Country: Yemen
Registered: February 28, 2017
Last post: July 28, 2018 at 3:28 PM
Posts: 128
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Plz go to set 3!

posted about 6 years ago

3-1 nyxl 6-1 final.

posted about 6 years ago

Not only are you a thief but ur dumb also. Look at the numbers and use ur brain.

posted about 6 years ago

It's not okay to steal because you feel you're entitled to watch something others have invested money/time into producing. It's not a preference, it's theft and people get sued for it on a regular.

posted about 6 years ago

Watching matches without paying for them.. that is problematic... imagine paying for shows.. omegalul

posted about 6 years ago

Only issue with talespin is he always choked at lan. All his hard carry phara videos are of him playing online.

posted about 6 years ago

Akm pulled what a mercy main does when another mercy main takes mercy. Picks widow and soft throws all game. In his case there was no soft.

posted about 6 years ago

Akm was nutty.. carried seoul so hard.. never witness a widow at that level..

posted about 6 years ago

My boy Akm carrying outlaws to victory.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Someone call Freefill he's crying...

SHD should just mind wreck NYXL. Run a crazy 6 dps comp, rat, sombra, mei, widow, hanzo, zarya. NYXL won't know what to do.

posted about 6 years ago

This is the game

posted about 6 years ago

Time to watch my girl and boys

posted about 6 years ago

Blizzards cheap. They want big returns putting in as little as possible. It's whatever at this point.

OW great game, Blizzard/Activision hot garbage.

posted about 6 years ago

Rip Dallas.

Let's go Geguri and Dragons.

posted about 6 years ago

Unless someone none blizzrad has proof of this bug, it's bs.

You don't have 1.22 on lan OWL servers till 1 day before stage 4 starts. Hoping you'll fix this bug. Lol

The community has to play with that hanzo live, so eat ur own rework and see how it tastes. No one asked for a hanzo rework, tweak to scatter arrow was all. Every hero doesn't need to be viable only to get nerfed again in an endless circle. Want to talk about reworks, try doomfist who was rolled out recently and is buggy as hell gets no love in comp.

Gonna watch the dragons vs Dallas. Then I'll watch those numbers drop weekly by another 20 percent like in stage 3.

posted about 6 years ago

Seagull Zarya, Taimou Hanzo. Might be really rough for dragons. Taimou has a mean Hanzo and envy love slow play styles.

posted about 6 years ago

Boston played well. The only mistake they made is to go all out vs gladiators. They ran out of gas vs nyxl. Surprised huk a sc2 vet didn't better prepare them for that. Playing widow is exhausting straight at a high level, would be nice if mistakes could get a sub out to relax a bit and recharge. But the whole dk ordeal kinda ruined that for this stage. They'll be fine for stage 2 I'd they address that issue.

posted about 6 years ago

Clockwork.. lol! What does clockwork have on flame? Browser history? Lol at this point FredJ is an upgrade over the tracer specialist.. TF2 scout god.. lollllllll

posted about 6 years ago

Bird Mia = 3-1 Geguri and Dragons.

posted about 6 years ago

Ur an idiot. If u knew anything wood rank you'd know he's play plenty of Dva in tournaments.

posted about 6 years ago

Akm dva, seagull taimou dps, coco monkey, chips mercy unkoe zen. Ez win.

Or Mickie will carry Boston with his Dva no peel de mech bronze plays.

posted about 6 years ago

No its not. Ur thinking of sexual harassment, not pedophilia.

posted about 6 years ago

What in gods name was that horrible play by effect on oasis. Talk about throw and choke on map 2 by effect.

posted about 6 years ago

I don't understand, why is blizzard investing? That's a police matter and should be reported asap. Let the professionals handle it.

How does someone accused of pedophilia get investigated by a gaming company. What world does Blizzard/Activision live in.

posted about 6 years ago

Time to watch my girl and boys SHD farm some noobs.

posted about 6 years ago

Even I can't troll them at this point. Feels bad man. Hope they get themselves on the right track.

posted about 7 years ago

He has like a bunch of accounts that go around down vote anyone who says anything negative about him. He was a tier 3 player at best before he became a coach. Did nothing as a coach, yet not coaches fault. kyky needs to gtfo and go que with reaver in diamond.

posted about 7 years ago

hahahahaha! Now this I have to watch tomorrow. What a good laugh it will be. "This isn't there meta, wait until the meta changes they will be a good team again" oh how the bronze scrubs are crying atm.. what's left? SHD stage 3! Gonna watch my boys own some Dallas Droolers.

posted about 7 years ago

Fuck joke and clocknotwork, but outlaws have the best 2 tanks in the US. Muma/FCTFCTN are great dudes to get games with! Unless Muma plays Junkrat.. then he :'( goes from hero to well.. lol :D

posted about 7 years ago

Time to watch my boys SHD farm some noobs again.

posted about 7 years ago

Pretty much the best way to do it. No one wants to carry deadweight on their team. Everyone knows that a sym/torb is dead weight. Someone has to pickup the slack. 5 people have to suffer because a scum bag wants to build his turret while being shot at.

Bottom line is blizzard is retarded as usual. They don't like simple solutions, they like to reinvent the wheel only to find out they did it worse. Remember no hero limit in comp? How great that idea was, meanwhile you'd watch live tournaments with 12 tracers contesting for 10 min months before comp was released.

posted about 7 years ago

LOL!!!!!!!! Sure.. If NYXL runs 6 bots instead of their main roster.

posted about 7 years ago

Time to watch my boy seagull junkrat into a phara. Effect should quit OW and become a bodybuilder. His back must be massive after all the carrying he does.

posted about 7 years ago

Take our energy Dragons! I believe, dragons 3:2

posted about 7 years ago

Basically if effect doesn't carry super hard they can't win. Seagull is such a useless fat sack of garbage.

posted about 7 years ago

Crazy.. Naming yourself after a looser... Bar can't get any lower..

posted about 7 years ago

Sure if you change the definition of small. The only close game was Oasis, the rest was a stomping. 1st map, they didn't even capture the point, 50 percent capture which is bad. LS 91 seconds left, 2nd map same thing, didn't capture first and 84 seconds left, 3rd they won( first 2 were close, last one they got 100-0), 4th got held after first, LS finished with 142 seconds left.

It's the common theme of OWL, players talk out of their butts after they get stomped. "We need to invent the meta" aka patches have to buff the heros there good at, "Working on communication" aka playing together for over a year and still cant communicate. etc..

Bottom line is this, there are like 4 maybe 5 tier 1 teams in this league. The rest are tier 2-3, so the excuses are gonna keep coming in. What people dont understand cause dumb/bad is that while these teams are getting better, the other teams aren't playing dota 2, they're practicing OW like they are.

posted about 7 years ago

A stalker I see, i'm flattered.

Nothing to believe, Envy is crying the same old story since forever. "We want to invent the meta, if we do it we can win" translation "When blizzard's patches make the heros we're good at in the meta we can win games, if not we just get steam rolled.

posted about 7 years ago

Incoming contenders quality match.

posted about 7 years ago

Feels bad.. bench warmers are running over SHD..

posted about 7 years ago

Nah, 3-2 SFS. Dallas Fuel? More like Dallas Drool, Dallas Dumpsters, Dallas Dumpstered, ...

posted about 7 years ago

Wonder if SHD or DF can beat them. Probably not.. feels bad girl.. OWL teams not contenders worthy.

posted about 7 years ago

Maybe Dallas fuel can enter this to get a win with SHD?

posted about 7 years ago

Time to watch my boys SHD farm some noobs.

posted about 7 years ago

Great match!

For contenders.

posted about 7 years ago

Pine starting? Let's have a moment of silence for LA. RIP boys. Final boss pine cannot be defeated.

posted about 7 years ago

"How do you stay so positive"
"We can't go any lower in ranks"

posted about 7 years ago
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