Looking for a highly skilled EU team, ideally with the aim of eventually competing in tournaments.
Long time TF2 player with over a year of experience playing at top level, notably placing 4th to 2nd in europe for the last four seasons
Lucio / ana main
Flexible to any support or tank role
Reliable keen bean, never emotional
Available practically any day of the week for practice
Can help out with practice ethic, VOD reviews and tactics
Can maincall, shotcall, ingame lead or whatever you wanna call it - if needed
Scrim experience of about 3 hours, 5 times a week for 6 years in TF2.
LAN experience at Dreamhack Winter 2016(TF2), insomnia58(TF2) and the Icelandic Overwatch Championship.
Current rank dancing around 4400.
cmd#21191 or STEAM