aKm vs. SoOn and unKOE POGGERS
1-9-17: OWL Skins/DF bug fixes
1-23-17: Blizzard World + cosmetics
1-30-17: Mercy/Junkrat changes
I think soon usually gets a little too hyped up, but today he was so good. But as mechanically gifted as akm is (and don't get me wrong I think he played really well and usually does) I think rascal offers them way more. Rascal is the only way this team is gonna have a successful dive. Plus effect is actually soooo flexible if given the chance. But he hardly ever does get the chance because, out of their FIVE dpsers he is the only one who plays tracer. The guy can play cree, soldier, genji, doomfist, and widow at a high level. Combined with rascals flexibility I don't know why they don't just run these two. Maybe its comms Idk.