R E M A T C H PogChamp
Isn't Crusade playing with LK instead of Linepro?
Alicus bought a new team of Chinese players? PogChamp
EDIT: And sold it again
misfits seem to have fixed mistakes from last week
I get that it is early for the American casters but why wouldn't they have EU casters and crews doing the EU contenders!?
Sideshow won't touch a mic for less than $50k
Just do Uber and a picture of a nose, nothing else needed.
7 figures for those guys...
...pretty sure Bren would actually pay Blizzard to cast though :thinking:
Not surprised the nose can pull 7figures, it is so big.
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Laser Kittenz playing from plane Wifi FeelsBadMan
Misfits really found their stride this week. For the first time I feel like they're looking more like the team I thought they'd be after the big trade.
I hope this continues into next week as well.