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Registered: May 11, 2017
Last post: November 9, 2020 at 6:39 PM
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Mathematically they can still get to playoffs, they have to win both their games, and either Philly or Gladiators have to lose both of theirs I think

posted about 6 years ago

They're on the Overwatch PIT twitch channel, for some reason the VOD is called EU Finals, but it's the most recent broadcast. Starts at about 3:20:00

posted about 6 years ago

But was he the problem?

posted about 6 years ago

I dream of a time when Dallas are consistent, they had glimmers in Stages 1 and 2, where they played NYXL close and things, but they then almost lost to Shanghai. Maybe with more stability in starting players and support staff they'll do better

posted about 6 years ago

PIT is not really a T3 tournament, it's a T2/T3 tournament with a mixture of teams. And as we've seen cis hope lost to 6nakes. There are 8 invited teams, 2 are in contenders (cis hope and eagle), 4 are in contenders trials (6nakes, singularity, sms blue and northern lights), and only 2 (koord narwhals and birb bois) are from open division.

posted about 6 years ago

From what I gather, Coluge was banned from Trials Season 1 for boosting, served his time, didn't boost anymore, then gets banned again for the same offence. Rightfully, he had that ban lifted. Gator's ban then got reduced to be in line with Coluge's from season 1.

But yes, I 100% agree they need to be more transparent with what they're doing, it juts looks like a mess otherwise

posted about 6 years ago

If NYXL are giving 100% there's no way they lose this. If they're going easy so they don't burn out before finals, then maybe Gladiators can take it.

I think NYXL 3-1 though

posted about 6 years ago

LFG and Endorsements are huge, I was actually in a ranked game yesterday and we had a really great guy, who picked for the team, provided advise and took criticism, and I thought at the time how I wish I could commend him like in Dota 2, then I saw the Developer update. Actually excited for Overwatch for a change

posted about 6 years ago

They lost Aero, and they seem to be struggling for it

posted about 6 years ago

The power of rob420

posted about 6 years ago

It's not even the extremity, it's the inconsistency of it. SADO gets 30 game suspension, OGE get's 3/4 game suspension, and these guys get like a year suspension. They need clarity and consistency over what the punishments are really.

posted about 6 years ago

NRG in the finals of a tournament PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago

What really helps is they had Seagull learn Dva, to allow Mickie to main tank, meaning they can now flex him between off tank and dps, and Mickie can Brigitte. A lot of teams either sacrifice their Dva for Brigitte, or switch a dps onto the role, and don't look quite as comfortable with it

posted about 6 years ago

KyKy LUL was LUL the LUL problem LUL

posted about 6 years ago

Will we get another instalment of the Fusion Uni vs EnVision rivalry...?

Edit: RIP the dream

posted about 6 years ago

that'd be a monkaS for Shanghai

posted about 6 years ago

Dude, get over yourself. You're not a big deal, nobody cares about you. You act like everyone's out to get you, but in reality you're just out to get everyone else.

posted about 6 years ago

I don't think Overwatch has anywhere near enough heroes for pick/ban system, and I think it would hurt the game if they implemented it. One of the biggest things about the game is counter-picking your opponents, and also that different heroes are more viable on different parts of the same map. Maybe a long time in the future it could work, but it's a very different game from say, Dota 2.

posted about 6 years ago

How about the pair of you both grow up and have a decent conversation regarding your difference of opinion. I imagine both of you are the kind who rage at their teammates when they lose, while being adamant it's never their fault...

posted about 6 years ago

Running Moira with full dive? Even with the close engagement distances on Blizzard World, that's risky

posted about 6 years ago

He was suspended for pre-season and first 30 matches, so it depends if they count the stage 2 playoff matches as part of his suspension period or not

posted about 6 years ago

Yeah they should really fire Kyky, he's making these terrible decisions......oh wait

posted about 6 years ago

Not until the start of stage 4 IIRC

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

I like ZP, but I think if I had a dollar for every time he's said 'in the moment' in this match I'd be getting a tidy sum

posted about 6 years ago

Fuel 100% could win this, but their roster and support staff are in such disorder that I doubt they will

posted about 6 years ago

tbh I kinda feel he wouldn't care if the team kicked him for it. He's clearly not happy there and I don't blame him

posted about 6 years ago

Wow hastro really screwed Kyky over, publicly made a statement saying he has full control, so that he could scapegoat him a few weeks later. Good luck finding a top coach like that. All that's left of the team I used to support is Mickie and HarryHook (that play regularly)

And he's also screwed Rascal over, that guy 100% deserves an OWL spot and he can't join another roster until next season. Dick move.

posted about 6 years ago

One thing I would say is, whilst it is always a good idea to watch the pros to understand the best way to play the game, and micros of hero play, it doesn't often help in terms of ranking up with the current way the ranked system works. Very rarely in ranked games do you get 6 people all willing to work together and communicate to get the best team synergy possible unfortunately

posted about 6 years ago

Pleaseeeee, Blizzard, fix the sound balance on the mics so that we hear the casters and not screaming fangirls

posted about 6 years ago

Casting csgo is so different from casting overwatch, and he really struggles to keep up with the fast-paced nature of the game. And it just seems so strange that he got a spot casting OWL as an unproven guy, compared to people like JKap, ZP, Jamerson, etc. that had been casting the game for ages

posted about 6 years ago

It's such a shame these casters make it almost impossible to watch. Hex is decent but Semmler makes so many mistakes and just says nonsense every 30 seconds

posted about 6 years ago

Effect is trying so hard to carry aKm right now

posted about 6 years ago

This will be the 5th time these teams have met in the last couple of months, with eV being the only team so far to beat FU, however I still see this going the way of FU. Hoping for another 5 game match though

posted about 6 years ago

Indeed. That is why I explicitly said sexual matters. But at the end of the day, she is a 14 yr old kid. Maybe some people were incredibly mature at 14, but I know I wasn't. I was an idiot. It's the responsibility of the adult in the situation to not be drawn in and go along with it, and take a stand about it. It really isn't that hard to say you're 14, this isn't appropriate, and stop doing it.

posted about 6 years ago

Because he's the adult. If it was a 21 yr old woman doing the same thing with a 14 yr old boy, then it would be the woman's fault.

posted about 6 years ago

Why do so many people seem to thing this is a joking matter? And seeing people blaming the girl is frankly disgusting. She's a minor, that's why the law is there. It's literally there because it's deemed that people under a certain age aren't in a position to make informed decisions about sexual matters. Who cares if she was encouraging him, it's his responsible as an adult to say no, this is wrong, you're too young.

posted about 6 years ago

Effect silently carries the whole team

posted about 6 years ago

Fuel were finally getting somewhere then they trade away a key part of that roster. I don't see their fortunes changing any time soon, regardless of what Seagull plays

posted about 6 years ago

There goes my last support for Dallas unfortunately. Lost faith in the org a while ago but Custa was keeping me there. I don't see myself supporting Valiant any time soon, so I guess I'll have to stick to Fusion from now on

posted about 6 years ago

I 100% expected this to be another link to Rick Astley, congrats on it not being.

posted about 6 years ago

Kyky will have very little say in it, despite what he might wish. Trading Seagull is a business decision that hastr0 will be in charge of.

posted about 6 years ago

Shadder2k finally PogChamp

posted about 7 years ago

Good to know Shanghai aren't last in player drama at least

posted about 7 years ago

What a flag battle this is.

Also do we know who's playing in place of Kruise now?

posted about 7 years ago

The difference lies at the core of Korean vs Western culture. From my understanding, success is valued highly in Korea, no matter in what field, and video gaming is a socially acceptable way of achieving success. Western culture sees video games as recreation primarily, and there is a level of stigma attached to playing games competitively. Unless this changes significantly, there will always be issues like this arising.

The Korean scene is also far from perfect, orgs have dropped rosters and players have expressed dissatisfaction in the past. Also who knows what issues we never hear about as they remain internal, whereas Western players tend to be more outspoken.

posted about 7 years ago

I'm 99% sure Mickie is the only reason this team haven't murdered each other yet

posted about 7 years ago

It's amazing the process they have to go through to give a World Cup to South Korea

posted about 7 years ago

How does that trade make sense for either team?? I guess maybe if they also swap Effect for Soon, you then have half of Rogue back together, but it doesn't feel that either side needs those swaps

posted about 7 years ago

How are Dallas able to show up like this against the Korean teams, but look terrible against everybody else

posted about 7 years ago
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