preview of Apex S3 finals
From what they've said, since the squad was officially formed, they havent played much. Harb, Seagull, Iddqd have all said so on their stream. They've only started scrimming every day hardcore for the past 2 weeks roughly, iddqd moved to Vancouver, numlock finally got into the US, so they're basically all on the same continent. Seagull leaves, they sub Mendo who is in Sweden and has been scrimming with them for 4 days. Prior to that time frame, they havent scrimmed much at all, correct me if im wrong since I'm not privy to scrim times, so as a player fan, sucks they are doing poorly, but considering what their situation has been, not surprising. I do expect them to pick it up from here on out though now that the team is in, the house will be in LV and they're gearing up to move there, and OWL is couple months away.
Maybe NRG is more of a LAN tournament team instead of a online one.
Where did i heard this one? :thinking:
Maybe they should be kicked from the org then. If they aren't hungry enough to practice and do their jobs, they should go find work else where. There are plenty of clans that have hard working members and aren't apart of an org. No more excuses for top org's with underwhelming teams.
You have 1 job and you can't do it. Feels fucken bad man.