Share the events that happened in game that made you want to scream with rage.
Tonight I've been on the climb, got my SR to 3483 (on Xbox) and started my game to get into Masters. Game level was 3100 and there was an actual Platinum level player on my team whilst the other team got full diamonds. We get 3 support mains (me included) on the team so I have to play main tank because nobody else on the team will pick it.
Literally as we walk out of the spawn room one of the guys in chat says "I can't actually be bothered playing this game, I'm not sure why I even searched for a match" - something everyone on the team wants to hear at the start of the game.
We proceed to play out a 2-2 on Temple of Anubis, with the other team having 3 minutes to capture point A to win the game. We hold out for a solid minute and a half when someone on our team leaves the game. We get trounced, we lose the game, I miss my shot at masters and I'm left sat at my desk pondering what could have been.
There's always tomorrow I guess but I had to vent this garbage out. Have you guys experienced similar feelings of woe?