Country: Austria
Registered: October 1, 2016
Last post: January 15, 2020 at 5:12 PM
Posts: 174
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Regarding anyone running Windows 10 on their device
The NSA has released an official, public statement urging everyone to update their Windows devices as soon as possible. An exploit has been identified in the current version of Windows 10 that can allow malicious software to be automatically installed on your computer, under the guise of approved Windows updates.

This means that very soon, hackers will be developing tools to be able to take control of and install malicious software to over 900 million PCs worldwide, with little to nothing that can be done to stop or remove the infected software due to the system believing it is from an approved Windows Update.

The NSA and US Department of Defense urges everyone on Windows 10 to update their computer IMMEDIATELY, as a fix for the exploit has already been released. Again, failing to update now will put your machine at extreme risk in the future.

To update, click the windows logo in the bottom left, click the cog, go to "update and security" and press "check for updates."

Links to the OFFICIAL NSA statement and a detailed news report are included below for you to read.
Be careful everyone

Copy and pasted from a discord server I am in (Thanks Craig), I already updated mine.
I posted the same on if anyone uses that site as well.

posted about 5 years ago

what's a clockwork sadbois

posted about 6 years ago

beautiful <3 many thanks gabeconte

posted about 7 years ago

Can someone photoshop the team to make them all swole, would be a good meme.

I would, but I am not skilled in this area of artwork.


posted about 7 years ago

Rob420 back on the block
cool fahzix too

posted about 7 years ago

Looks and works great on my IPhone 5 (not a meme I still have one)!

posted about 7 years ago

looks like the people want the SHD to farm some noobs.
was only a poll

posted about 7 years ago

Anyone else notice Nesh's real name as "German" ? is that really his name :DDD?

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

YA BOI IN THE BIG LEAGUES NOW (my first time seeing him at least)

posted about 7 years ago

Heart is telling me 3-2 Philly

posted about 7 years ago

Let's keep it to overwatch boys and girls, predictions and what not, downfragged or upfragged.
If you don't like something being posted, downfrag it.
If you do like something, upfrag it.
If you post something, be ready to have it taken positively or negatively.

Post at your own risk.

posted about 7 years ago

let the upvotes decide the winner

posted about 7 years ago

Time to watch my boys DF farm some noobs.

posted about 7 years ago

they implemented the idea is posted about! great work!
original thread
*that I posted at least, surely others have spoke or thought of this before me

posted about 7 years ago

I do believe GentlemanJohn would do this for Tf2 for many events and seasons, is anyone amazing enough to do so with Overwatch or have another site that does? ty!

posted about 7 years ago

Nice to see a player taking a Germanic name for once ;')
"Nenne" from "nennen" which legit means "To name" :DDD

posted about 7 years ago

Winston Mayhem

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

wth is a friend

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

c u in Valhalla :)

posted about 7 years ago

Woah Woah there Guinea, I live just an hour away from my boys Mayhem, let's not get overhyped just because Phillly is doing better than the Jags in football, let's go Mayhem!

posted about 7 years ago

triple support incoming meta pls

posted about 7 years ago

No Lies, either Seagull's Pharah wasn't as good as I expected or Gods's Pharah was much better than I had. I do think SDB can take Seagull on in the Pharah battles, but not in a dominating fashion, and vice versa.

looking for a good game, outcome is undetermined imo, because of how well FNRGFE played against nV yesturday, and how wobbly FaZe looked against EnvI yesturday.

posted about 7 years ago

When team singularity reps the 123 flag meta also :D

posted about 7 years ago

Jaru's widwomaker could put a tamper on SDB is he plays correctly today

posted about 7 years ago

4-0 ! get my corndogs into playoffs

posted about 7 years ago

I just wanna see the corndogs make it to playoffs so they can get a sponsor or something to keep them fed while they main overwatch

posted about 7 years ago

ChrisTFer instead of Numlocked?

posted about 7 years ago

what's that supposed to mean?

posted about 7 years ago

"NRG feeling less blue after signing Sinatraa"

posted about 7 years ago

So I got the game about two months ago, ran smooth as a baby's bum on some nice setting for an older(ish) computer, then it started getting frame drops, so I set it to high priority and play lowest setting possible. That is a fix for that issue, however, it has started randomly crashing - sometimes after a match or two, sometimes in my first match - where the screen goes black, the game closes after a minute or so, my blizzard app goes white, and I have to restart my pc or end all blizzard tasks in task manager, only to repeat the cycle.

Any ideas as to why this happens? I deleted and (re)downloaded the app and game, but that only bought me a few days of fixing.

Any ideas are appreciated, danke.

Edit: Also posted on and

posted about 7 years ago

This is a very interesting team/mixture of flags, don't often see Asian + US + Euro flag combination

posted about 7 years ago

Dominantly German team? Taking over Europe? I know what happens next

posted about 7 years ago

Carpe: If you can't beat 'em, join 'em

posted about 7 years ago

Russia will have a Thanksgiving dinner this match.

posted about 7 years ago

best series I have seen in a long time... I believe, with this roster, IMT could win some games against certain SK teams, shame they wont have foreigners this coming season.

posted about 7 years ago

Is that actually him?

posted about 7 years ago

Almost every time I see a game completed I click to watch the vod, then boom, I see the score, and the surprise is partially ruined.

I was thinking, maybe a spoiler option for the scores, sure they show it on the right side of the page under "completed matches" but I have a feeling it'd please more than only I.

Thanks :)

posted about 7 years ago

That's going to be hard for a single flanker, since nV doesn't have a gengji main, that single tracer will have to hit the shots and hope for pressure from the front at the same time to separate or push back the supports

posted about 7 years ago

Same could be said for any team in the quarterfinals right now, other than RNG me feels

posted about 7 years ago

Under the "Semifinals" title, small typo - "Guap, glory and (fan)girls are all up for grabs"

posted about 7 years ago

Bracket looks stacked, what are your thoughts?

After seeing Immortals pound I have high hopes for them, but how would they stack up against a newly invigorated TL and FaZe or LG Evil? Not feeling much for RNG here but Kungarna also looks promising, how you people feel?

posted about 7 years ago

not gonna say I called it with TL, but I called it...

posted about 7 years ago
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