Let's get to know each other.

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I wanna get to know y'all more.

What's your favorite team?
Who's your favorite player?
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?
Who are your mains?
What's your favorite movie?
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite over.gg member?

I'll answer these first:

Favorite team- Immortals
Favorite player- Seagull
Favorite match- NRG vs Splyce, in the OW Open
Mains- Genji, Pharah, Zarya
Movie- Inception
Food- Tacos
Over.gg member- Poi98


if ur favorite over dot good game member isnt poi, idk what ur doing with ur life :D


What's your favorite team? EnVy was the first team I fell in love with back at the end of APEX S1 beginning of APEX S2
Who's your favorite player? Harry, he is such a Selfless and adaptable player.
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Selfless v Rogue, any of their finals
Who are your mains? Boostio, Sombra, Zenyatta
What's your favorite movie? Don't really have one, but for tv it's Limitless
What's your favorite food? Sushi 10/10
What's your favorite over.gg member? Whoever makes the best puns on that specific day (And Meza for the candles)


Timo Kettunen
My favorite match will be one i see in person, i dont really have a fav tbh
Reinhardt, Winston, Roadhog and Bastion
Baby Driver
Thai Curry
tothPotato <3

Overwatch is my most played game at the moment but i have a soft spot for the Need for Speed franchise. I own every single main series game from the franchise that released on PS2 and PS3 and i enjoy almost all of them


Favorite team- RIP Selfless :(
Favorite player- Numlocked or Kaiser
Favorite match- Any of the Rogue vs Selfless games
Mains- Reinhardt, Widow, Genji
Movie- Pulp Fiction
Food- Penne w/ pesto
Over.gg member- Poi98
Favorite flag- Sicily or South Africa


What's your favorite team? - Rogue (for now)
Who's your favorite player? Tobi
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Apex s1 finale, my first OW esport match
Who are your mains? Lucio/McCree
What's your favorite movie? Tombstone
What's your favorite food? Pizza
What's your favorite over.gg member? TISRobin


Favorite Team - Misfits
Favorite Player - TviQ or Taimou. Can't decide
Favorite Match - Rogue vs. EnVyUs at Atlantic Showdown
Mains - Zen/Ana/Winston/Genji
Favorite Movie - Almost Famous
Favorite Food - Dim Sum
Favorite over.gg member - Poi98 (shoutout to Meza for the candles)


(i dont have "favourites" in anything so ill give few answers to everything)
team - envy/rogue/go/rip movistars
player - akm/chips/timo
match - no favourite
mains - i dont play comp for like 4 seasons (except placemant for sprays) so no mains, i used to main dva though
movie - no favourit
food - no favourit, depends
member - no favourite, you all suck

edit: ill add favourite flag: evila japan aka Bangladesh (that why its my flag)


What's your favorite team? nV
Who's your favorite player? Gods (anyone who can pull of that body morph suit is instantly best)
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? the finland/russia match from lastyears WC on dorado, too hype at end
Who are your mains? Mcree/tracer/zarya
What's your favorite movie? Star Wars:Empire Strikes Back
What's your favorite food? Tacos
What's your favorite over.gg member? Admirable


What's your favorite team? its between renegades and nrg (but more renegades) and i used to really love hammers
Who's your favorite player? fischer, j3sus and sleepy
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? complexity vs rise nation overwatch open qualifiers
Who are your mains? winston rein
What's your favorite movie? princess bride
What's your favorite food? pizza, crepe or any cake
What's your favorite over.gg member? admirable (seems like a chill dude)




What's your favorite team? FNRGFE
Who's your favorite player? clockwork
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Australia vs Japan at the World Cup
Who are your mains? Lucio
What's your favorite movie? Forrest Gump
What's your favorite food? Fried Chicken
What's your favorite over.gg member? admirable


What's your favorite team? YIKES HAhaa
Who's your favorite player? Seagull, dhaK and xQc
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Misfits v Rogue Overwatch Open 2016 (Throwback to Mei Reaper Zarya meta)
Who are your mains? Rein Winston Orisa Dva
What's your favorite movie? Blood Diamond, The Dark Knight Rises
What's your favorite food? Mediterranean (Southern Italy, Morocco, Greece all that good stuff)
What's your favorite over.gg member? Meza's candles

EDIT: Shit I forgot to change the movie LuL.


What's your favorite team? Immortals/Former Liquid
Who's your favorite player? Shadder/DPS gods/Reaver/Zombs
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Apex S2 or 3finals I think? the one that went all 7 games and IMT vs Rogue.
Who are your mains? Genji/Zarya/Every other DPS and Ana.
What's your favorite movie? The Spirit of the Beehive.
What's your favorite food? Real tacos
What's your favorite over.gg member? Sideshow/Enigma


Favorite team(s): FaZe, Misfits, Rogue, C9 KDP
Favorite player(s): SDB, SoOn, ryujehong
Favorite match(es): Misfits vs EnVy (OW Open), Rogue vs EnVy (ESLAS), Rogue vs Lunatic-Hai (APAC 2016), Misfits vs Fnatic (DH Winter)
Main(s): 76, Genji, Pharah, Zarya, Hog
Movie: Pulp Fiction
Food: Thai Food
Over.gg member: Admirable


Favourite team: eunited :candle:
Favourite player: Kruise/boombox/Bug Chris
Favourite match: runaway vs lunatic hai
Mains: Pharah, Winston, Zarya, Genji
Favourite food: lasagne
Favourite member: sideshow


RNG and Faze
faze vs fnatic at vegas i should specify not the monthly meleed
genji,junkrat,mcree,tanks and zen
baby driver now but i always enjoyed the cornetto trilogy
guinea and poi98


What's your favorite team? It was Liquid until they disbanded, now I'm really rooting for Faze.
Who's your favorite player? xQc for pure laughter, Taimou and shadder2k for laughter and skill, Carpe for pure skill.
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Probably Liquid FNRGFE since I was a Liquid fan. Other than that it's nV vs Rogue at Atlantic Showdown.
Who are your mains? Started as a Roadhog main, switched to Genji, Zarya, rarely D.Va. I also love playing Ana, or Zen.
What's your favorite movie? Shutter Island, or any DiCaprio movie.
What's your favorite food? Gulyás. (It's a hungarian soup basically)
What's your favorite over.gg member? Admirable


What's your favorite team? GC Busan currently
Who's your favorite player? Flow3r
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Can't tell but from the latest ones GC Busan vs LH comes to mind
Who are your mains? Soldier, Tracer, Zarya, Ana, Zen
What's your favorite movie? The Big Short, Somm
What's your favorite food? Spaghetti / Pizza
What's your favorite over.gg member? That's a secret


What's your favorite team? Envy / NRG depending on who they have / Immortals / LH
Who's your favorite player? Seagull / Taimou / KariV / Tobi
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Whatever I watched last
Who are your mains? Zenyatta / Zarya / S:76 / D.Va / but I like Junkrat & Torb & Sym & Tracer & Pharah & McCree & Lucio & Bastion & mystery heroes
What's your favorite movie? Lord of the Rings trilogy
What's your favorite food? Pizza
What's your favorite over.gg member? We all fam

Kaeru [#18]

What's your favorite team? It was Liquid until they disbanded, now I'm really rooting for Faze.
Who's your favorite player? xQc for pure laughter, Taimou and shadder2k for laughter and skill, Carpe for pure skill.
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Probably Liquid FNRGFE since I was a Liquid fan. Other than that it's nV vs Rogue at Atlantic Showdown.
Who are your mains? Started as a Roadhog main, switched to Genji, Zarya, rarely D.Va. I also love playing Ana, or Zen.
What's your favorite movie? Shutter Island, or any DiCaprio movie.
What's your favorite food? Gulyás. (It's a hungarian soup basically)
What's your favorite over.gg member? Admirable

Thanks for reminding me of how good Blood Diamond was.


What's your favorite team? - Old C9 Roster (Surefour, Reaver, Kyky, Debett, Adam, Grego)
Who's your favorite player? - Harbleu
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? - Atlantic Showdown, C9 vs. Fnatic (C9 did a reverse sweep)
Who are your mains? - Ana, Mercy
What's your favorite movie? - High School Musical (LUL, pls dont judge me)
What's your favorite food? - Noodles
What's your favorite over.gg member? - Meza. Love his candles. Much hope


What's your favorite team? EnVyUs.
Who's your favorite player? coolmatt69, Taimou, EFFECT.
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? EnVyUs vs. BK Stars (specifically Dorado) APEX Season 2.
Who are your mains? Tracer, McCree, Zarya.
What's your favorite movie? Smokin' Aces is pretty good but I don't have a favorite.
What's your favorite food? Filet Mignon and Crab Legs with melted butter.
Who's your favorite over.gg member? Whoever is arguing back and forth at any given time.


AMM May Finals C9 vs NV
Genji, Zenyatta, Pharah
The Dark Knight


Favorite team(s): FNRGFE, Runaway, Brazil Gaming House, FaZe, ex-fnatic
Favorite player(s): ryujehong, coolmatt69, Taimou
Favorite match(es): Fnatic vs Faze MLG Vegas Semis
Main(s): Widowmaker, Mcree, pharah
Movie: Ocean Waves
Food: Pesto
Over.gg member: Dadmirable


What's your favorite team? active: Immortals, but I'm a sucker for marketing, so I usually also root for NRG
Who's your favorite player? harbleu, custa, coolmatt
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Fnatic vs Faze MLG Vegas
Who are your mains? Zenyatta, Lucio, Winston, Sombra (4ever filling so i chose to enjoy it)
What's your favorite movie? Pan's Labyrinth
What's your favorite food? German Döner
What's your favorite over.gg member? Sideshow


Favourite team - Misfits
Favourite players - TviQ/Libero/Harbleu
Favourite ever match of OW - Rogue vs Misfits (Overwatch Open)
Mains - Genji, Mei and Zarya
Favourite movie - Interstellar
Favourite food - Salmon
Favourite over.gg member - Bren


I love you all guys!!!
(And pixel thanks for the great idea for this thread)

What's your favorite team? Too many teams to choose...but probably Mkers and 123( maybe envision and faze too)
Who's your favorite player? mmm hard choice too.....probably shadowburn? ps: i loved the TwoEasy Shadowburn duo
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? EnvyUs vs Rogue Atlantic Showdown semifinals
Who are your mains? Lucio cause i love being the caller
What's your favorite movie? Silver Linings Playbook
What's your favorite food? Pizza and Ice cream( i am like dipendent of icicles)
Who's your favorite over.gg member? Too many people XD

Just some examples
Pixelfish is the most kind person and i really like him
Mert is a great writer and i really like him
Admirable best memer and i really like him
Guinea is like the "first friend" that i had on this site and i really like him
Victor is also like the second person crhonologicaly that i have enjoyed on this site and i really like him
Scruba is da best news searcher and i really like him
bweesh is also a great person an i really like him
CommanderX is the punmaster and i really like him

i can go over and over(.gg) writing names for hours XD..... too many good people on this community ( Sageggas, ideekae tim47 GoldenSun Swennnnn and cjh0822 you have a special place in my heart now XD)


What's your favorite team? hopeful ex-fnatic, shameless nV fan, but FNRGFE at heart.
Who's your favorite player? coolmatt69 for just how dang likable he is, and how fun it is to watch him play. effect is just raw talent. inspiring to watch. seagull for his gamesense.
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? as of recently, FNRGFE vs envision was pretty entertaining to me hah.
Who are your mains? pharah, tracer, soldier, widow, zenyatta, lucio. currently learning off-tanks/genji/junkrat for fun! honestly i do love to play 95% of the characters. but i lean towards DPS as being my BEST.
What's your favorite movie? a lot of christopher nolan's movies. yes, i was a fan of the dark night rises.
What's your favorite food? beer! beer. and asian food. (japanese, chinese, korean, filipino, thai...would love to explore more asian cuisine! as an asian-american, i am a firm believer that it is superior to western cuisine.)
What's your favorite over.gg member? hard to choose! y'all are informative, talkative, and love to keep on top of what's going on.

  • Favorite team?
    Lunatic Hai

  • Favorite players?
    Tobi is just so gooood
    ryujehong for his incredible skill and charisma
    Saebyeolbe for his personality and skill (when he is in form)
    Runner for his team spirit, selflessness, humbleness, and mental strength
    Libero for being such a talented player who can easily learn to play different heroes
    Rascal for his eagerness to win
    Birdring for his skills and consistency

  • Favorite matches?
    Meta Athena vs. Kongdoo Panthera - APEX Season 2, Upper Bracket Final
    RunAway vs. Lunatic Hai - APEX Season 2, Grand Final
    Lunatic Hai vs. Kongdoo Panthera - APEX Season 3, Grand Final

  • OW Hero mains?
    Lucio, Zenyatta, Mercy, Reaper, Junkrat

  • Favorite movie?
    Sunflower (Haebaragi, 2006)
    The Dark Knight (2008)
    Interstellar (2014)

  • Favorite food?
    Asian noodles (Korean cold noodle, aka NengMyun, Black bean noodle, Pad Thai, Pad See-Ew, Japanese Ramen), Sushi, and Bahn Mi

  • Favorite over.gg member?
    Many others who keep this community alive and healthy

So many Christopher Nolan movies mentioned in this thread. Bless


What's your favorite team(s)?

  • New SanFrancisco team
  • Arc6 (rip)
  • Runaway

Who's your favorite player(s)?

  • Danteh
  • Reinforce
  • Carpe
  • Zza
  • Fahzix
  • Gingerpop

What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?

  • Yikes! vs Selfless OMM May Finals

Who are your mains?

  • Tracer
  • Ana
  • Soldier

What's your favorite movie?

What's your favorite food?

  • Ramen Noodles
  • Sausage & Biscuits
  • Pizza

What's your favorite over.gg member?

  • Idk....

What's your favorite team? C9 Kongdoo and Rogue
Who's your favorite player? Birdring and Dafran (R.I.P)
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? FNRGFE vs Renegades in NA contenders
Who are your mains? Genji and Mccree
What's your favorite movie? Interstellar
What's your favorite food? Pizza
What's your favorite over.gg member? I don't know anyone well enough


Thanks so much everyone for all the responses, I read each and every one of them.

Love all of you, love this community, and I love overwatch. I'm so happy that I'm here.


Favourite team - giganti / envision / misfits
Favourite players - Harbleu/Seagull/Fahzix
Favourite ever match of OW - no
Mains - mccree/roadhog/junkrat
Favourite movie - Leon
Favourite food - potato
Favourite over.gg member - no

Pixelfish [#34]

Thanks so much everyone for all the responses, I read each and every one of them.

Love all of you, love this community, and I love overwatch. I'm so happy that I'm here.

happy to be a small part! thanks for the thread, pixelfish <3

Pixelfish [#34]

Thanks so much everyone for all the responses, I read each and every one of them.

Love all of you, love this community, and I love overwatch. I'm so happy that I'm here.

I cant agree more!


My favourite team is misfits (used to be vivi's adventure before the disband).
My favourite player is henzu (ex vivi's dps). I'm a big fan of all the other ex vivi's players too and i also like snillo.
My favourite match is vivi's adventure vs ex-rox in the overwatch pit group stages.
My mains are genji and zenyatta.
My favourite movie is ''the negotiator'' from 1998.
My favourite food is rice and chicken with curry sauce.
My favorite over.gg member is poi98.




What's your favorite team?
nV / NRG
Who's your favorite player?
Custa and Coolmatt69
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?
Probably the entire finals series of Apex S3 between Kongdoo and LH
Who are your mains?
Winston, Orisa, Zarya.
What's your favorite movie?
The James Bond film Casino Royale.
What's your favorite food?
Filet Mignon
What's your favorite over.gg member?
poi98 / Harsha


What's your favorite team?
Probably nV , i like envision too
Who's your favorite player?
shadder2k / dissutus
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?
Envy.US korea finals
Who are your mains?
Genji , Ana , Bastion
What's your favorite movie?
Mia Malkova - First time Anal
What's your favorite food?
kebab ranskalaisilla
What's your favorite over.gg member?
me myself

Pixelfish [#1]

I wanna get to know y'all more.

What's your favorite team?
Who's your favorite player?
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?
Who are your mains?
What's your favorite movie?
What's your favorite food?
What's your favorite over.gg member?

I'll answer these first:

Favorite team- Immortals
Favorite player- Seagull
Favorite match- NRG vs Splyce, in the OW Open
Mains- Genji, Pharah, Zarya
Movie- Inception
Food- Tacos
Over.gg member- Poi98

Australia vs Chinese Taipei OWC 2016, Also IMT vs Kungarna/Ghost gaming In winter Premiere
Genji, Tracer, Soldier, D.va
Star wars 5
Pizza (stuffed crust)
Idk Meza?


I'm skipping the first two but I'll admit I rooted for LG Evil to the end.
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Misfits vs Rogue in the Overwatch Open Semis. Was a real exciting match to watch and I'll never forget Hidan's clutch sleep darts on Hollywood.
Who are your mains? Winston, D.Va, Tracer. I mostly play tanks and supports. Tracer is an exception to that rule (with the occasional S76).
What's your favorite movie? How to Train Your Dragon 2. I still love animated movies quite a bit!
What's your favorite food? Corn casserole/pudding. I love corn-based foods and potato-based foods a lot. For dessert, it would have to be cheesecake (specifically something different than original, like a chocolate cheesecake).
What's your favorite over.gg member? I love all of you equally. jk nerds poi98 for life
What is your favorite flag? Kosovo


What's your favorite team? Renegades, IMT and the mendo c9 team
Who's your favorite player? xQc, agilities
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? Russia vs Canada in the wc
Who are your mains? Genji, lucio
What's your favorite movie? Don't really have one
What's your favorite food? poutine (I live in Canada)
What's your favorite over.gg member? Pixelfish with the pro analyst insights


Favorite team- FNRGFE, when OWL starts it will be nV
Favorite player- Seagull, Taimou, Nomy, or Enigma
Favorite match- Rogue vs Selfless in the final of OMM April
Mains- Rein, Winston, Widow, Tracer, McCree
Movie- Akira
Food- In N Out
Over.gg member- Poi98 no contest

I am honored that I made Poi98's list


Favorite team - Was Misfits, unsure atm since they dropped Reinforce
Favorite player - Reinforce (special mentions to Mendokusaii, TviQ, Zave)
Favorite match - Sweden - Australia, Sydney WC Group. Based on the atmosphere and of course the passion that my boy Reinforce showed.
Mains - Lucio, Reinhardt (I can't aim for shit lul)
Movie - Probably a Marvel Movie, Capt America 2 or 3 most likely
Food - Pizza or the Swedish version of Tacos
Over.gg member - Not sure, I'm new here, tell me why I should love you :)


Favorite team-FaZe Clan
Favorite player-muma
Favorite match-Immortals vs Rogue in the tourney I don't remember it's name that ended 3-4
Mains-Genji, Tracer, Pharah
Movie-Guardians of the Galaxy
Food-Breakfast burritos (the best thing to exist)
Over.gg member-probably poi98


Poi98 and I getting lots of love. We're both honored.

Meanwhile, a quiet KuroiRyuu lurks in the shadows.


What's your favorite team?
Not really one in particular, probably leaning forward to Rogue & Misfits.

Who's your favorite player?
I have the most respect for TviQ. Fragi and Unkoe are players I like to watch.

What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?
Atlantic Showdown Enyvus vs Rogue semi-finals.

Who are your mains?
I play a lot of heroes, Zarya is currently the most played. Tracer, Mccree, D-Va, Winston, 76, Genji, Pharah follwing closest. Basicially everything apart from Bastion & Mercy. :)

What's your favorite movie?
The Prestige, The Usual Suspects & Inception.

What's your favorite food?
Everything Italian is good.

What's your favorite over.gg member?


What's your favorite team? - eUnited (rip) and Rogue
Who's your favorite player? Kruise
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? EnVision vs Rogue (S1 contenders)
Who are your mains? Ana, Lucio and Winston
What's your favorite movie? Shawshank Redemption
What's your favorite food? Fajitas
What's your favorite over.gg member? The person who came up with "eUnited they stand, divided they OWL"


What's your favorite team? - envyus
Who's your favorite player? - jolson
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch? - aus v japan in the world cup qualifiers
Who are your mains? - d.va, roadhog, and zarya
What's your favorite movie? - shawshank redemption
What's your favorite food? - gyro/yiros/kebab
What's your favorite over.gg member? - Clickbait

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