Country: Ireland
Registered: September 28, 2017
Last post: February 15, 2019 at 7:56 PM
Posts: 83
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muma 900 iq play on dva

posted about 6 years ago

want to see boston get a perfect stage

posted about 6 years ago

i cant even force myself to watch games 3 4 after watching Dallas triple tank ultimate battery attack. what makes it worse is they had a real chance to win those maps.

posted about 6 years ago

while xQc was suspended or after he was let go they never played cocco and during that time they made Tiamou play main tank, then mickie and switch Seagull to D.Va, thats a massive disruption to the other players and their specific rolls they should be practicing for and even more so as a team. they should of been playing cocco on main tank even if they didn't have confidence in him, just so every other player can practice and build stratagy, what would Tiamou's widow be like now if he didn't have to play winston for the last couple months or seagulls genji if he wasn't practicng d.va in scrims.

posted about 6 years ago

it triggers me that cocco was benched for half the season while Dallas were going through main tank issues, then they buy a new tank and bench him and play cocco...

Dallas defence on Blizzard world look like bots

posted about 6 years ago

To throw away a spot on an OWL team is crazy, things must be really bad at Dallas.

posted about 6 years ago

They should let xQc and Dafran cast this

posted about 6 years ago

Dallas 3 -1 if mickie peels, valiant sleep on Effect and Rascal plays on Volskaya

posted about 6 years ago

Yes! unreal win after all the shit that happened to them during the week. Gamsu is a beast but the whole team stepped up. Especially on Junkertown to even it out again, Gamsu, Note, Kellex stood out for me. You can never count out Boston the managment and couching staff have proved they know how to be competitive.

posted about 6 years ago

roolf is a beast suprised he hasnt been picked up and adam too

posted about 6 years ago

jesus wtf.

posted about 6 years ago

Jake not standing to shake hands is perfectly natural, especally after nearly full holding on junkertown then witnessing Dream getting a double graple kill, one of those on a valk mercy, then getting combo'd by his very own signature hero on striker and 30 seconds later it's 4 - 0, it was clearly too much to process and he lost all function in his legs.

posted about 6 years ago

Boston team engage and disengage so good to watch, big win and greatstart to the stage

posted about 6 years ago

suprised shd even got a map judging by they're basicaly a new team to me thatshows dallas still have a uphill battle to make it out of bottom three.

wonder how well unkoe will hold it together when the losses start coming in?

posted about 6 years ago

Seoul throwing matches at the start of the stage instead of the end

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

2 torb and a sym main in a three stack hahaha. i would of stuck it out and made the best of it. i mean lets face it ranked is basically quick match but with fancy music at the start of each match.

posted about 7 years ago

How does OGE get a 4 game ban and the chinese guy get a 30 game ban for the for breaking the same rule?

Blizzard rule book...


posted about 7 years ago

Wonder how much that cost fuel considering he's gone from the winning team of stage 1 to the 3rd last. if he is duoing with effect that should help comms and synergy a bit.

posted about 7 years ago

Bren did call the reverse sweep at half time

posted about 7 years ago

because they drew hlc does that mean pine win streak is reset again...

posted about 7 years ago

bostons dive and counter dive is too much for philly.

posted about 7 years ago

MG very questionable zarya ults

posted about 7 years ago

Hoping Val take this keeping the dream alive for Boston

posted about 7 years ago

Dallas are all over the place. Tiamou missing shots, Harry front line zen, Seagull setting himself up to be crossfired by half of Shanghai.

Shanghai could of full held if they didn't over extend on 1st point and use dva bomb in the right side room, was well played by seagull to taken advantage of that and steam roll

posted about 7 years ago

ah ok i see i got the playoff thing completly wrong

posted about 7 years ago

Boston are 6th place now if they beat Philly next week theyre into playoffs

posted about 7 years ago

This is a big one for Boston, They have 3 games left in stage 1 Val, Philly and Houston, they have to win vs Philly and beat either Valiant or Houston to get 6th place.

posted about 7 years ago

The meta in stage 2 could be quad tank, Can't say i'm going to enjoy that any more.

posted about 7 years ago

Seoul haven't been playing their best the last few games so would be interesting to see how Linkzer would do vs Fleta in the Widow duels

posted about 7 years ago

"There is a spirit, freedom and creativity to the game that we are eager to protect"

What about the competitiveness....In the competitive lobby.

How does a person who can only play symmetra reach the 1% of ow players in NA, that's millions of players? This person is playing in lobbys with OWL pro players! The pinnicale of competitive Overwatch!

Either they should be picked up by an OWL team or the competitive ladder is broken.

posted about 7 years ago

Both teams played ok but Dallas had poorer shot calling and target calling, Anubis was the standout map for that. Both dps duos had their moments for me Tiamou looked really good , he was all over carpe . Just when it counted Philly came out on top.

posted about 7 years ago

I think they put more practice into their entrance game.

posted about 7 years ago

What about Seagull was he not meant to be there flex projectile player?

posted about 7 years ago

Bostons best comp is Dive and Dallas best comp is counter Dive, I could see Boston winning this by a hair.

posted about 7 years ago

Well done Fuel to getting a win but Shock looked brutal. There is no way they should of lost that Eichenwalde.

posted about 7 years ago

Seagull said in a stream that they can't play dive because their synergy shotcalling and comms aren't up to par yet so that's why you see them running the siege comp, junk, orisa, hog mccree.

posted about 7 years ago

Yes! Holy! My heart! Too much!

posted about 7 years ago

Seeing fleta absolutley destroy Pine and finding a level above god tier during pre season I'd expect Seoul to win.

posted about 7 years ago

Unreal! WP philly.

Could NY not sub on Pine for the game five?

posted about 7 years ago

Let's go Boston!

posted about 7 years ago

great game, back and forth, if LAV held point b on HLC would of been different outcome

posted about 7 years ago

London choked point b Val could win this map if they produce the same level of defence vs NYXL

posted about 7 years ago

Wild Zenyatta roaming the streets of Numbani....

posted about 7 years ago

XL anti dive too disiplined to allow Val to create any space for a decent dive.

posted about 7 years ago

LAV looked great shuting down any play on second point defence to a pretty weak attack on 1st, don't know why LAV didn't switch it up to Rein and Zarya, there tanks looked like they were getting shredded by hog and orisa

posted about 7 years ago

I would like to see LA V 3-2 0r 2-1 win, judging by how these teams have been playing it looks a close game

posted about 7 years ago

JJonak 63 elims and 22 deaths as zen...wtf

posted about 7 years ago
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