Clockwork vs SBB on 2CP
1-9-17: OWL Skins/DF bug fixes
1-23-17: Blizzard World + cosmetics
1-30-17: Mercy/Junkrat changes
I don't know why they ever run jake on tracer. I don't think he's a good tracer. Even when they run dive they run him on tracer. Now linkzr is better than jake at tracer and genji. And jake is clearly better at genji than he is at tracer. Why would you not run jake on genji and linkzr on tracer when you run dive???
Okay sure, but Linkzr is a much better option for either and jake is a better flex dps than he is a tracer. His main heroes have always been genji pharah and soldier 76. Two of those things they run linkzr on while running jake on tracer. If you run linkzr on tracer, your tracer role is improved and jake plays better than he currently is. If they run widow tracer or mcree tracer, then I think running jake on tracer is fine. But otherwise I think they should put jake on heroes he's actually decent at.
I don't know if you think I'm saying jake is better on genji and soldier than linkzr but that is not what I am saying. Im just saying linkzr is also better than jake at tracer as well as those roles. And since jake is not good at tracer I am proposing to switch those roles a bit.
I completely agree with you. Maybe I'm prioritizing tracer too much. Although I don't know what you mean by "too situational". This is all I mean
Linkzr Tracer Jake Pharah
Linkzr Tracer Jake Genji
Linkzr Tracer Jake Soldier 76
Jake Tracer Linkzr Widomaker
Jake Tracer Linkzr Mcree
Jake Tracer Linkzr Doomfist
Jake Tracer Linkzr Hanzo
Linkzr Genji Jake Pharah
Linkzr Genji Jake Soldier 76
Jake Genji Linkzr Widowmaker
Jake Junkrat Linkzr Any hero.
You see what I mean? Otherwise find a tracer specialist.
Jake's play was poor, but it's annoying few will call when Linkzr doesn't play well because it doesn't fit the narrative. Linkzr was a bot on genji this week to the same level as jake on tracer. I wish they would try Linkzr on tracer, and Jake on the soldier/genji for dive comps if not clock in the lineup. Jake has looked pretty dece on Genji thus far and we have seen his soldier be pretty good as well, so I think that shakeup would be worth a try at the very least. And PS is junkrat on Kings Row defense not good anymore?
At least my 2 cents regarding Junk on Kings row is that Kings Row is one of the few maps that allow for many different Meta comps. This means that a comp that counters junk comps would be more successful. Perhaps Houstons plan was to not play their typical comps in an attempt to negate what they anticipate NYXL was preparing for. It clearly backfired. Either way even if they changed comps they were just being outplayed. Better to put it behind them and concentrate on their next game vs LAV.
Perhaps and I am sure they scrimmed it to probably little success but in the past it has been the ultimate peel for supports lobbing concussion mines at tracers and genjis. Plus they switched Linkzr immediately off of Widow after Libero hit one insane hanzo arrow and didn’t try it anymore. Not saying Linkzr has a bad genji or even if jakes is better for the matter, because I have seen Linkzr rek noobs in Contenders; it’s just that I can’t remember the last time Linkzr had a blade that killed more than one person. Usually this issue is the team not opening up an opportunity for him to cut a lot down, which is why I propose they shake roles up a bit for their dps. They’ll come back and start winning again just like last stage