Country: United Kingdom
Registered: September 9, 2017
Last post: December 4, 2022 at 5:38 PM
Posts: 62
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dark mode is for eye noobs

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I have never seen a team with MAURICIO HONORATO lose a game.... I mean, he's perfect, incredible, good aim, intelligent, handsome... I honestly don't see MAURICIO HONORATO losing this game.


posted about 5 years ago

My controversial power rankings:

  1. Seoul Dynasty
  2. Vancouver Titans
  3. Shanghai Dragons
  4. SF Shock
  5. NYXL
  6. Atlanta Reign
  7. Hangzhou Spark
  8. Philadelphia Fusion
  9. Paris Eternal
  10. Florida Mayhem
  11. London Spitfire
  12. Chengdu Hunters
  13. Guangzhou Charge
  14. LA Gladiators
  15. Dallas Fuel
  16. LA Valiant
  17. Houston Outlaws
  18. Washington Justice
  19. Toronto Defiant
  20. Boston Uprising
posted about 5 years ago
  1. London Spitfire
  2. New York Excelsior
  3. San Francisco Shock
  4. Seoul Dynasty
  5. Vancouver Titans
  6. Philadelphia Fusion
  7. Atlanta Reign
  8. Shanghai Dragons
  9. LA Gladiators
  10. Hangzhou Spark
  11. LA Valiant
  12. Florida Mayhem
  13. Chengdu Hunters
  14. Paris Eternal
  15. Guangzhou Charge
  16. Toronto Defiant
  17. Dallas Fuel
  18. Houston Outlaws
  19. Boston Uprising
  20. Washington Justice

These are my rankings based on the rosters and my gut feeling. I'm sure most people will strongly disagree with me but it's literally just pure guesswork until we see the teams play

posted about 6 years ago

ANY CRABBERS :crab: :interrobang:

posted about 6 years ago

Chengdu Hunters and Florida Mayhem will be mid-tier teams
LA Valiant and LA Gladiators won't live up to expectations
Dallas Fuel will still be bottom tier

posted about 6 years ago

Greyy replied "xd" to Second Wind's tweet announcing Ellie's departure and everyone got mad at him so he had to apologize lol https://twitter.com/secondwindgg/status/1080613513792548864

posted about 6 years ago

I am British I'm just a Rogue fanboy lol

posted about 6 years ago

He may be biased but he is still right

posted about 6 years ago

There hasn't been a power ranking article since March 8th. Have these been discontinued or will we see any more in the future?

posted about 6 years ago

I think it's the flag of Lebanon

posted about 6 years ago

:Candle: Shanghai Dragons :Candle:

posted about 6 years ago

London really do love losing 2-3

posted about 6 years ago

Florida win for the triple upset?

posted about 6 years ago

His best hero is probably soldier, who is currently out of meta and he will be rusty as he's been away from the competitive scene for so long. However saying that, I believe that if soldier comes back into the meta and he grinds hard he could be one of the top dps.

posted about 6 years ago

Are London allergic to the objective???

posted about 6 years ago

Taimou playing?

posted about 6 years ago

i dont get what the big deal is tbh its not like he used any racially disparaging emotes

posted about 6 years ago

and fleta was 0-9...

posted about 6 years ago

No Ryujehong? No Tobi? No Zunba? Fleta tracer? Seoul what are you doing???

posted about 6 years ago

I really hope it's not sombra patch, that will be much worse than dive.

posted about 6 years ago

Munchkin played so well

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Another J Kaplan

posted about 7 years ago

because OGN were doing a very good job with apex, the production value was insane. There was no need for a change and now the quality of production will most likely decrease.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm disappointed with Blizzard. The only reason people treat the reporting system as a joke is because it is one. Maybe if they spent less time browsing r/overwatch and more time dealing with legitimate reports concerning throwers, cheaters and one tricks streamers wouldn't take the piss and send reports to entertain their viewers . Instead of punishing those who are actually ruining the competitive experience (throwers, cheaters and one tricks) , Blizzard is punishing a high profile player to make it look as if they are doing something.To add insult to injury xQc was banned for 72 hours, whilst most throwers/cheaters/one tricks avoid bans completely or get only 24 hour bans. So apparently reporting people for throwing is a worse crime than throwing itself? Also they should not ban players mid-match, as while the player may deserve it, their 5 teammates don't deserve the inevitable loss.

posted about 7 years ago

That would screw over Europeans even more though

posted about 7 years ago

South Korea just choked now, France didn't clutch. See, there's a differnece.

posted about 7 years ago

France choking at the end of each map FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago

Canada going full BM

posted about 7 years ago

France will probably put up a better fight against South Korea than the USA did.

Edit: Downvoted despite being right FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

OWL- London Spitfires
World Cup- UK
Normal- GC Busan or MY

posted about 7 years ago
  1. London
  2. Seoul Dynasty
  3. NY XL
  4. Dallas Fuel
  5. Shanghai Dragons
  6. LA Valiant
  7. Miami Misfits
  8. Houston
  9. Boston Uprising
  10. SF Shock
posted about 7 years ago

It's not that all Koreans are really good, there are plenty of bad Korean teams (Flash Lux for example) It's just that the top few Korean teams are so much better than all of EU and NA. They could 3-0 every team in those regions, excluding maybe EnVyUs and a few others because they just have superior coordination and teamwork.

posted about 7 years ago

I think everyone is overestimating the USA roster and underestimating South Korea. Even with the mercy changes I'd be very surprised if it wasn't a 3-0 for South Korea.

posted about 7 years ago

Yeah only trash NA teams are "OWL material" LUL

posted about 7 years ago

Usually I'd agree with you but the mercy meta is so bad it's the meta that needs to change not the team.

posted about 7 years ago

"Ability to repell trolls and fire off witty responses & ice cold burns"

posted about 7 years ago

I think him and Jehong are the best players on lunatic-hai. Zunba doesn't seem to get as much recognition as worse (my opinion) players such as Miro, Whoru and all their dps players.

posted about 7 years ago

Overrated players: Miro, Whoru, Sinatraa, Xqc, iddqd, Mendo, Danteh, CoolMatt69, Muma, Grimreality, Tviq, Flow3r, Harbleu, Kruise, Boombox, Kyb

Underrated players: Leave, YangX1aoLg, Creed, Zhufanjun, Jiqiren, Lateyoung, Profit, Hooreg, Gesture, Hagopeun, Woohyal, Closer, Agilities, Knoxxx, Zunba, Mano

posted about 7 years ago

People deserve a second chance imo.

posted about 7 years ago

Knoxxx is better or at least on par with some winstons in overwatch league such as Cwoosh, Muma, Super, Numlocked and xQc. He never got "carried" by Soon Unkoe and AKM, during the triple dps meta he was the solo tank and still performed incredibly well. Also, knoxxx used to play lucio at the pro level on Rogue before the roster changes.

posted about 7 years ago

Rogue would've put up a better fight FeelsBadMan

posted about 7 years ago

Logix was really good at takeover 2, but he hasn't been playing too well at playoffs.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Dafran's definitely not the best player in the world. Maybe top 20.

posted about 7 years ago
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