Let's speculate about who NRG might pick up for their new roster. i assume NRG are waiting until OWL for seagull to come back, so i'm not listing my picks for a DPS. I'm also convinced that Grego might join NRG soon, not just because he's been in practically, if not every, game they played as a sub since Ajax left, at least that was back when seamoose was coach, i've also seen iddqd pop into some for Grego's streams from time to time, and Grego and some of the NRG members had banter on twitter (here's an example: https://twitter.com/iddqdow/status/765358307477454849?lang=en), but Phaz and Dhak are also top tier lucio players, and JKW, i'll talk about him in a little bit. Next Neptuno looked really good in the OW world cup for team Spain, he got crucial picks on that Zen but i haven't seen him play Ana, and currently doesn't have a team, Hidan recently left team Iceblock and looks like a strong option (tweet where he left iceblock: https://twitter.com/HidanTF2/status/894925334541455360 ), and other free agents like B1am, Michael3D and Aythen look just as good. And lastly, a strong main tank player, well, i could name tons, Nomy, DCOP, Destro, Beasthalo, Stoop, Ryb, Kresnik or maybe even JKW, he formerly played main tank for Complexity, then got picked up buy Tempo Storm and played Lucio, he might even play that for NRG, him and Harbleu being on the same team a while ago means they have some synergy, which could be vital, but i know NRG is looking for a tank player who can micromanage and i don't know if any of the players i mentioned do, so i may be completely off. However, yet another option would be Koreans, with Brad's last team, Selfless, they trialed Carpe, which means Brad has experience with language barriers and breaking them, in that case some Korean free agents are Adam (the Korean tank player adam, formerly of LW blue, not c9 lucio adam), or Gamsu formerly of Conbox, or Kaiser who left C9 on August 3rd, for supports there's Levi and bamboo formerly of Rhinos Gaming Titan, or Starkey and Arcane formerly of LW red, just saying, anyway, this is all just speculation, having some fun, wanting to get my ideas out there, thanks for reading, feel free to respond and debate, NRG is a special case, most teams would have dropped their roster by now, but NRG bought as spot in OWL and are kind of stuck now, i'd love to see some of these free agents find a nice home in NRG and i'd love to see NRG succeed.