Usa vs. New Zealand
As i said during katowice qualifier no way usa matches would have more viewers then korean.
At the beginning it had about 45k viewers but near the end it got to 52k (7k youtube).
TAIWAN vs. Brazil
More then previous match with avg around 54k and peak at 62k (6k youtube). Quite a few viewers from china (over 10k). I think during Taiwan vs Usa match number of viewers will be over 80k and mayve near 100k, still i dont think it'll beat last weeks peak.
United Kingdom vs. Belgium
After losing most of the chinese viewers it had about 52k at avg and 54k peak (suprisingly big increas in youtube viewer because it was up to 11k).
Germany vs. Israel
Least hyped match of the day and that was reflected in the number of viewers, around 46k (10k youtube) and peak at 48k.
Times of matches are terrible for korean viewers and there are not many popualr teams in this qualifier so i expect it to be less popular then Katowice and shanghai but more popular then sydney
Untill 2nd half of Uk vs belgium match spectators showed nearly exclusivly dps players luckily later they showed a little bit more of beautifull perspective of zens balls. Again they kept camera on one player for very long at times (belgium attack on numbani sprees pharra for example). I noticed as well that at payload and hybrid maps spectetors show nearly excusivly attacking players perspective.
Your thoughts on spectating so far?
last weeks disscusion on spectating:
For exact hours of matches:
Rest of the qualifiers
I'll post exact numbers as soon as their available
(i actualy deleted all todays data by mistake and had to recreate it from memory so it might be wrong in places :P)