Country: United States
Registered: December 7, 2015
Last post: March 21, 2018 at 12:51 AM
Posts: 126
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If Twitch chat and Reddit are where people source their opinions of something, that is pretty bottom-barrel; a company using that to boot off a team is kneejerk reaction to meme scum and bandwagon. They've been to lan, which is more than what some other teams can say. Also Harbleu's been to more lans with demonstrated success than most people have played tournaments

posted about 8 years ago

He's been performing like that for like two months

posted about 8 years ago

I'd say NRG should pick up a better DPS, but I wouldn't want anyone to join this sinking ship

posted about 8 years ago

Back to streaming and memes for seagull lol

posted about 8 years ago

Because they're too complacent as players, also milo sucks

posted about 8 years ago

It's blizzard, what did you expect

posted about 8 years ago

Is this being casted? All these matches and only one stream

posted about 8 years ago

Well said. There is only room for so many at the top of the ladder, though, this roster change should be a significant upgrade for Splyce, so we'll see how they fare

posted about 8 years ago

Yeah, as I've said, LG really needs a self check. Gods has really tapered off since his early start on LG, seems burnt. Seagull seems rust from streaming and pandering Twitch all the time. Enigma's the only one who's been putting in work for that team. These teams will be picked apart by AUS/EU/Korean teams who have way higher work ethics. Replacing their support constantly isn't the right response.

They should consider redrafting players from their NotEnigma days. They'd have more mileage with that group of talents

posted about 8 years ago

LG has been that bad for a while. The players are just not consistant, and the leader is too much of a streamhead. Understandably so since he makes thousands a month from it. LG would need a major self check to break into any top spots. They have talented players, but perhaps not talented ethics as other teams like TSM?

posted about 8 years ago

Just pick up Shrugger and Blaze and call it a day

posted about 8 years ago

Had Indust simply pressed the rez button they would have won. Unfortunate. I feel LG has players that crumble under pressure, Gods especially

posted about 8 years ago

I don't even know where to begin with this one. Sport is fundamentally different so that analogy doesn't hold much merit. Controlled competition is the best competition; why not use a vehicle in a foot race? Every FPS is "skill based", but I think you mean there are skill sets that revolve around using different heroes. Not sure where the League allusion comes into play, but the best demonstration of skill, especially individual skill, comes from delegating players to roles/heroes and seeing they perform both as individuals, and as a team. It's not a competition of spamming. Every class/hero/champion based game, competitively, has a one-of-each limit.

posted about 8 years ago

Clockwork needs either a better team or better team mates lol

posted about 8 years ago

hots sucks. Anyways, that's a poor example, because it's not formulaic, it's meta. I think what you're saying is you've bored of TF2 because it's an 8 year old game and you know what to expect, but then again, seems like you've been an open/cevo player. There's some variance, obviously, in the individual play style and degree of skill with each player. People don't complain in Smash because some guy only plays Fox or Peach, it's how well they performance that allows for interesting discrepancies. I think balance has little to do with seeing 3-5 of the same heroes on the board. Now, that is formulaic.

posted about 8 years ago

I'm fairly confidant Blizzard has more money than actually being savant on competitive game design that works practically

posted about 8 years ago

Yeah.. a guy like Jeff Kaplan who interjects his own ideas and hockey anecdotes for 0hl rationale isn't a good game designer in the slightest. Why would you take a formula that has been proven effective not only in other games FPS and MOBA alike (League, TF2), but in Overwatch itself with the competitive community, and throw it out the window?

A developer shoehorning a meta instead of letting it develop organically in the competitive community is pretty adverse to the game's growth. They have a history of this with their other games as well.

In a case study of developers like Riot Games, they can make such influential changes because there is less of a disconnect between them and the competitive scene. With Blizzard it's as if it's an isolated case of a couple of dudes theory crafting what they think works vs what's been proven to be successful competitively.

If Blizzard is trying to encourage more hero diversity and switching, 0hl certainly isn't the answer. Yeah let's just pit 5-6 of the same heroes agaist each other, more diversity. 0hl is not only less fun, but more hectic and viewer unfriendly. Also a side effect of 1hl, competitively at least, is that people can "main" heroes instead of having to be jack of all trades, creating more of an identity for themselves as "that Genji" or "that Lucio".

I think the development team should have competitive players themselves, so they aren't just people throwing ideas into a black box. That, or community managers who are in touch with the competitive tides of meta.

Taking a look at a popular non FPS/MOBA, the Dark Souls franchise for example. At least the head of the company is keen enough to improve on what works and isolate what doesn't. That's why the games successfully iterate on predecessor titles and Miyazaki is a genius. Kaplan has only ever been a game design for Warcraft-esque games. He should be keen on listening to reliable feedback.

If you don't think 0hl is abysmmal after watching it, you are borderline dysfunctional. Pretty sure this sentiment is echoed universally by everyone except Blizzard and Jeff Kappan.

posted about 8 years ago

Pyyyour isn't that great in OW. I'd be more keen to see Cozen play support with maybe Clockwork replacing Pookz on flex, or have him DPS instead of Gods, who goes to flex

posted about 8 years ago
  • pookz - Esper, top 1/2 team
posted about 8 years ago

It seems like LG/Liquid are never going to beat C9 or Envy if they keep drafting useless players like from World of Warcraft. They should go in-house and grab TF alumni, e.g Clock, Duwatna, whatever

posted about 8 years ago

Pookz has literally done zero the entire day, who is he?

posted about 8 years ago

Clock and Harb to Liquid, tf2 team?

posted about 8 years ago

Incoming Clockwork?

posted about 8 years ago

They suck now, after losing clock, dummy and mesr

posted about 9 years ago


posted about 9 years ago

-oplaid +harblue

posted about 9 years ago
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