Country: France
Registered: July 22, 2016
Last post: November 14, 2018 at 12:30 PM
Posts: 148
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So sad :( the last chinese hope shredded to bits by EM

posted about 7 years ago

What a waste of a spot

posted about 7 years ago

Where's the Daco fanboy at?

posted about 7 years ago

Tweeting from the obelisk

posted about 7 years ago

This punishment feels so stupid, they should provide gm accounts for the pros, they don't have time to waste rekting some noobs to rank up their mains

posted about 7 years ago

No winz :thinking:

posted about 7 years ago

In the meantime I left China for Thailand and the reply button works now, good job tracking it to the jquery library, I can't verify but I'm 100% sure is not accessible from china

Edit : sorry, I was testing the reply button :D

posted about 7 years ago

What happened here?

posted about 7 years ago

Totally agree, I've been spoiled so many times here, even when I'm being careful

posted about 7 years ago

Very informational, I didn't picture dhaK as a vocal veteran IGL, thanks for the great interviews! Hyped for Shock mainly thanks to harsha and Nevix

posted about 7 years ago

I'm visiting china right now, everytime I talk about overwatch people tell me it flopped and the "real deal" is pubg now (along with arena of valor). I also saw pretty big overwatch 50% discount advertisements in the metro stations.
However China is gigantic and Netease is strong, I'm pretty sure overwatch will still be played for quite some time here. Eventhough it's not the most popular game here, if a small portion of the population plays it it still accounts for a large number of people

Edit : I feel like they invited too many koreans teams, they are injecting money into korean overeatch by doing so. They should have invited one or two korean teams to make it interesting while still injecting money into chinese ow and keeping the dream real for chinese players

posted about 7 years ago

#6 (reply button doesn't work) I was thinking about making a fantasy league website copied from the fantasy lcs one, but Nantzer announced they will do an official one (probably not on time for season 1 though). But my biggest concern is I don't know if I'd be allowed to use the names of teams and players

posted about 7 years ago

Not enough people to scrape up a team in a 12 players roster (actually 11 because of sado) I'm pretty sure somebody in the management staff didn't do its job properly

Edit : but hey, more shock is never a bad thing!

posted about 7 years ago

Moonmoon is still in the roster, could somebody correct it ?

posted about 7 years ago

No worries mate, for those who want to look for the vods, the hanzi for nexus cup is 时空杯

posted about 7 years ago

Sorry I'm late, here are some questions I was asking myself after reading this :

Why did Kryw get replaced : he got benched by misfits for behaviour and differences in opinion (source : he talked about it on reddit and Slideshow wrote a great article on your favourite website

What happened to Cooller : he was just a temporarily stand-in for dreamhack winter 2016 and quit overwatch for quake champions after its announcement

What happened to ryb after Misfits : he joined C9 one week after winning overwatch open. I've looked at the misfits match archive ( and it looks like ryb arrived in the middle of the lenovo cup which means they qualified for OWOpen with Skipjack and won the finals with ryb.

How could they replace Kryw (flex) with Cooller (lucio) : Zebbo switched to flex

I also thought you went prety fast on the reinforce being kicked drama, here's a great interview of Reinforce where he explains a lot of things about misfits and what happened

posted about 7 years ago

I'm on
Chrome app version 55.0.2883.91
Android 6.0.1

When I click the "reply" button, nothing happens
When I want to post and click any of the wysiswg buttons (bold, italic, link, bullet points, quotes etc.) the button get "clicked" but nothing happens. If I select text before clicking the button it unselects the text

Am I the only one?

Edit : "edit" button works :)

posted about 7 years ago

I've always looked up to eissfeldt's soldier, I'd be hyped if he joined a contender's team. It's been a long time I haven't seen him play but he'd totally deaerve it imo

posted about 7 years ago

Yes 6 is "liu" and is the same pronunciation as the hanzi character for "good work"

posted about 7 years ago

Gratz! Glad the lads at are living the dream!

posted about 7 years ago

"I liked both of them because in the announcement of the name and logo had Reinhardt for Gladiators, and Winston for Fusion"


posted about 7 years ago

I'm in holidays in china right now, wished this was offline

posted about 7 years ago

Hyped for aKm's squad! Will he pick his 3 pals from rouge? I sense a top10 anime betrayal. Although being the younger brother I think he has to pick winz if he doesn't wanna get bullied.

posted about 7 years ago

DPS : Hafficool, Hafficool
Tank : Hafficool, Hafficool
Support : Hafficool, Hafficool

It's lacking a good diva and genji but at least they all speak icelandic so they should have a somewhat good synergy

posted about 7 years ago

Wow Ryu is 4 stars, he's missing out on so much nerdstar, we need a prestige system.. And lootboxes

posted about 7 years ago

I read the whole thing with an italian accent

posted about 7 years ago

Nobody said it so I'll add this here : use the mute button. His question is fair imo, and you did good by answering "it's my best hero" but as soon as he start saying negative stuff you should mute him and focus on carrying his ass. At this point, no good can come out of his comms anymore

posted about 7 years ago

Only reading the title I knew it was a Pixelfish post

posted about 7 years ago

So many teams and nobody uses winz : the brain and IGL behind Rogue's success and top tier aimer

posted about 7 years ago

OWL : Fuel
WC : rouge (cf my flag)
Normal : Meta Athena when they were pulling off their crazy mei strats (dorado, eichenwald, numbani) and sombra attack (hanamura)

posted about 7 years ago

I didn't expect this, if you're looking for me I'll be crying under my bed

posted about 7 years ago

Has anybody been playing doomfist recently in NV?

posted about 7 years ago

I would love a spoiler option, I have this website opened 24/7 on my browser and again today I got spoiled one of France's matches by taking an unfortunate look at the "completed matches" column

A checkbox in "Profile" could allow us to activate spoilers, the option could be stored in session and then the "match-header-vs-score" and "h-match-team-score" classes would get replaced unless we click on em

posted about 7 years ago

Also twitch chat loved it, i watched some of his drunk stream (it was painful) and some guy in the chat said "I've never been so entertained watching twitch"

If he didn't get punished, other people would realize they could make money by being a douche on stream and throwing games. I'm glad both Selfless and Blizzard reacted accordingly

posted about 7 years ago

I didn't search extensively but here are some

  • SC:BW had ToSsGirL competing with males
  • Geguri
  • The two girls from this great article (ok ok they play support but it still counts)
  • was looking for female pros in smash : Fuwa, consistently beating good male players
  • Kayane has a pretty good history in fighting games
  • ~~Didn't know about Mystik but apparently she's successful ~~ edit : oops, she only won television show tournaments ! Got baited by esportearnings

Now if you tell me any of the girls in this list are transgender you're gonna make me real sad (I cried when I learnt Scarlett is trans)

There could be more here but the list also counts trans

posted about 7 years ago

I agree with this dude, people tend to underestimate Blizzard and forget that it's a huge company full of smart people doing their job since nearly 20 years. They know what they're doing

posted about 7 years ago

Where can we follow them ? Youtube, twitter, twitch ?

The project sounds great ! It reminds me of "Le Twilight Council" from the french sc2 players (Ptitdrogo, DNS, Lilbow) but I don't think this project worked out too much, maybe they could try to learn from their mistakes and understand why it didn't work

posted about 7 years ago

As sandshrewz said, a journalist doesn't have to give its source, Wth, nobody would leak anything anymore if it were the case.

And also why would apex care if they're rude, it's business, they won't pass up on money just for NRG's feelings. Also they don't have seagulls image to sell to the Korean fans anymore so they probably know they're not as hot as before business-wise

posted about 7 years ago

Mei's blizzard seems huge to me, can't believe Lucio's AOE is three times that. This dude needs a nerf blizz please

posted about 8 years ago

The manager of RNG is "Shady" ? How ironic

posted about 8 years ago

Great content, loved reading through this while I'm unable to watch the games. Thanks!

posted about 8 years ago

I can't thank you guys enough for this !

posted about 8 years ago

He must have spent the night on this quote

posted about 8 years ago
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