Country: Switzerland
Registered: June 1, 2017
Last post: January 26, 2019 at 2:37 PM
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Just read the edit. Nevermind this post.

posted about 7 years ago

Gigantti owns on Dorado. The other map is Route 66...

posted about 7 years ago

I don't understand the plays Mowzassa goes for sometimes...

Ok Nevix needs to put Doomfist back in the lab for a bit. And Neptuno has been farming Linkzr LuL

BlessRNG Michael "God's gift to welsh esports" Adams BlessRNG

Fuck this I'm pissed.

posted about 7 years ago

Holy Logix. If Meza lands that shatter...

posted about 7 years ago

Only match up I agree with here is Davin-MikeyA (even though I'm still stunned by his performance in OWWC). I mean they call him Big Dick Davin.
On monkey, neither Fragi nor Mowzassa have a reputation on him. Also never believed Fragi to be the sickest Rein in the game as some depict him to be, but that's just me.
Nevix has the upper hand on Linkzr for me, wider hero pool at a really high level. Closest I can see them both is on Genji, but Nevix is just sick.

Don't know much about BigG00se, but C9 has Neptuno on Lucio. Greyy and Shaz are both very good at their role. Finally, SPACE takes down Zappis hands down.

Gigantti might very well take this series, but I don't think man to man match ups will be why. They have more time together and actually showed great teamwork + individual performance from Davin, and to a lesser degree, Linkzr.
C9 obviously has more work to do, figuring out their core roster etc. but I'm gonna give it to them with a 3-2 thriller of a series.

posted about 7 years ago

You left the most beautiful part of that quote out. I cri.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm sure lack of confidence has a big role to play in Rogue's slump, but the way I see it is Rogue became too predictable. This is why teams have an analyst and/or do VOD reviews. They start picking up on patterns teams use to engage in fights, among other things. Rogue dominated the NA scene for quite some time, and teams definitely looked at their games the most to know why and more importantly why.

I also don't think it's fair to put Vallutaja and SoOn on the same boat, for the sole reason that the latter is a constant in terms of pulling through when the team would look totally disjointed.

Soon would always be on the backline getting the first pick in matches and winning them fights.

I think this is a good point you brought up as I noticed teams being way more agressive against Rogue. Here's my take on it.
Obviously a player can't become bad (or not as good if you want) in a matter of weeks. Logic would want this to be more of a team failure to renew itself (or, and imo more accurately, enemy teams upping their game). You can't, especially as a flanker, be effective in the backline if the rest of your team is getting outpressured.
All of us here know that aKm and uNKOE will stick together, or that Knoxxx will primal rage to buy cart time if need be, etc. There are many more small details that we can't pick up on unless we do an in-depth analysis of Rogue's games.
All this to say that SoOn not being as pesky as before doesn't necessarily mean he lost his edge, only means they're getting outplayed because most of the teams can see them coming.

As for the solution, who knows honestly. Maybe bringing in some new faces will help them find that versatility they desperately need, maybe they'll grow stronger by sticking with their group and pulling through the slump.

posted about 7 years ago

Is this game worth the watch or nah ?

Also I think SoOn has less of an agressive playstyle than his competition. I've never seen him be interested in 1v1ing tracers unless she's last alive. If the enemy tracer chases him, she's not on his supports is my guess for why, but I could be wrong.
He harasses the backline and stays alive as much as possible to buy cart time/make space for Knoxxx to come in.
I agree that although very strong mechanically, he definitely is not the scariest in that regard. Guys like Sinatraa, Logix, Davin, SBB and Snillo look much more polished there, but they don't do as much scouting as SoOn does imo.

posted about 7 years ago

I spent so much time fixing my sleep schedule that I can't even stay up past 10pm anymore monkaS

So happy about the score though, GO not fucking around. I'm gonna go watch this.

posted about 7 years ago

It wasn't a rational prediction obviously. The game will most likely end in a clean 4-0, but I'm spicing things up. This a 20:1 score bois.

posted about 7 years ago

I mean, I know they said NRG was stacked and beating the top NA teams in scrims consistently. Never read or heard the words super star roster used, it might've slipped by me though.
But to get back to the point, I think there are only 2 supports in the world that are considered super stars as of today, Tobi and Jehong.
Also, super star roster doesn't necessarily mean every player is a super star, so it's up to interpretation really.

posted about 7 years ago

Oh, I guess the way I wrote it was not the clearest :v

posted about 7 years ago

I'm actually more positive about Sleepy than xQc. He's been related to NRG since Dummy got kicked from the team (not actually why I'm saying it but just to put a timeframe on it), so that's a bunch of scrim time. I'm guessing if he's still in play it means that he's doing good so far.

posted about 7 years ago

By the way, dhaK, Sleepy and xQc will SoOn[tm] follow Sinatraa. Mark my words.

posted about 7 years ago

RNG 0-4 nV
FaZe 2-3 Rogue
Kungarna 2-3 enVision

posted about 7 years ago

Well everyone, and rightfully so, is predicting 4-0s across the board for Misfits. We've seen some upsets, I'm banking on my GO bois. BP game might be too optimistic though I'll give you that one.

posted about 7 years ago

It'll be aKm's job to shut down SDB whether he's on hitscan or Dva. Genjis are not supposed to shut down Genjis :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

123 3-2 Gigantti
Singularity 1-3 Bazooka Puppiez
Singularity 3-2 eUnited
Misfits 2-3 Gamers Origin
Misfits 3-1 Bazooka Puppiez
Gigantti 2-3 Cloud 9 EU

posted about 7 years ago

You take things personal. No one's calling you a nancy, your comment is negative. No one's saying OWL will be the biggest event business has ever seen. You're on the defensive cause we don't agree with what you're saying.

Also, what is your thought process for computing a time span that warrants x number of viewers ? Genuinely interested.
Overwatch sold 30+ million copies (including console) by April 2017, that's roughly a year after release (~11 months).
In comparison, CS GO has been out since Aug. 12 and by Oct. 16 has sold 25 million copies. Where did their viewers go ?

And if you think that Blizzard marketing is targeting 'granny and grandad' to watch OWL, I don't know what to say. I also don't see how a game having a 13 year lead on another game to build a fan base is an excuse :thinking: Enlighten me.

People always come to this forum with such positivity

Are you gonna give us the I'm a realist speech, is that it ? Cause nobody here knows how OWL will fare. There's a difference between optimism and blind positivity.

How do you all know I'm wrong?

Well, I mean, if a majority of people disagrees with you on a point you're trying to make, then maybe you're not making a good point. Stop thinking people are gunning for you.

And just to put your last paragraph in perspective, do you know how much companies paid to hold a commercial slot in the last Superbowl ? Almost 170 000 dollars. That's per second too. If companies spend millions of dollars on advertisement, it's for a good reason. You spend money to make more money.

I will happily eat my words

I wonder where I read this before :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

Let's see, CS has been out for 14 years. Overwatch is not even 18 months in.

Do you think CS built the fanbase it has today a year after release ? What OWL brings to esports is very different from anything seen before.
So yes, maybe scepticism is warranted in this case. But you're just being plain negative without any educated study on the case.
And the big guys that put in the 20Mil surely took their time before making the decision, they're not flipping a coin on whether to join in on it without having good odds on OWL succeeding.

posted about 7 years ago

123 takes this 3-2 let's go. Snillo v Davin PogChamp.

posted about 7 years ago

Rogue 3-2 Faze. I like me some upsets and this game is also SoOn v Carpe, aKm v SDB, Knoxxx v FCTFCTN.
NiCO and aKm have to bring the A+ game for this one.


posted about 7 years ago

I don't know what to make of this lmao. You can spin it in so many ways.

But regardless, NRG best meme org in the scene hands down.

posted about 7 years ago

Well Logix hasn't experienced any no regs :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

Watching Leaf's stream, he just said they have a better chance beating Misfits than Gigantti. The reason is they haven't figured out Gigantti's playstyle yet, but they have a better read on Misfits'.
Makes this game very interesting.

Aight let's go big, 3-1 GO.

Edit: better read*

posted about 7 years ago

The name reminds me of the Splinter Cell good ass days. FeelsNostalgiaMan

posted about 7 years ago

Don't mind me, playing at all low settings, low res and 50% render scale to get a wholesome 35 fps.
I wouldn't be able to say even if I wanted to LuL

But people and pros all around say the same thing, so I guess it is an issue with the new patch.

posted about 7 years ago

Babybay is a monster Mccree and Soldier, he proved it before (although he was accused by many pros, alongside Mykl, to be botting a while ago). So if a guy like this got to where he was by cheating, I doubt an org looking to actually be taken seriously for once in almost a year now would pick him up, even though they don't anymore (and in Mykl's case, it fucking shows).

And we've seen Sinatraa play Mccree (not at a crazy level) and 76. So I'd say whoever is the second NRG DPS, he'll be a projectile player, or at aleast proficient at Genji and Pharah, if Sinatraa ends up being their Doomfist.

posted about 7 years ago

Thank you astr for the translation.

This actually saddens me so much. Respect goes to him for saying it out loud. Talking about personal issues is really tough in this day and age, no matter where you come from, and I can only imagine he's been bottling this up for a long time for it to have this much of a repercussion on him.
I want to blame someone but I don't know whom to blame. This is so powerful :(

It'll take some time but I hope he gets back on his feet and does something he enjoys that makes him feel good. Life is too fast to spend it all stressed and worried.

I also wanna take some time to say this:
Gaming can be an escape from real life problems to some people, I know it has been for me, reminder to these people to not be afraid to talk/share/spend time with the people you care about, and more importantly, care about you.
When you hit rock bottom, there is only one way left to go, upwards.

posted about 7 years ago

Challenge accepted.

Kys on ranked Overwatch one tricking Pharah.

posted about 7 years ago

Ultimate Advantage podcast hosted by Dogman had Reinforce, Verbo and FCTFCTN in this week's episode.

Verbo actually confirmed that they changed a lot of things coming into Contenders S1, shotcalling and such, and that communication is not really an issue having 3 korean players. Explains the rocky road they've been in for these past 3 weeks.
And good guy Verbo standing up for his team and making a case for the best teammate in the scene. So clear and well spoken:

Very interesting video anyways, bunch of topics talked about if anybody's interested.

On the side, roster lock for the rest of this season is on Wednesday, and according to Dogman, Kungarna will change some things up.

posted about 7 years ago

Can you link it ? Interested in this turn of events.

posted about 7 years ago

I agree with what you're saying about them sucking ass right now and it not being just Envy's fault.
But they weren't playing better with Envy on Dva, he subbed in once against Rogue in the BEAT finals. Hyped played every game up until that series.

So people saying Hyped would be a better fit is kind of legitimate, although and as I said before, given how everyone spoke about Envy, it's just a matter of time before he starts rolling too. He's already getting more comfortable by the week.

posted about 7 years ago

This is redemption time for the IMT boys. Although FNRGFE coming from a Rogue win might spice things up, but I believe.
3-2 IMT.

posted about 7 years ago

One bad play on a hero he's not good at. This guy is obviously garbage.
L u L

posted about 7 years ago

Last reply cause this is becoming pointless.
do you not think Renegades and Immortals have been doing all that yet are dog shit, eUnited?
How about enVision, Misfits, GO, Gigantti, FaZe ? Goes both ways.

I'll end it with this:
I can scrim does that make me good?
If you can scrim with and against the people he does, then yeah you're fucking good.

And you think this is about being right or wrong, you're lost man. I don't care if he gets destroyed in OWL, or worse, if he doesn't get in. You think the people you so love bringing up will break down in tears and boycott the game until he gets unanimously rated best player ? Fuck outta here.
No one here said he was a god. You like a player, you praise a player. Doesn't make your/my opinion relevant to anybody but you/me. Stop acting like whatever overgg/reddit/twitch says is some holy sacred shit.


posted about 7 years ago

If you don't remember him being THAT good, then you memory is selective. He wasn't as consistent as others star players, but whenever the team would fall apart, the only one making plays was Seagull (Gods to an extent, but Gods was the epitome of inconsistency back then, and God knows how much I love Gods).

And again, what's it to you if the people rate him a 7/6 or a -5 ? I don't get it. 'People said' seems to be your way out.

Who cares what he did for the game ? Really ? Let's see, Blizzard ? The guy pulls more viewers than their tournaments. The only times their stream wasn't #1 on Twitch was when Seagull was streaming at the same time.
Exposure means money. Money is business. Blizzard makes business.
Blizzard got a super rare case of an extremely popular professional player. As BigDad said : Ergo, Seagull will be in OWL.

Besides a monthly in November 2016, Surefour hasn't won anything in this game, are you gonna tell he doesn't deserve to be in OWL just because he hasn't won anything ?

You keep saying this:
I'm pretty sure Seagull left because there's not enough big tournaments in OW and he didn't want to practise hard for smaller tournaments? I may be wrong but to me that comes across as someone who is too big for the smaller tournaments.
Again, how are you pretty sure ? The reason of him stepping down from the roster has never been disclosed by him. There's a difference between assumption and being pretty sure.

Lastly, i never rated him. You're starting to answer me with questions. In my eyes, he's great and he has the potential to be at the top alongside the best players in this game.
And yes, I am a fanboy. Anybody who appreciates Seagull is a fanboy, anybody who dislikes him is a mongbean. What a planet!

Here is Miro on Seagull at 2:30

And I've heard Surefour and Taimou talk about Seagull as well. But good luck finding the clips...
All this to say, look shit up before talking nonsense.

posted about 7 years ago

That's amazing dude. Best of luck to the youngster.

posted about 7 years ago

The difference between you and I is I'm talking about what I think, not about what PEOPLE say, cause that's all you seem to care about. What's it to you if they fucking say Seagull is a god or a garbage can ? Make your own mind and stop reacting, you'll gain more credibility.
Scrimming and practicing doesn't mean shit ?! Dude you're heated, ponder before typing. Literally nonsense.

Your opinion and mine on pro players' level is irrelevant. Hence me repeating my question, have you ever heard anybody relevant in the professional community say he is massively overrated ?

And I never said he's ready for OWL, I said he's practicing. Kephrii has played this game professionally for a couple of games in a Liquid try out. So yes, there is a big difference between a guy playing for months and a guy playing for a couple of hours. If that ain't clear to you, I don't know what is.

Well maybe if you watched his streams you'd notice how people actually bought the game after watching for a while.
surely only people that knew OW would watch him?
Are you actually serious ? Knowing OW and buying OW are different things ??

people seem to feel he's single handedly keeping OW alive or some shit
Again with the people huh. And don't know about that single-handedly you put there.

Rest of your post got answered on my previous one.
Don't really enjoy long conversations like these. I guess I like the guy and you don't. Just don't say shit like 'he feels he's too good' cause that's a bunch of garbage. That is all.

posted about 7 years ago

There's players out there that did more in bigger games more consistently that still don't get rated as high as Seagull for some reason, even after doing fuck all for so long people still act like he's one of the best which blows my mind.

You're gonna blame the guy for being likeable and good at what he does ? Fact of the matter is, these other pros you talk of didn't do a tenth of the shit he did for this game, and this goes back to the early closed beta days. The guy built his community, a very big one, and you're gonna hate on him because this community supports him ?

people acted like he was gods gift to OW

Are you saying that you don't like the guy because of how people perceive him ? You're reaching my doggie.

He felt he was too good for the smaller tournaments, it was an absolute dick move in my eyes to ditch your team like that to become a streamer.

Forgive my manners, but where in the fuck exactly did he ever say that he was too good for small tournaments ? Please stop spreading false claims based over you not liking him or the way he's handling his career. And as far as everybody knows, there hasn't been bad blood between him and his ex-teammates at all over this.

Fact he's valuable shouldn't matter, should teams go out and bring in some big time you tubers as well because they are even more valuable?

I'm gonna start by saying forget opening a business. Second, you're comparing Seagull to big youtubers, that's a top kekeroni.

I have no idea who the biggest OW you tuber is but throw him on Envyus because he's valuable, nah fuck that.
Again, thonker.

Finally, there's no actual pro players' rating. Whatever you're thinking is based off of what random people say on the internet.

EDIT: completely fucked up formating, any way I could delete the whole post I replied to in favour of the small parts ?

posted about 7 years ago

Idk how anybody can say Seagull doesn't have the chops for OWL. The guy took a break from professional play but he's still scrimming and practicing.
And I'm gonna join the train, people saying he doesn't have what it takes to be in it (or only at his peak), are obviously biased for a reason or another. Not white knighting here, but have you ever heard anybody relevant in the professional community say he is massively overrated ?

Plus, he said it in his stream once, and I'm paraphrasing here (don't have the heart to go watch hours of VODs, so take my word for it, or don't), that people, especially pros, shouldn't expect anything too big from the first months of Overwatch, and that things will get serious once the big league will be announced. The League is here, and Seagull is back to his inconsistent streams that he had once old LG got signed by NRG. Could only mean one thing. The bird is practicing hard.
My only hope is that he gets in a good team and does well in OWL.

And I won't talk about the marketing side of Seagull, his exposure, the number of people he brought into Overwatch, the number of people he taught things about Overwatch, it seems fairly obvious to me.

He has the skill, he has the drive, he has the will to thrive.
Yes, I'm applying to be his campaign manager. Sue me.

posted about 7 years ago

Knoxxx looked very uncomfortable on Rein. Holding shield too much against what IMT was running, not a good sign. Nico's Zarya was good tough, and Soon's Doomfist was not anything crazy but definitely did the job.

Numbani was quite a game, both teams looked good defense wise, IMT looking more and more coordinated by the week. But Soon was easily the difference maker. That guy is so smart.

Fate carried Hanamura hands down. Nothing else to say besides IMT c9ing 2nd point to a Tac Visor. They C9ed King's Row 2nd 2 days ago to a Deadeye. :thankong:

My boy Soon as usual came to play and put the big boi pants on, never have I seen him not be up to par, or better even. Farmed Kariv with Knoxxx on Gibraltar. Indirectly responsible for the C9, since Verbo got the kill on him right before the timer ran out, and Verbo is cart man.
Envy is getting better and better each weak, still some wtf are you doing moments but him and Fate are playing way better together.

posted about 7 years ago

I really don't know what to make of this. Most of it looks legit but then you see those couple of seconds of reaaally shady aim and you think is he doing it ?

I honestly don't know, certainly looks weird but a lot of pros have been accused before, clips in hand, and they haven't been proven guilty.

posted about 7 years ago

I actually couldn't stay awake for this one :( And I was so looking forward to it too. God damn sleep.

posted about 7 years ago

Tbh are we even supposed to comment on this ?

posted about 7 years ago

Rogue has also been playing at ~100 fps in a canadian gaming lounge stuck without a visa. At least they got themselves a couple ROG gaming laptops now KappaRoss.

posted about 7 years ago

Hqrdest the monster hitscan and Leaf da Fistr. Plus BenBest has showed some quality Rein play, and Poko's Zarya is up there too. First real test as Kuroi said, and I hope they come out on top, I love me some underdog stories.
3-2 for GO and I say let the fisting begin.

Although Davin is actually scary. And we're yet to see which comes on top in the new Rein comp vs dive match-up. Looking forward to this, iz gon b goo.

posted about 7 years ago
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