of what halo is saying it’s true but he likely don’t have the full story yet. They said judging by immortals response on Twitter that immortals isn’t outright selling the team but due to their lack of a response on the players being dropped and some of the recent tweets by players that this is likely true about the team being released. They went on to say immortals gaming has kind of shifted the past couple years since noah Winston stepped down as ceo that they are no longer like trying to be the top dog like they were in Winston. Back when he was ceo they would spend big money to be successful in games like overwatch, csgo, and LOL. They said now immortals as a company is basically making more money from non esport investments in gaming then in their esports teams competing and that basically they were trying to reduce the amount their spending in their owl and lcs team and that’s why they are being very cheap with them. They also said that most likely immortals isn’t selling the valiant outright but they their are going to sell a partial or possibly a majority share of the team to this Chinese buyer and immortals would basically help and assist them similar to luminosity with Vancouver or c9 with the spitfire. So overall from what I’ve seen and know that most of what’s been rumored is going to be true the only thing that looks like it’s not is immortals pretty much selling the whole valiant franchise

posted about 4 years ago

Because ur not only eliminating a fan favorite team, but an org that has focused on recruiting good talent from western contenders that most teams don’t try to so ur eliminating a big portal team for contenders talent. Plus the point of going Chinese and pretty much sacrificing your fan base because I don’t think most of the valiant fan base is going to stay if this goes through is to gain popularity in China but there’s already 4 teams there there really isn’t space for another team in that region. And last Chinese talent in the league has never really been good. All Chinese teams have for the most part struggled massively in the league and the only kind of exemption was 2019 hunters who barely made the play ins. The best Chinese players tend to play along Korean teams (guxue is probably the best in the league). You have these really hyped players like leave come in thought of to be the first Chinese superstar and he is just average. Chinese contenders is just a very bi polar region and there isn’t enough high level Chinese talent available in the league rn for the team to be built well and have success

posted about 4 years ago

Im gonna start this by saying rn this is only a rumor and nothing so far is confirmed. It was reported this week by haloofthoughts that immortals gaming was looking to sell the valiant and that a Chinese group was in the process of buying the team. He says that the Chinese group would release the whole team and start over with a Chinese team and that’s why they are going to play in the apac division for this season. The la valiant Twitter page actually responded to halos tweet saying that this rumor is completely false and that immortals gaming is committed to the valiant. It seemed like the rumor was over but halo responded saying he’s doubling down on it and yesterday the valiants new off tank Adam tweeted just “sadness”. I really don’t know whether any of the rumor is true but if it is and does go through it’s going to be bad for the la valiant and the league as a whole.

posted about 4 years ago

I don’t think you can deny that the tier 2 scene is worse then it was 2-3 years ago. Owl no doubt resurrected the competitive scene in 2018 it had a lot of uncertainty before. But the tier 2 scene has been completely neglected by blizzard. The only region blizzard seems to care about for tier 2 is korea. When the owl era of contenders began most owl teams had academy teams playing but the scene quickly became unviable for orgs and now London and Boston are the only western teams with academies. The other thing is that viewership seems to be going down every season. I think their chasing money too much with the YouTube deal. Last thing is that I feel the scene is too much owl or bust. One of the key things I think the scene misses is players that make it to owl and either don’t live up to expectations or don’t really get the chance and it’s just boom their careers are over. It’s a ladder that really only goes one way. I tske logix as my big example. Didn’t do great season one on the mayhem went back down to contender, got a second chance in owl and has been great for Toronto. There’s no rebound for players and it’s unhealthy for longevity

posted about 4 years ago

Yes. Too many great or popular players are retiring or leaving to other games and blizzard has neglected the tier 2 scene for so long that it’s on the brink. Overwatch 2 is needed badly rn

posted about 4 years ago

For some reason the defiant made separate tweets for all the players and I’m too lazy to post them all so just check the Twitter to see all of them

posted about 4 years ago

How do u get rid of linkzr but keep harsha. Ik he’s gonna read this so I’m sorry but it just doesn’t make sense

posted about 4 years ago

Fuck retirement

posted about 4 years ago

I don’t know if I agree with this. They found a gem in glister to build the team around. They had a bunch of unknowns to start this season idk what they thought was going to happen.

posted about 4 years ago

Logix has some explosive moments and has scary aim/tracking. Surefour is passed his prime but he has a really good hero pool and still is a solid player. Nevix is more consistent but doesn’t give u any more. Beast and numlocked aren’t the greatest main tanks but probably are what’s left of western main tanks. I still really like Kariv and kruise at support but zykk I tbink needs to go. They have a lot of good veterans though and if they just upgrade their coaching staff they should be good

posted about 4 years ago

A professional organization like the Justice shouldnt have that sort of problem for 2 seasons straight. Season 2 I would understand but to repeat the problem in season 3 isn’t good

posted about 4 years ago

I don’t know. I just don’t get how u had visa issues in back to back seasons but was here for the World Cup

posted about 4 years ago

Definitely a bold pick from the shock but they might feel more confident going up against them. As long as decay doesn’t take over shock should be good.

posted about 4 years ago

Hopefully he can use it as motivation cuz it’s a feeling I’m sure we all know.

posted about 4 years ago

Unlucky for Toronto. They’ve had a really up and down season but overall they have a lot of room for improvement going into next year. I think if they just get a new permanent head coach and a couple solid moves they can be a good middle of the pack team

posted about 4 years ago

I feel like that was the destiny with this team

posted about 4 years ago

I think get a whole new coaching staff, get rid of blase, muma, and hydration, get a good main tank, and add depth at the other spots. Like for example look at the mayhem going into this year. They kept the core of their season 2 team that finished last, brought in yuki, byrem, and ganamjin and a great coaching staff. Now they’re one of the best teams in the league. I think outlaws have the potential it’s just never been a complete team and poor coaching

posted about 4 years ago

I just don’t think harsha is a good enough coach and they need to maim tank. Otber then that I think their pretty good. Danteh and linkzr both had solid seasons, meko is really consistent, and rapel and jecse are a good support line. But muma and hydration are outdated to me

posted about 4 years ago

First time they’ve been swept in at least 2 seasons too

posted about 4 years ago

Good signing I think but kinda annoys me that the capital of the US is basically fully Korean now

posted about 4 years ago

See I don’t think xzi should be on the list because he hasn’t even played half the season. Mvp should be best player over the course of the whole season. And you can’t say he’s the most Valuable player on that Paris team because by that logic that would mean someone like Corey should have won mvp last year cuz he carried the justice in stage 4

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

Yes agreed. I’m like really good witj politics and I can say confidently he’s going to lose

posted about 4 years ago
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