tamagao Terry Spry Jr.
A fan of competitive Overwatch since launch and a writer since 2017. Based in Charlotte, NC.
Country: United States
Registered: March 16, 2017
Last post: May 1, 2020 at 10:28 AM
Posts: 604
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Thanks to both of you for pointing this out. The ESPN article originally said that he couldn't sign with NRG and I didn't realize it had been updated or sinatraa had called it out. I've decided to take the paragraph out entirely.

posted about 4 years ago

Looking for Sponsor find their sponsor

posted about 4 years ago

Thanks for the catch, I missed that. It should be updated now!

posted about 5 years ago

Back when they announced Jake was going to join the talent lineup, they said he would be a caster rather than a desk analyst. Custa would likely be on the desk with someone else.

posted about 5 years ago

DoA actually specifically clarified that he didn't say he was quitting.


posted about 5 years ago

rare flag spotted

posted about 5 years ago

if you saw the mistake in the original update i will have to kill you where you stand for knowing too much

posted about 5 years ago

Thank you for the catch, it has been fixed.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

This article has been updated to reflect the two players' promotions to the Reign.

posted about 5 years ago

correct and expected

posted about 5 years ago

This has been updated with several re-signings today.

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago


Also as a note, players that re-sign with their team or have their team option picked up will not go here. That news, such as Logix rejoining the Defiant, will go on the free agency tracker.

Additionally, announcements that players who are already under contract with their team are rejoining them for next season, such as the announcement the Charge made by Rio, will not be covered. We're going to treat those situations as assumed facts and don't want to clog our offseason coverage with them.

posted about 5 years ago

It was a typo on my part. Sorry!

posted about 5 years ago

This article has been updated to reflect the Dynasty's confirmation of the trade.

posted about 5 years ago

This is updated to reflect recent moves

posted about 5 years ago

Sorry about the sparse info on player names for now. That will updated soon. 😅

posted about 5 years ago

They officially dismissed him later (https://www.over.gg/12160/justice-officially-dismiss-sleepy).

Listing rosters at this point in the offseason is a bit hairy. A player could be a free agent right now, however the team may intend to re-sign them (for example, ArK is officially a free agent however the Justice have not stated that he is leaving the team. That suggests they may be trying to keep him still). It's hard to know exactly who is staying with the team until we're late enough into free agency that teams are signing new players.

posted about 5 years ago

Sorry I was dumb and totally forgot about NeXT. The article has been fixed.

posted about 5 years ago

Unfortunately, Korea has played their Contenders matches online for the entirety of 2019.

posted about 5 years ago

One thing I'd like to make clear that I believe I failed to do in the article:

Each region will continue to play entirely within their region. Teams in the Pacific Division will not play each other except for competitions like the Showdowns, and teams within the Atlantic Division won't play each other either. There will not be cross-region play in a typical Contenders tournament.

I will update the article to make this more clear.

posted about 5 years ago

This has been updated with the changes that have occurred the past few days.

posted about 5 years ago

i'm putting the defiant on probation for announcing the release of two players within one hour and then announcing the release of a third two hours later


posted about 5 years ago

I get why birdring was let go, he just hasn't been consistent for the past two seasons (even though injury is partly to blame) and can get letting Guard go if they think they can potentially land someone better. I don't understand letting NUS go, however there is a lot in the skillset of main supports that we can't see. Perhaps his ult tracking or shot-calling isn't to the level that they would like it to be.

That being said, I think all three players will end up on new teams.

posted about 5 years ago


The Florida Mayhem have decided not to renew five of their team options. Those five players are now listed as free agents.

posted about 5 years ago
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