Country: United Kingdom
Registered: September 22, 2017
Last post: May 8, 2019 at 5:38 AM
Posts: 60
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Pls Spitfire

posted about 5 years ago

I think there was a break because everyone is travelling to Dallas for the first OWL home games.

posted about 5 years ago

eyyy prepare for the worst hope for the best

posted about 5 years ago

My body is ready for disappointment.

posted about 5 years ago

pls Spitfire

posted about 5 years ago

im now crying.

posted about 6 years ago

im not smiling.

posted about 6 years ago

I don't ask for much in life, I just ask for Spitfire to 4-0 Shanghai in dominant fashion so i can smile.

posted about 6 years ago

I don't ask for much in life, I just ask for Spitfire to 4-0 Gladiators in dominant fashion so i can smile.

posted about 6 years ago

Or Florida, Philly, Atlanta, Dallas, & Shanghai.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Please UK at least take one map

posted about 6 years ago

It's coming home? maybe?

posted about 6 years ago

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ SPITFIRE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

posted about 6 years ago

I just woke up at Spitfire are 5-0 against Gladiators today, what's going on?

posted about 6 years ago

Spitfire need to learn the meta, and learn it fast, or they’re going to be eliminated.

Learn it fast? They haven't adapted since joining the league. They're such a dysfunctional team, they have so much talent yet they don't know how to use it. I don't know if it's their in-game shot caller or their coaches but something is really messed up with Spitfire.

Either way, Season 1 is basically over now so im sure they'll sort their issues out and come back stronger for Season 2. C9 Jack went big dick mode when he signed KongDoo & GC Busan so im sure he'll go big dick mode again and fix the team for Season 2.

posted about 6 years ago

3:00 AM BST nice

posted about 6 years ago

6 Koreans vs 4 Koreans, iv done the math and it turns out the Atlantic Division team wins.

posted about 6 years ago

I used to think one day we'll beat Gladiators, Now i accept that we're losing to them. My body is ready.

posted about 6 years ago

Spitfire won both Control Points ?!?!?!

posted about 6 years ago

Fissure + Void duo time ?!?!?!

posted about 6 years ago
  • Outlaws win on King's Row because Spitfire tend to forget that King's Row isn't a dive map.
  • Horizon Lunar Colony is a 50/50, I'll give it to Spitfire.
  • Lijiang Tower is Control Point so it should be a free win for Outlaws.
  • Both teams are good at Watchpoint Gibraltar but Spitfire will win to give everyone false hope.
  • Map 5 is Control Point so Spitfire are probably going to lose.

In all seriousness most of these maps are a toss up, both teams could 4-0 but i expect a 3-2 to Outlaws because they seem to be Spitfire's kryptonite.

posted about 6 years ago

Correct me if im wrong but isn't Hoon a great Zarya player? If hes as good as i think he is, im surprised he hasn't been signed to a Overwatch League team for the potential upcoming tank meta.

posted about 6 years ago

They need to match Semmler with Doa, they'd be the dream team caster duo

posted about 6 years ago

I hope Birdring has had his Shreddies today, A win here for the Spitfire would be huge.

posted about 6 years ago

I understand Mayhem vs Fusion being first because both teams have Europeans but i don't understand why Outlaws vs Uprising is the second match and Spitfire have the 3rd match again. They're clearing not scheduling as good as they could/should be.

I was awake until around 5:30am watching the Spitfire vs Outlaws, I understand the time zone can't cater for everyone but staying up until 5:30am watching your "local team" is a joke.

posted about 6 years ago

Spitfire game last game of the day AGAIN

posted about 6 years ago

Houston baby, playing like they believe they're the better team in this match-up.

No they just match up good against Spitfire, they always beat Spitfire but go on to lose against teams that Spitfire beats.

posted about 6 years ago

Apparently Carpe doesn't wanna lose today

posted about 7 years ago

Spitfire are currently 4-0 on Gibraltar, 3-1 on Nepal, 3-2 on Hollywood, 2-3 on Kings Row, 6-0 on Route 66.

Fusion are currently 3-2 on Gibraltar, 1-5 on Nepal, 5-1 on Hollywood, 3-1 on Kings Row, 4-1 on Route 66.

Personally im hoping Spitfire start off hot on the two maps that favor them, then carry the momentum into Hollywood and take the series 3-0. It sounds nice to have a close 5 map series but the winner of this match has to go on to face New York and if we want a competitive final, the semi-final will probably have to be a quick stress-free series.

posted about 7 years ago

4-0 or 3-1 to Spitfire if they use their main line-up. Pretty sure Spitfire are guaranteed in the play-offs even if they lose 4-0 so it doesn't matter how close the series is to be honest.

posted about 7 years ago

I think it's still possible for Spitfire to make play-offs but things need to go right for them and things need to go wrong for Gladiators.

If Spitfire loses against Dynasty, they should be able to go on and beat Shanghai & Dallas and end Stage 2 with a 7-3 record. Gladiators have two more matches left but they're both against decent teams, Fusion & Uprisings. So if Gladiators lose against Fusion or Uprising, they'll also end Stage 2 with a 7-3 record and it will come down to map differential. The good thing for Spitfire is their last two matches are against much weaker teams than Gladiators so they should be able to improve their map differential. If Spitfire manage to beat Dynasty, they're almost certainly gonna make play-offs.

Either way this match is really important for Spitfire, personally i hope Spitfire wins Stage 2 play-offs because it'll be funny.

posted about 7 years ago

now why would you think that 84% win rate on escort and a 74% on hybrid and assault

I don't understand what you're asking me/trying to say.

If you asking why i think it's a tough match, Seoul Dynasty are arguably the best Control Point team in the league and Control Point is Spitfire's worst game mode by far. For this reason i expect Seoul to take game 2 and probably game 5 if it ends up going to game 5. Spitfire are also 1-3 on King Row's while Seoul Dynasty are 1-2 on King's Row so i wouldn't be surprised if Seoul takes that map. So if Seoul start off strong and take Hanamura they'll be in a great position to win the series, If Spitfire start of strong they might have the momentum to take Lijiang Tower or/and King's Row.

posted about 7 years ago

This is gonna be such a tough match for the Spitfire, Seoul are a much better Control Point team and i expect Spitfire to lose King's Row. If Seoul win 1st map Hanamura they'll probably win Lijiang Tower & King's Row also. Im hoping Spitfire start strong and take the series 3-1 or 4-0.

If Spitfire don't run their best line-up (Birdring, Profit, Fury, Gesture, Bdosin, Nus) and end up losing this series im gonna lose my mind.

posted about 7 years ago

I need a miracle 4-0 from Fusion please. God if you're real, you'll answer my prayers.

Edit: Turns out gods not real.

posted about 7 years ago

In an article i read today, Huk said He flew to Korea, and is scheduled to fly back on Monday of 3/12. So fingers crossed hes not back yet and we get a easy win, A 4-0 against Uprising & Gladiators would be great for our map differential.

posted about 7 years ago

I kinda want Profit, Birdring, Fury, Gesture, NUS & Bdosin to play all 4 maps and hopefully get a swift 4-0. We need to build up our map record dood, fuck gambling maps when we have to catch up to Seoul & New York.

posted about 7 years ago

I don't understand what you mean, every player on London Spitfire is born and raised in London, England. Only haters will tell you otherwise.

posted about 7 years ago

😡 Let Bdosin Play 😡

Edit: Thanks

posted about 7 years ago

I agree, it's strange that Rascal left Spitfire for more playing time and hes not even playing much on Dallas Fuel.

posted about 7 years ago

I looked at the times last night and made sure i was here on time and now the games don't start for another 2 hours? ..............................

posted about 7 years ago

The line-ups on display are random, for a start it has Fissure down on the Spitfire side and Fissure isn't even on the team anymore.

posted about 7 years ago

Seoul doesn't need someone with a deep hero pool to be paired with Fleta, they need a Tracer player most of the time until stage 2 where the meta will probably drastically change. Munchkin may have a deeper hero pool than Bunny but im pretty sure Tracer is by far Munchkin's most played hero in the league so far and like i said, he has one of the worst Tracer ratings.

posted about 7 years ago

Munchkin is just better... Munchkin is probably the best second dps in the whole league. There is absolutely 0 reason to take him out.

I don't know about that, Pretty sure Profit and multiple other players would have something to say about that. Im looking at the stats on Winston's Lab now and....

Profit has the highest rating on both Genji & Tracer
Highest fight win rate out of all Tracer players
Highest fight win rate out of all Genji players
Most kills per 10 minutes out of all players
Least deaths per 10 minutes out of all dps players

(These statistics are toggled to players with 1 hour + play time on a hero, obviously stats are inflated if a player has only played 10 minutes on the hero)

Bunny is the 2nd highest rated Tracer behind Profit meanwhile Munchkin has one of the lowest ratings of all Tracer players. Munchkin may be one of the top players in the league but he hasn't shown in so far in the league and statistically Bunny has played alot better on Tracer than Munchkin.

posted about 7 years ago

You act like Bunny hasn't been playing good on Tracer

posted about 7 years ago

Closer played so well in the last fight of Temple of Anubis, he dodged death multiple times while healing up multiple weak team mates.

posted about 7 years ago

If Spitfire lose a match they suck and they're overrated, If Dynasty lose a match they're trolling/throwing/saving strats.

posted about 7 years ago

If Spitfire use the line-up with Profit, Birdring, Fury, Gesture, NUS & Bdosin i see it being a convincing 4-0 but i wouldn't be surprised if they give other players some play time in this match.

posted about 7 years ago
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