Country: Bangladesh
Registered: April 16, 2017
Last post: July 31, 2021 at 9:23 AM
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games dead

posted about 3 years ago

literally 1st line contradicts you
and pixel i haven't said anything about being disappointed or anything that would imply it

posted about 6 years ago

how happy YOU are with owl is not a measurement of success
just saying

posted about 6 years ago

and it turned out great for them playing bunny, not even a tic
they stopped playing bunny for a reason, soon is just better

posted about 6 years ago

i dont recall any problems with visa in european union in any esport its always usa

posted about 6 years ago

outside of this conversation and dreamkazpers situation
americans pls learn about your law, age of consent in most states is 16 years and in many european countries its 14
18 has nothing to do with sex (other than watching porn which is pretty dumb when you can legaly have sex but not watch it on the internet but thats totally offtopic)

posted about 6 years ago

no, players have no influence on where/when/to whom they are traded, which is not that weird and is normal in other esports but its true that management is much more involved than in other esports and more decisions are made at the "top"

posted about 6 years ago

actually +1 he already on twitter is posting a lot of analyse stuff give this man a chance as coach

posted about 7 years ago

(pssst) (how would he know who to dm?)

posted about 7 years ago

stop reviving these old threads
for real no point in this, one is ok interesting but dont spam them

posted about 7 years ago

Eu casters were a lot better than semmler
On na we have zp who while rusty is one of the most experienced and best casters/analysts in overwatch

posted about 7 years ago

stop with the popcorn, makes posts unreadable
and i never liked him, always seemed like a dick

posted about 7 years ago

sinatraa is not gonna be part of "one of the scariest dps duos"
no idea from who you want to buy dafran from, McDonalds? you think they will sell their best employee?
and more seriously dafran, most likely, is not coming back to competitive overwatch anytime soon

(also side note its not "divas" but "dvas" there is no i)

posted about 7 years ago

ok, never heard it and it sounded more girly, still rest of the arguments stand

posted about 7 years ago

AméliE Lacroix - widowmaker
Mei-Ling Zhou (there isnt even single "a" here) - mei

its not any trend its just the fact that female names (specially of European origin) eften end with an "a"

also Emre you proposed doesnt end with "a" either

posted about 7 years ago

broke it during first day in mountains (desk/casters went to snowboard/sky)

posted about 7 years ago

send pm to enigma

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

if you dont have anything worth posting just dont post

posted about 7 years ago

and i looked at these stats and understood that babybay is able to secure first kills when his team is playing well and giving him space so he can easily get first kills (thats just example of explanation not saying thats my opinion)
you looked at stats of one player and you picked the explanation that fitted what you were looking for, from scientific point of view you should not look for arguments that prove hypothesis but for ones that disprove it
good luck with internship and think about what i wrote

posted about 7 years ago

mayhem coach looks like a kung fu master ...

posted about 7 years ago

plus akm this looks like one of the very best dps trio around

posted about 7 years ago
as in tittle, really interesting and surprising

posted about 7 years ago

Yes i pretty much said Taimou is inconsistent, and he always was, so not sure how this makes him overrated
And if you don’t know meaning of phrases used in esport maybe you shouldn’t comment on it?

posted about 7 years ago

Most overrated player
His loose playstyle worked well before but now he’s playing against the best players in the world and his retarded flank plays aren’t working anymore. His hero-pool is limiting Dallas as well.

he was always playing against best in the world and sometimes botting sometimes destroying same is happening right here, he destroyed seoul (granted seoul is an overrated team) on junkertown
people rarely said taimou is the best in the world coz he is very mood dependant, what people usually say is that when he is in the zone he has the highest skill celling on heroes like widow in the world which still stands

what would fit better in most overrated is ryujehong who is below avg zen and when ana is not meta he isnt impact full

posted about 7 years ago

just little thing: gigantti/nip was best eu team in 2017 ;)

posted about 7 years ago

discussion is in the menu you can open in the top right corner

posted about 7 years ago

So after addition of “discussion” in the menu I now can’t get even to settings and I can’t really scroll it
Edit Works now

posted about 7 years ago

Golden boy and no zp and jkap? Are they stupid?
I’ll be honest but golden boy is neither good host nor caster he was decent at the stage with interviews at last rlcs finals but thats all

posted about 7 years ago

Likely, as they were kinda declined owl spot I don’t see them coming back to overwatch anytime soon

posted about 7 years ago

Also is there any way to see the “normal” forums? As on the left (most recently edited)

posted about 7 years ago

iPhone se

posted about 7 years ago

Is tgere something under settings? I think I see something down there but can’t get there
I’m probably in little bit unique position as I have 4” screen

posted about 7 years ago

Actually akm is neither signer nor first to be signed (in the process of finalising deal)
Zappis is first one
Kruis already has team and I don’t think he will be signed to owl just yet specially after he recently changed role

posted about 7 years ago

Retarded, and the fact blizzard did not do anything to prevent such things is just pathetic

but on the other hand being source of the news is something new and it would be great if this was more often

posted about 7 years ago

And this triggers me

posted about 7 years ago

its an hltv meme...

posted about 7 years ago

Chipshajen tweets>Taimou tweets

posted about 7 years ago

I aren’t think that!

posted about 7 years ago

He deserved it, can’t remember single time he didn’t delivere

posted about 7 years ago

birdring came 2nd and 3rd in the biggest tournament pre owl - apex as well as 2nd in seoul cup these ARE achievements to which s4 is no where close
and again i did not put anyone anywhere as i did not have slightest impact on this ranking

posted about 7 years ago

i think it came out pretty good and i know my opinion would be biased so i didnt include it but:
id add dafran at 20th or 19th because he carried mediocre team (selfless) into being for some time best na team and the super aggressive style he brought became for some time na meta
ryu lower as he did not adapt well to meta after ana nerf
soon above flower as while flower is very skilled he did not achieve much (due to lack of tournaments in korea but still)
other than that its really good imo

posted about 7 years ago

as you can clearly see, no

again i did not rank this i just put the ranking i got into equation but
faze had very underwhelming year and while yes sdb is up there with the best skill wise he did not achieve anything in 2017 ( look at the 2017) imo s4 is far less skilled then sdb and he also did not really achieve anything in 2017 (owwc and rumble may are the best but at rumble they got demolished by selfless carried by dafran

posted about 7 years ago

I repeat myself but I didn’t rank these players

And here my opinion: I would put ryijehong even lower imo he is overrated and once ana was out of meta he wasn’t that impactful and him forcing ana instead of much stronger zen was bad for the team on more than one occasion (see for example first map of owwc 2017 against usa

posted about 7 years ago

You’d need to ask people who gave me rankings but it’s in most cases combination of both and imo a really big part was impact they had on these results

posted about 7 years ago

mykl is at the 0th place no need to rank

posted about 7 years ago

Sdb and faze had a weak year but he is starting this year really strong

posted about 7 years ago

(i run out of characters in the post so i put it here)
As i already had people comment on my "poor" judgement of overwatch players i repeat, this is not MY ranking but rather a combination of rankings from different community members and pros (i did not have an impact on it) as i decided this would be the best way to rank pros in Overwatch

Final ranking:

  1. zunba
  2. Ryujehong
  3. tobi
  4. chipshajen
  5. aKm
  7. uNKOE
  8. LiNkzr
  9. birdring
  10. Profit
  11. Miro
  12. Taimou
  13. Fl0w3R
  14. SoOn
  15. Saebyeolbe
  16. KnOxXx
  17. coolmatt
  18. Boombox
  19. TviQ
  20. HarryHook
posted about 7 years ago
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