Country: United States
Registered: November 3, 2017
Last post: May 19, 2022 at 11:48 PM
Posts: 299
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imaging only having one star

posted about 2 years ago

goat raisin overlord

posted about 3 years ago

Atlanta got beat by an open division team

posted about 4 years ago

I think they should make them play mystery heroes

posted about 5 years ago

Buds brig pogu

posted about 5 years ago

Yeah he’s great he plays a mean hog

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Yeah, you’re right, but traditional sports reporting has a balance of that. E-sports reporting doesn’t really get the same funding, and follows a lot of the “team hired blogger reports news” model that we see a lot currently (think; NBA bloggers)

That’s just my gripe though!

posted about 6 years ago

I don’t know, this is very messy and not at all how proper reporting should function. Mykl clearly has spun this to stir up this witch hunt and controversy.

Kate is a GM now and GM’s have to make tough calls and decisions in management - including pivoting and changing your plans when things shift. Maybe she could have handled this thing with Harsha better, but claiming that she had any kind of outside motive or narrative she was forcing is just dumb.

One of the thing that’s sorely lacking in E-sports is quality reporting (besides you Scrub if you’re reading this). To much “leak” news and playing off hyper obsessive fan bases against teams, and not enough thoughtful and researched reporting.

posted about 6 years ago

The Italian solidarity on is my favorite thing about this board

posted about 6 years ago

Yeah this is what I picked up on most from this whole list - their dependence on the Saya carry really fucked up their mechanics as a team.

Also, dope list Poi!!!! I think there are some really good points on here. SF and Dallas are the two teams that I'm most interested in offseason wise, as they really have the potential to go big with some of the right moves next season. I think SF should push really hard to pick up a quality main tank like FCT or something, and Dallas needs to sort out their DPS situation with a truly god flex player. I can't and I don't want to see Seagull switch off the DVA since he was so god damn good at it towards the end of the season.

posted about 6 years ago

This is the most Canadian post I've ever seen on this board and I love it

posted about 6 years ago

Canada is probably gonna win the whole thing aren't they

posted about 6 years ago

Jjonak/Mbappe is probably the better comparison - two terrifying players that suddenly fuck you up like a bolt of lightning from seemingly nowhere.

posted about 6 years ago

"Go there, smile, be a female, maybe say something smart while you kiss ass and make "important" people feel good. Then video games are one step closer to being a sport."


posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

I think the point is that they both have simulated violence - no different from wrestling or judo, or even shooting.

People just get a little weirded out when it's like - simulated warfare between two teams that are analogous to a terrorist and counter-terrorist group lol

posted about 6 years ago

This is awesome - I hope Jake doesn't galaxy brain himself into some sort of mess here though

posted about 6 years ago

Unfixed continuing to look scary on hanzo

posted about 6 years ago

Hopefully they'll get better with more experience now!

posted about 6 years ago

First round exit incoming

posted about 6 years ago

Spot on analysis BTW

posted about 6 years ago

God my fucking heart broke for Buffon. I love that man.

posted about 6 years ago

Interesting! I just thought because of the tag “Chloe” that they might be. Thanks for clarifying guys.

posted about 6 years ago

I dunno if anybody can answer this for me, but is An "Chloe" Ho-Jin a woman? IF so, would that be the first woman player in Contenders?

posted about 6 years ago

I've enjoyed it a lot! It's gotten me to engage with this community more and that's been a really nice time :)

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

NYXL to 4-0 Houston, and Dallas to 3-1 LA to grab that last stage spot from Houston and crush KyKy's dreams

posted about 6 years ago

NRG = New Rascal Grift

posted about 6 years ago
  • OWL: NYXL - SBB has been my favorite player for a long time now, and getting to see him lead a roster that's all about having a dominant play style is so much fun
  • Contenders NA: XL2 - Hard to not root for a team that has CLONEMAN16
  • Contenders EU: Hurricane - Loved the core of this team for a long time and I'm praying for them to get a shot at OWL next year
  • Contenders KR: Runaway - this team has really been one of my first loves in OWL. So much style and confidence, and always exciting (in a good or bad way)
posted about 6 years ago

Always call your shots PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago

Semmler voice: Ah and here we have the Fuel’s Zenyatta specialist uhhh checks notes Soon?

posted about 6 years ago

I think this is where Boston turns it around this stage. It’s going to be a tough match but I’m thinking it’ll go 3-2 BOS, and then they’ll look pretty strong leading up to the playoffs.

posted about 6 years ago

That's a huge part of it too. Do we know if these punishments are dealt out by Nanzer as the commissioner of the league, or by Blizzard themselves? It just seems too inconsistent for one person abiding by one code of conduct (which also barely even exists)

posted about 6 years ago

You have to escape Upstate my guy, it's the only way out of frozen winter hell. I did it and now I have an entirely new set of reasons for hating myself that don't revolve around 160 inches of snow and zero upwards mobility! :)

posted about 6 years ago

Man, the boosting thing is so unfortunate. Playing even at T2 and T3 levels still takes an immense amount of time and dedication, and provides almost zero pay.

Blizz should be offering stable pay to all trials/contenders teams to dissuade this kind of behavior, instead of punishing it so extremely.

posted about 6 years ago

I'll be there both days! Would love to meet some of you guys.

posted about 6 years ago

Aero AND Bearhands POG

posted about 6 years ago


This team feels kind of lopsided but I’m struggling to think of a really good US main support player. Also, let Seagull cluck

posted about 6 years ago

Agreed! I love the Discord, and it's not even something I really ever post in. There's a lot of great and interesting conversation happening on there all the time.

posted about 6 years ago





posted about 6 years ago

CIS Boys Back In Action PogChamp

posted about 6 years ago

You're probably right! I do think that Shock look great on really fast control maps though because of how well they perform at executing in team fights. Although that's kind of the Fuel's whole thing - disrupting those team fights.

That'll be a sick map for sure.

posted about 6 years ago

Oh hell yeah pimps

posted about 6 years ago

Here's my map predictions:

Kings Row: Fuel
Hanamura Shock
Oasis: Shock
Gibraltar: Fuel
Tie Breaker: Shock

posted about 6 years ago

Sometimes when the observer switches to Pine’s POV I’m just like damn........we are not worthy.....

posted about 6 years ago

SO stoked for this, love PIT.

posted about 6 years ago

I've really been enjoying the format of BEAT compared to OWL.

I know they're two completely different series but it's refreshing to have something really fast paced and loose like BEAT to contrast the slower more grindy pace of OWL.

posted about 6 years ago

Jeff Gerstmann Voice You Can't Beat 100%

posted about 6 years ago
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