Country: United States
Registered: May 28, 2017
Last post: February 19, 2018 at 8:48 PM
Posts: 8

DPS: Dafran, Tseini
Tank: Benbest, Winz
Support: Dogman, Adam (NA)

DPS: Baconjack, Zonda
Tanks: Jongie, KMoMo
Supports: Realment, Sinkler

posted about 7 years ago

Been platinum/ diamond for pretty much most of ow. I currently main shield tanks (Winston, Rein, Orisa), but have a decent understanding of hog zarya I also have a lot of experience on supports. (-Moira) (Learning zen)

posted about 7 years ago

I like this roster, I hope clockwork plays a lot. I feel the inconsistency factor, but when he shows up, he is a god. I do like the Muma + Coolmatt Core along with the supports on this team, I think they probably should have a support / tank sub similar to dallas but w/e. Lets go corndogs, rooting for you!

posted about 7 years ago

I always like playing a little bit of a fantasy draft in sports, including esports, so from the free agents available, who would you choose to make the best possible team? (in your opinion)

I decided to cheat a little and I have placed some players at old positions they have played before in OW in the past. (Kruise)

Certain Players weren't added to list of FA due to certain rumors of player joining owl teams (Soon, Unkoe.)

Quick Rules:
People who subbed in or were stand-ins (Team Singularity) are allowed to be placed on the roster, so long as they played in S1 of contenders.
Can be a mixed NA / EU Squad
Can't be playing on a team currently (Yes Davin hinted at Team Gigantti disbanding, but no conformation has been made as far as I know, hence why none of their players are on this team)
Swap Around Roles as you see fit.
I didn't go off by region played in, just whether they were North American or European, do as you please.
(If from another country all together (Puerto Rico, Korea etc.) I did it by region played in.

List of Free Agents - Probably doesn't have all of the possible players.
Overwatch Contenders

My Teams:

Best Possible Team / Best European Team (IMO)
Hitscan - AKM
Flex DPS - Kragie
Tank - ChrisTFer
Offtank - NiCO
Support - Dante / Dogman
Support - Knoxxx / Kruise / Winz

Best Possible NA Team (IMO)
Hitscan - j3sus
Flex DPS - Buds
Main Tank - iReMiix
Offtank - Hyped
Support - Dogman
Flex Support - Pookz

Best Mixed 3 NA - 3 EU (IMO)
Hitscan - AKM
Flex DPS - Buds
Tank - ChrisTFer
Offtank - Hyped
Support - Dogman
Flex Support - Knoxxx

posted about 7 years ago

What's your favorite team?
nV / NRG
Who's your favorite player?
Custa and Coolmatt69
What's your favorite ever match of Overwatch?
Probably the entire finals series of Apex S3 between Kongdoo and LH
Who are your mains?
Winston, Orisa, Zarya.
What's your favorite movie?
The James Bond film Casino Royale.
What's your favorite food?
Filet Mignon
What's your favorite member?
poi98 / Harsha

posted about 7 years ago

#1 NA
Hitscan DPS: Jake / Sinatraa (I know Jake is on LG)
Flex DPS: S4
Main Tank: Mesr
Flex / Offtank: Emongg / Coolmatt
Flex Support: Custa
Support: Adam

#2 Mixed
Hitscan: Mistakes
Flex DPS: S4
Main Tank: Butcher
Offtank: Coolmatt
Flex Support: Hidan
Support: Dhak

posted about 7 years ago

FaZe has had a pretty decent run. Not retaining their prior form in the Contenders group stage hints at inconsistency. But they proved that they could play in high tension situations when they needed too and in doing this they got themselves into brackets. There is a real chance that they only play better as FaZe has players that have proven an ability to carry (Spree, ShaDoWBurn) and therefore it makes the team a bit of a wild card. They have gotten more time to play together as a team in between stages and this will only build their team cohesion and help them improve any potential inconsistencies.

Immortals on the other hand has historically been a hit or miss kind of team. They are very consistent when they aren't in a slump and have the skill to catapult themselves to the top of NA overwatch. When they are off however, they have often had shaky results. This is another game for KariV and FaTe to display their talent to NA and return Immortals to their previous form.

I am going to give an edge to Immortals on this on as they are playing better than FaZe statistically right now, but don't be surprised by a win from FaZe if they are playing well and the group stage performance is shaken away.

Immortals 3-1 FaZe

posted about 7 years ago

Unkoe, Custa, Chips

posted about 7 years ago