this is purely theorycrafting but i'd like to see the teams you can cook up with for the NRG revamp with all the current F/As and members of unsigned teams right now from both EU and NA
I'd start first with Mesr,shadder,2easy,smex,luddee,hidan
Fucked up PogChamp squad:
xQc - CoolMatt69 - Surefour - Seagull - Adam - Roolf
I doubt we'll get this iteration just cause S4 and Seagull together is so dreamy that it seems impossible.
My personal favorites:
xQc - Smex - Sinatraa - Seagull - DhaK - Custa
This squad honestly looks doable to me. Not sure about either Sinatraa or Danteh as both of them play the same heroes and are really good at them, I just give the edge to Sinatraa cause he can play hitscans as well.
Also with xQc and Smex ranked history I doubt this'll work LUL
Sinatra (dps)
Xretzi (dps)
Seagull (flex)
Gale (support flex :P)
Dhak (Support/lucio)
Beasthalo (tank)
No Limits:
Jehong (support)
Tobi (lucio/support
Sharyk (Tank)
Sinatraa (flex dps)
Smex (flex)
Linkzr (dps)
Seagull (shotcaller/lucio)
Iddqd (ana/support)
Cwoosh (tank/flex)
Jehong(or Gale) (dps)
Smex (flex)
Mendo (Dps)
Fragi (sub/rein)
Korean All-star
Mano (tank)
Jehong and Tobi (support)
Hoon (flex)
Effect (dps)
Birdring (dps)
Rascal (sub)
Basing mine off of the current meta only and people who are technically free agents.
DPS Hitscan - Surefour
DPS Projectile - Shadder/Seagull (Shadder's Genji is better as well as his hitscan but Seagull's overall projectile is far superior)
Tank - MESR
Flex - Smex (Just needs to improve on his Zarya, everything else is bloody good)
Flex Support - Dante/Hidan
Support - dhaK/neptuNo
I don't necessarily agree with Shadder being a better hitscan than Seagull. Everytime he popped the 76 on Liquid it was really lackluster. Who has the better Genji is debatable for me, although I might be biased cause Seagull is my papa (insert Seagull fanboy meme here please).
And I agree on Smex, top fucking tier Hog, he showed he has some Dva chops, and he can play a bunch of DPS as well.
One thing's for sure though, whatever the roster is or who they're currently trying it seems to be impressive from all the praise given to them, even Grim from IMT.
Reddit thread:
GrimReality compares NRG to Envy