Country: Switzerland
Registered: June 1, 2017
Last post: January 26, 2019 at 2:37 PM
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LuL you scared me.

Also I'm pretty sure Luddee was main support and Snow was flex on TO.
I mean maybe they have good chemistry and this squad worked out for them.

And it would be a crime if no one picked up Boombox, be it just as a sub for his Zen.

posted about 7 years ago

Volskaya Industries is my favorite map


posted about 7 years ago

Really ? What a waste honestly. Only guy that can flex DPS heroes in the whole team on flexsupp ? That's questionable... His Zarya and Dva were not close to being the best, but he was pretty good on a bunch of damage heroes.

#18 That was my first reaction too.

posted about 7 years ago

Actually I forgot that NotE was an offtanker, was half asleep this morning LuL. Which leads me to believe Striker will pick up Lucio, or Snow on Lucio and Striker on flex support.
Fischer has a deep enough hero pool to cover a large portion of the heroes they'll need, but still, not enough depth in this roster imo. Still need to see this whole thing in action.

posted about 7 years ago

That was some EnVy clean sweep type of game holy.
A couple of players on KDP underperformed by miles. Actually ridiculous.

posted about 7 years ago

Yo Busan is cooking KD right now. Profitt and Hooreg are nuts, and Gesture is slowly making a name for himself among the best Winstons in Korea.

posted about 7 years ago

Again, this was just some guy on twitch posting it, I don't wanna get your hopes up about the EU boys too much Poi.
And after a quick look up, Striker was in ROX Orcas with TyDolla and crew before, don't know which role he plays, I'm guessing offtank.
It's also a good balance they have, 3 EU, 2 NA, 2 KR. But overall, the other thread about Harsha's thoughts on the Boston team makes more sense now. Hopefully they can make something happen.

posted about 7 years ago

On paper the EUs are good, but too many specialists imo. Plus Kyb has been really struggling since he took a break from old eUnited, he was rolling on his Genji. Fischer has a deeper hero pool, and Dream will be their hitscan player most likely. Haven't seen Snow and NotE play so I don't have an opinion on them, it's more about the FAs that are available in their spots.
Also never seen Striker play, but Gamsu has a really good reputation.

I don't know, compared to the other teams that we already know of, this one looks really weak to me.

posted about 7 years ago

Seeing TwoEasy and Mendo in the same sentence makes my teeth grind tbh.
I personally don't think Buds is a top tier player, but if you're gonna take 5 players of a team that has been consistently improving over the last few months, might as well get the whole squad. Or perhaps Mendo has more public appeal than Buds ?

On a side note (I don't want to create a thread based on a twitch rumour), there's a guy with a 1 day old account going into channels 'leaking' the Boston team. According to this guy, it is Kyb, Mistakes, Fischer, Dreamkazper, Snow, Note, Striker and Gamsu. Make of it what you will, but if it is true, this squad might get stomped.

posted about 7 years ago

I understand wanting Adam to be in OWL, I want him to be there too, but Verbo is a really good Lucio, on top of being a stand up team captain. Every team needs charismatic players, and I don't see Verbo going anywhere.

As for #11, my guess is Surefour's spot is between Philly and LA. He's 110% in.

posted about 7 years ago

The anthem of the late 90s

posted about 7 years ago

London Excelsior (LuL) 4-2 GC Busan
RunAway 4-3 NC Foxes

posted about 7 years ago

Mine comes from my favourite progressive album, Involv3r (pronounced Involver 3) by Sasha.
Launch this at night chilling somewhere and you'll feel the power my dudes. Tracks 7 and 8 are it for me.

Crazy how music defines a part of so many people here, love it.

posted about 7 years ago

When I saw the tweet where he says that was his best game ever, I was like hold on for real ? Then I clicked on this link.
He died 30 times in 7 maps. 80-30 is just nuts.
Thank god for these honestly, cause I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see them.

posted about 7 years ago

That was some handshake huh Kappa

Thanks Harsha for these, really great insights from some of the top players.

posted about 7 years ago

I got you my doggie

LF graphic designer job btw.

posted about 7 years ago

Say hello to El Presidente.

posted about 7 years ago




My heart can't take this. This team is just too good.

posted about 7 years ago

Seagull actually throwing LuL

What a teammate, trying to make EFFECT look even better KappaRoss

posted about 7 years ago

Also, the unsung hero of this game, Big D. Didn't appear as much in the killfeed, but these stats can't lie Absolutely massive.

posted about 7 years ago


I'm seriously considering getting an EFFECT poster.

posted about 7 years ago

Is he a great player ? Yes. One of the best ? Yes. The best ? No.

There's no best DPS player in a game like this, can't compare. Plain and simple. I hear a bunch of analysts/casters say that, but I've been disagreeing with it since it started getting thrown around.

And I think some people are misinterpreting what Generation1 said. Tviq is overrated as 'The best player in the world', not him being a top tier player.

posted about 7 years ago

If Taimou was scoping in and not shooting anything, you would've said the same. They were spectating the fight inside the pill room, not easy to expect Taimou getting a sick 4 piece there...
The viewing was stellar this whole weekend, they miss one play and the moths start bitching.

posted about 7 years ago

This is also EFFECT v Carpe. Let's see it my dudes.

Also, Carpe is a nutty Mccree, so we might see Seagull on Zarya and EFFECT on Tracer from the start.

Nevermind, you could run 5 fucking Symmetras with EFFECT and he'll still pop off.

posted about 7 years ago

Fly away, moth.

posted about 7 years ago

This is an unpopular opinion, and I share it.

posted about 7 years ago

I don't know why you're getting downfragged for this. Matter of fact, Linkzr put Tviq on his ass throughout this series. Period.
Been following this guy since the beta days, and I'm so happy that he gets to shine again after Dignitas started struggling a long long time ago.
Shaz also played out of his mind, so much value out of right clicks and ults, beautiful teamwork with Bigg00se.

Well fucking deserved win.

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Linkzr BlessRNG. Bren with the hype casting, that was sick.

posted about 7 years ago

Um all it takes is hitting one headshot plus body shots to out aim a visor. Not saying it's easy, in fact Dafran in my eyes was by miles the best 76 in the game, he, and many others, just have the mechanical ability to do it.
And what he does in ranked doesn't really apply to pro play, put him as soldier spawn camping 1v6 and the dude won't last to put down his healing station.

posted about 7 years ago

Wouldn't surprise me if it was both, I feel the same way.

posted about 7 years ago

Ok why are they playing Eichenwalde again ? Did I fucking miss something ? :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

Plus the Widow never really worked. I don't know the reasoning behind that decision. And Logix should've went back to Tracer right after that failed beyblade.

On Route 66, that moment when Shaz finds Zebbo hiding shows that Gigantti are on top of their shit. And Linkzr, up to now, completely outclassing Tviq.

posted about 7 years ago

xQc also said that he trialed/is trialing with the Philly squad.

posted about 7 years ago

The Lucio healing track always gives me the chills.
You could say it rejuvenates me.

posted about 7 years ago

Didn't Silkthread turn down offers before because of studies (or other reasons not sure) ? Understandable if it is him though, OWL opportunity too big to give up I guess.

posted about 7 years ago

Linkzr popping the fuck off!

Misfits lost first koth yesterday as well though so I'm not getting hyped just yet.

posted about 7 years ago

xQc just said in chat that IMT signed another good DPS player. IMT not slacking.

posted about 7 years ago

Misfits 3-4 Gigantti
nV 4-1 FaZe

posted about 7 years ago

Not that stupid tbh. SoOn on the Tracer they desperately lack. Unkoe the beast Zen and Ana, and with KariV being able to play a lot of heroes, they can go for some out of the box comps.

Fate is, I think, a way better Winston than Seb, but never really seen him play Rein consistently. In any ways, it's good to have a sub main tanker, maybe for some Rein Orisa/Winston comps if ever played.

posted about 7 years ago

Remiska fishing for downfrags LuL

But tbh Seagull played really well, especially on University where only Zza and Yikes had the balls to run Pharamercy, with success nonetheless. Taimou didn't shine as much and I'm guessing cause Chips was focusing on keeping Seagull alive most of the time, he absolutely massacred on the other maps.
And Effect just popped off. All it took was for him to go Tracer and break FNRGFE on University, I think he took matters in his own hands because that stage was very close.

posted about 7 years ago

Pick monkey and smash! Dude that's a pogger. Love these interviews, great job.

posted about 7 years ago

Effect has built visor in a minute twice. What does the man not play ?

posted about 7 years ago

That Taimou imitation of Hog highlight intro was a phat LuL

posted about 7 years ago

Rough game due to rough circumstances. Hafficool and Finnsi played well for 123, Linkzr, Davin and Zappis were popping on the other side too.
And after that 123 team intro, I genuinely hope we'll see more of these guys.

posted about 7 years ago

There's a beast in every man, and it stirs when you put him at a LAN.

posted about 7 years ago

Widow with Sombra ??? NotLikeThis

posted about 7 years ago
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