Wolf Strikes Again
It's possible Immortals' recent trouble has been communication (the number of times they C9ed or took too long to get back on a point suggests this is the case). If so, replacing Fate and Kariv to solve that wouldn't be totally crazy. I don't know how good Fate's english is, but Kariv seems to struggle. I assume Soon would replace GrimReality, who tends to be inconsistent.
Not that stupid tbh. SoOn on the Tracer they desperately lack. Unkoe the beast Zen and Ana, and with KariV being able to play a lot of heroes, they can go for some out of the box comps.
Fate is, I think, a way better Winston than Seb, but never really seen him play Rein consistently. In any ways, it's good to have a sub main tanker, maybe for some Rein Orisa/Winston comps if ever played.
Well from what i've heard about IMT's issues, it's that Agillites and Fate didn't really sync well with the dive, Numlocked is looking alot better when he was in NRG, and he was a major part of Envision's success, he has been tried and tested on both tanks, it also confirms the reason why Numlocked didn't go with Envision to APAC. Grim playing Tracer limited his ability to be as vocal as he usually is, or at least from what i heard, he's very similer to Taimou, in the aspect that they're both vocal, Taimou of course can play Tracer, he's pulled it out from time to time on stream, but it limits how effective he can be with the communication, i have seen Soon pull out Mccree once in Apex, so not sure if he will transition into the hitscan DPS role, or if Tracer becomes less meta he will ride the bench with IMT having Grim in favor of Soon, and as for Unkoe, he's one of the best supports around, the only issue i see is how quick they will be able to build Synergy, with Agilities and Numlocked, however, overall, i think these changes have really been thought through, we'll have to see how well they do.
Also, odd tidbit, it's weird how often teams replace 1 DPS player, 1 Tank player, and 1 Support player. Firstly, there was C9 (NA) a really long time ago who replaced debett, Grego, and reaver with Ryb, Mendo, and Roolf. Then Faze replaced Mikeya, Zombs, and Forsak3n with Spree, Carpe, and Joemister. After that Misfits with Reinforce, Nevix, and Mineral (Mineral moved to coach but left the roster) in favor of Logix, Cwoosh, and Zuppehw. And now Fate, Grim, and Kariv, (they haven't left the roster, but people who play their roles got added) for Numlocked, Soon, and Unkoe, just an odd trend i've spotted.