Country: Sweden
Registered: August 13, 2017
Last post: February 9, 2018 at 12:20 PM
Posts: 5

Ryujehong 1772???!!! I mean we all knew he was good but that is INSANE compared to all the other numbers

posted about 7 years ago

Partly based on favourite players, not necessarily the best.
None are in OWL teams, but I am aware that not all are free agents.

Team captain - Reinforce (Main tank) - Sweden
Tonic (Main tank) - Russia
Bumper (Offtank/Main support) - S Korea
Gods (DPS/Offtank) - USA
Tseini (DPS/Offtank) - Finland
Davin (DPS) - Finland
Shadder2k (DPS) U18? - Romania
Stitch (DPS) - S Korea
KoX (Flex support/DPS) - S Korea
Greyy - (Flex support) - Portugal
Adam (Main support) - USA

Coach: Seita - Finland / Runner - S Korea
Analyst: Vonethil - Sweden

The versatility in this squad is in my opinion quite good, with a few specialists (Adam on Mercy for example).
Also have a few players there who have a history of playing together.

Also, Reinforce is a must, apart from that you are free to suggest other names.

posted about 7 years ago

Well this is my team now! I was going to support wherever Reinforce went, but seeing he is out, I'll cheer for Mendo!
Also hoping Nevix plays well on SanFran, but I find the Houston roster generally more likeable

posted about 7 years ago

Favorite team - Was Misfits, unsure atm since they dropped Reinforce
Favorite player - Reinforce (special mentions to Mendokusaii, TviQ, Zave)
Favorite match - Sweden - Australia, Sydney WC Group. Based on the atmosphere and of course the passion that my boy Reinforce showed.
Mains - Lucio, Reinhardt (I can't aim for shit lul)
Movie - Probably a Marvel Movie, Capt America 2 or 3 most likely
Food - Pizza or the Swedish version of Tacos member - Not sure, I'm new here, tell me why I should love you :)

posted about 7 years ago

"...suggest that his longtime teammate TviQ had lost faith in his abilities as a player..."
Why is it TviQ this is aimed at? This whole Misfits roster has been together for 9 months (apart from Mineral). As you said, Reinforce has played with TviQ for longer than that, so I don't see how it was TviQ that he needed to convince.

posted about 7 years ago