Get to know part 2!

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I've decided to make a part 2 to my much beloved thread that got an overwhelming amount of responses. I read each and every single one of them. So, time for some more questions.

As per usual, I'll answer my own questions as well.

What's your favorite type of music? - Electronic/Rap
What's your favorite color?- Dark, moody blue
What was your first video game?- Minecraft
Where are you from? - New York
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Got 1st place in a national piano competition for ages 14-21
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Got 6 direct hits as a pharah in a row
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Seb Numlocked fucking Barton
Make your dream over.gg team- Myself, Poi98, Darkcvc, Involv3r, Winter, Scrubasaurus, w/ KuroiRyuu as coach
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Tristan


What's your favorite type of music? - no favourit what sounds good i listen

What's your favorite color?- no favourit

What was your first video game?- hard to remamber, either super simple game about balancing platforms to get ball to bottom level without falling of the map (no idea how its called i played it few times on my fathers laptop like 16-17 years ago windows 98 or 2000) or some early pokemon on gameboy (i remamber when i first saw gameboy in some other kids hands it was original gameboy without colour screen) later i played games like stronghold crusador (fucking great game) and total war medieval

Where are you from? - bangladesh
kappa no im not im from europe

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? -well to answer this question i would need to dive into my psyche so wont answer it

What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? -

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - wouldnt

Make your dream over.gg team- whatever

If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Michael (well not exactly but its equivalent in my language)


What's your favorite type of music? - Electronic
What's your favorite color? - 007AA5 (Cobalt)
What was your first video game? - Freddi Fish - Kelp Seed Mystery when I was 5 lmao
Where are you from? - Chicago Land Area (Used to live in Aurora, now live somewhere else in the area.)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Convincing everyone I was from Australia for 6 months when I moved to a new school (good at mimicking accents)
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Whiffed a pulse bomb (too far away but five members if i'd hit it right) right before a tracer blinked into it and killed her whole team
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Mickie
Make your dream over.gg team- Me, PixelFish, Enigma, Sideshow, Avast, Poi98
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Cameron


What's your favorite type of music? - Anything that sounds good
What's your favorite color?- Dark Green
What was your first video game?- Super Smash Bros Melee was the first game I played but the first I owned was Pokemon Leaf Green
Where are you from? - Washington DC
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I won a big baseball tournament for east coast teams. There were teams from everywhere from Florida to Canada and we managed to win the whole thing which was pretty awesome.
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Too many to choose
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Kaiser
Make your dream over.gg team- I don't really know anyone's personalities or skill so idk
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Robert but I go by Robbie


What's your favorite type of music? - I've been listening to a lot of 80s synth lately, but listen to a wide variety of music
What's your favorite color?- Purple
What was your first video game?- Pokemon Yellow
Where are you from? - Australia
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - my career
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - sextuple bomb as d.va in my first ever scrim
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Muma
Make your dream over.gg team- me, mert, maid, face, shank, and AVRL
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Jayme


What's your favorite type of music? - Anything but country.

What's your favorite color?- Idk. Green I guess.

What was your first video game?- Probably Mortal Kombat on my brothers N64. The first game that was actually mine was probably some PS2 game that I can't remember.

Where are you from? - New York FeelsBadMan

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Didn't drop out of high school

What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Probably one of my insane widow flicks

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Kaiser for sure

Make your dream over.gg team- Guinea, Victococoblazin, Skytrixsha, Kuroi, Poi98, Mert. We'll call ourselves, The Old Gods

If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Thomas

Guinea [#6]

What's your favorite type of music? - Anything but country.

What's your favorite color?- Idk. Green I guess.

What was your first video game?- Probably Mortal Kombat on my brothers N64. The first game that was actually mine was probably some PS2 game that I can't remember.

Where are you from? - New York FeelsBadMan

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Didn't drop out of high school

What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Probably one of my insane widow flicks

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Kaiser for sure

Make your dream over.gg team- Guinea, Victococoblazin, Skytrixsha, Kuroi, Poi98, Mert. We'll call ourselves, The Old Gods

If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Thomas

me and kuroi created accounts exactly the same day funny fact

remiska [#2]

What's your favorite type of music? - no favourit what sounds good i listen

What's your favorite color?- no favourit

What was your first video game?- hard to remamber, either super simple game about balancing platforms to get ball to bottom level without falling of the map (no idea how its called i played it few times on my fathers laptop like 16-17 years ago windows 98 or 2000) or some early pokemon on gameboy (i remamber when i first saw gameboy in some other kids hands it was original gameboy without colour screen) later i played games like stronghold crusador (fucking great game) and total war medieval

Where are you from? - bangladesh
kappa no im not im from europe

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? -well to answer this question i would need to dive into my psyche so wont answer it

What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? -

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - wouldnt

Make your dream over.gg team- whatever

If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Michael (well not exactly but its equivalent in my language)

yes this totally deserves downvotes and its not because someone doesnt like me so he downvoted it because it was mine

remiska [#8]

yes this totally deserves downvotes and its not because someone doesnt like me so he downvoted it because it was mine


Pixelfish [#9]


im toxic? i may be dick at times but not toxic

remiska [#8]

yes this totally deserves downvotes and its not because someone doesnt like me so he downvoted it because it was mine

Oh No Someone Downfragged You On Over.gg

remiska [#7]

me and kuroi created accounts exactly the same day funny fact

Didn't know who you were when I first started posting.

You can be a sub if you want tho.


What's your favorite type of music? - Anything that's catchy and rap right now

What's your favorite color?- Any shade of blue tbh

What was your first video game?- pokemon on gameboy

Where are you from? - Originally from Vietnam but now in New Jersey LUL

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Able to learn and speak fluent English through youtube videos

What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - My grav deflect into 5k team wipe to clutch out 2cp

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Mangachu or zombs this question is too hard

Make your dream over.gg team- Guinea, Victococoblazin,Hafficool,involv3r, Poi98,Pixelfish

If you want to answer, what's your first name?- victor


What's your favorite type of music? - Jizz (yes its a real thing from starwars)
What's your favorite color?- Dark blue with a touch pf grey
What was your first video game?- Pokemon blue
Where are you from? - SC
your biggest accomplishment? - Eagle Scout
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - all of the dinks as mcree to 1v6 the point
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Gods
Make your dream over.gg team- Admirable In the hope he gives me stars
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Lando

Guinea [#12]

Didn't know who you were when I first started posting.

You can be a sub if you want tho.

i found ur youtube channel i like it


Hard rock/metal
Getting a girlfriend lhats way out of my league
Going 60-5 in three maps on Lijang tower
Don’t know enough (sorry)

Pixelfish [#15]

i found ur youtube channel i like it


remiska [#8]

yes this totally deserves downvotes and its not because someone doesnt like me so he downvoted it because it was mine

LMAO Wtf, why does this have -7 downvotes.


As always thanks Pixelfish for this beautifull threads...very appreciated <3.

What's your favorite type of music? - Folk/ska/some metal/some rap/some weird spanish genre that i dont know the name/ ignorant music/ others genre to dance or funny one
What's your favorite color?- light blue
What was your first video game?- Age of Mithology ( played like at 3-4 years old to a friend of mine house)
Where are you from? - Verona, Italy ( Romeo and Juliet city)
Your biggest accomplishment? - have to think about this...i will let you know
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? -lucio on ilios with like 10/11 enviromental kills on the first map booping the roahog only like 4/5 times and with a triple with the boop with roadhog on ult zarya with the ult and reaper all with enemy lucio ult ( the map with the hole in the middle)
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Mickie
Make your dream over.gg team- poi98, Pixelfrish, Victorcocoblazin,Guinea, Scrubasaurus, Mert with darkcvc as coach and bweesh as analyst( and a lot of others guys as sub)
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Paolo


What's your favorite type of music? - Was raised a punk so that's where my heart is but I love rap and jazz a lot too and everything else probably too.
What's your favorite color?- Black
What was your first video game?- Maybe Age of Empires? or like Zelda 1 or Golden eye or something like that.
Where are you from? - West Michigan
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I own a clothing brand and I control all of the creative design.
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - 6k Torb play of the game from spawn
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - CoolMatt
Make your dream over.gg team- lol no idea. Enigma, Sideshow, Meza,
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Matty

remiska [#8]

yes this totally deserves downvotes and its not because someone doesnt like me so he downvoted it because it was mine

well, over.gg again shows immaturity
"I dont like you so doeasnt matter what you wrote ill downvote"
the fucks the point in this?

I had quite a few disagreements with kuroi for example but it was about some topic and even if someone of us got downvoted (well penda ill write it for you, downvoted as in people disagreed not about the downvotes itself) it was on topic of this thread and when we went to other thread it was all good between us
but this^

best way to get over.gg community to love you? post some random meme under everything, agree with what majority says, dont have own opinion, dont criticise anyone, if you dont like someone downvote him
sounds like kindergarten to me

so ill ask here who does my original comment insult and why? or does someone disagree with it and why? if its so downvoted im sure a lot of people do
so id love to hear complaints and learn from it

and penda stop being kid, i dont care about these votes and it never was about them (like with seagull conversation) its about how people act


What's your favorite type of music? - Listening to pretty much everything but I really feel at home with Emo (e.g. Brand New) and sad Indie stuff (e.g. The Antlers)
What's your favorite color?- What am I, 12? It's blue
What was your first video game?- I think it was the first Tomb Raider, my uncle gave it to me and it was hilarious how I didn't get it
Where are you from? - Born in Germany, live in Denmark
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Actually finishing my master's degree
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - winning a 1v2 vs. Tracer and Genji as Zenyatta was pretty poggers
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - not a hugger
Make your dream over.gg team - need more time for tryouts
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Finn


What's your favorite type of music? Used to hate Rock in high school, but I grew to absolutely love Dire Straits, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, any 70s to 90s rock really. Progressive house with a side of old school techno, could talk about this for days. Also, BB King, Joe Bonamassa, Eric Clapton and all the blues legends.
What's your favorite color? Feeling the ice blue right now.
What was your first video game? Pokemon Yellow in middle school was the shit. Been on console since I started gaming (up until Overwatch), so Splinter Cell and Jak & Daxter when my brother bought a PS2. First game I bought alongside my Xbox was Crysis (still wish this game got a bigger playerbase, would still play the shit out of Crysis 2 and 3 pvp).
Where are you from? Swizza
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? Not happened yet.
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? 2-2 on Sanctum, last second touch, primal rage to get back on point and 4k for the clutch clean up.
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? Anybody that would feel awkward about it.
Make your dream over.gg team Trashplayer, Accountseverywhere and Robokun87 as my ultimate 3s memer squad. Poi98, astr, cjh0822, Remiska, PixelFish and Kuroi for their contributions.
If you want to answer, what's your first name? Buy me a drink first.

remiska [#21]

well, over.gg again shows immaturity
"I dont like you so doeasnt matter what you wrote ill downvote"
the fucks the point in this?

I had quite a few disagreements with kuroi for example but it was about some topic and even if someone of us got downvoted (well penda ill write it for you, downvoted as in people disagreed not about the downvotes itself) it was on topic of this thread and when we went to other thread it was all good between us
but this^

best way to get over.gg community to love you? post some random meme under everything, agree with what majority says, dont have own opinion, dont criticise anyone, if you dont like someone downvote him
sounds like kindergarten to me

so ill ask here who does my original comment insult and why? or does someone disagree with it and why? if its so downvoted im sure a lot of people do
so id love to hear complaints and learn from it

and penda stop being kid, i dont care about these votes and it never was about them (like with seagull conversation) its about how people act

Well I post my opinions and disagree with people pretty often but there isn't people out to get me with downvote sprees. Hell, I created my account on this site literally to argue with Admirable about flags, you'd think the downvote gang would be after me for that.

Personally I think it's because almost everything you say is negative, at least what I see. Maybe for this post specifically it's because you only answered 2 questions.

remiska [#21]

well, over.gg again shows immaturity
"I dont like you so doeasnt matter what you wrote ill downvote"
the fucks the point in this?

I had quite a few disagreements with kuroi for example but it was about some topic and even if someone of us got downvoted (well penda ill write it for you, downvoted as in people disagreed not about the downvotes itself) it was on topic of this thread and when we went to other thread it was all good between us
but this^

best way to get over.gg community to love you? post some random meme under everything, agree with what majority says, dont have own opinion, dont criticise anyone, if you dont like someone downvote him
sounds like kindergarten to me

so ill ask here who does my original comment insult and why? or does someone disagree with it and why? if its so downvoted im sure a lot of people do
so id love to hear complaints and learn from it

and penda stop being kid, i dont care about these votes and it never was about them (like with seagull conversation) its about how people act

Make Remiska marketable again!


What's your favorite type of music? - Old school hip-hop
What's your favorite color?- Black and dark gray
What was your first video game?- Super Mario Bros NES, probably something on Atari
Where are you from? - Cleveland, OH
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - My 3 awesome kids
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - 5k Deadeye on the old patch
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Mickie, he probably gives great hugs
Make your dream over.gg team- Pixel, Remiska, Poi, Kurio, Blue, and Scrub...idk?
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Danny

Guinea [#24]

Well I post my opinions and disagree with people pretty often but there isn't people out to get me with downvote sprees. Hell, I created my account on this site literally to argue with Admirable about flags, you'd think the downvote gang would be after me for that.

Personally I think it's because almost everything you say is negative, at least what I see. Maybe for this post specifically it's because you only answered 2 questions.

Downvoted as I disagree with your opinion on flags

Guinea [#24]

Well I post my opinions and disagree with people pretty often but there isn't people out to get me with downvote sprees. Hell, I created my account on this site literally to argue with Admirable about flags, you'd think the downvote gang would be after me for that.

Personally I think it's because almost everything you say is negative, at least what I see. Maybe for this post specifically it's because you only answered 2 questions.

but i really listen to everything, i just press on random music videos and if i like it i listen to it, i wouldnt even know which song is what type, or i finde some nice song in some video or wherever i dont care about genres and i can like songs from every type

about accomplishment, im super strict towards myself so mt answer to this would be that i havent achived single thing in life

i dont show many/i dont like showing amotions so hugging is out of the question

i actually answered most of the questions very honestly and os ot now obligatory to answer these?

i may be negative but why does it hurt people? i dont force others to accept my pov


What's your favorite type of music? - Synthwave and Electronic Ambient, but I listen to everything, really
What's your favorite color?- Purple, pink and dark red (can't choose one ;-; )
What was your first video game?- Sonic Advance 3 on my Gameboy Advance SP
Where are you from? - France (I mean just look at my flag)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I genuinely have no idea
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - My first sextuple kill with a Dragonblade
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Haksal he's just too pure he needs to be protected
Make your dream over.gg team- I can't even make my dream Overwatch team I'm bad at fantasy teams there's too much people to choose from. Sideshow would be in there though and I hope he's be playing in a box :')
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- That's a secret~

remiska [#21]

well, over.gg again shows immaturity
"I dont like you so doeasnt matter what you wrote ill downvote"
the fucks the point in this?

I had quite a few disagreements with kuroi for example but it was about some topic and even if someone of us got downvoted (well penda ill write it for you, downvoted as in people disagreed not about the downvotes itself) it was on topic of this thread and when we went to other thread it was all good between us
but this^

best way to get over.gg community to love you? post some random meme under everything, agree with what majority says, dont have own opinion, dont criticise anyone, if you dont like someone downvote him
sounds like kindergarten to me

so ill ask here who does my original comment insult and why? or does someone disagree with it and why? if its so downvoted im sure a lot of people do
so id love to hear complaints and learn from it

and penda stop being kid, i dont care about these votes and it never was about them (like with seagull conversation) its about how people act

If you hadn’t complained about getting downfragged (you had one downfragged when I checked) someone would have seen and upfragged because they would recognize the injustice. No one likes a person who complains when getting fewer clout points on a competitive overwatch forum


What's your favorite type of music? - Everything
What's your favorite color? - Nature green
What was your first video game? - Don’t remember, probably a random game on Y8
Where are you from? - Copenhagen
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Helping a friend getting over his depression
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Won a 1v4 as McCree by just using his revolver in masters rank
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - aKm
Make your dream over.gg team - just mert, he could 1v6 even the best of the best
If you want to answer, what's your first name? - Valdemar


What's your favorite type of music? - I listen to everything except for mainstream pop, my favorites are nu metal, and rap.
What's your favorite color?- Orange, dark grey.
What was your first video game?- NFS Most Wanted
Where are you from? - Western Hungary
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I haven't left my computer until I was 15, then I started going out and got a girlfriend in a month PogChamp
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - 1v1'd Taimou on McCree. Even tho he wrecked every single time in that match it felt amazing lol
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Mickie, or Gods.
Make your dream over.gg team- im bad at this
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Ádám


What's your favorite type of music? - Don't really have a favourite, I listen to lots of things!
What's your favorite color?- purple
What was your first video game?- Pokemon Red
Where are you from? - UK
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I got 10 frags once
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - winning a comp match on Lijiang 3-2 in a 5v6
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Mickie!
Make your dream over.gg team- the one guy who said I had a good flag. Just him.
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- nah we aight


Wow i am way older than all of you. My fisrt video game was on windows 3.1

Wulska [#31]

What's your favorite type of music? - Everything
What's your favorite color? - Nature green
What was your first video game? - Don’t remember, probably a random game on Y8
Where are you from? - Copenhagen
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Helping a friend getting over his depression
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Won a 1v4 as McCree by just using his revolver in masters rank
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - aKm
Make your dream over.gg team - just mert, he could 1v6 even the best of the best
If you want to answer, what's your first name? - Valdemar

We shall not speak your name.


Accounts everywhere is like 50 LUL

Pixelfish [#36]

Accounts everywhere is like 50 LUL

so how goes those dox on all of us going?

accountseverywhere [#34]

Wow i am way older than all of you. My fisrt video game was on windows 3.1

Sorry, Commodore 64. Get off my lawn!


What's your favorite type of music? - EDM, Electronica, synthy stuff, etc. Daft Punk, Kerli, Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, and Psy are my top five on last.fm
What's your favorite color?- Caribbean ocean blue
What was your first video game?- Cave of the Word Wizard, which was difficult because it was hard to understand the synthesized speech
Where are you from? - Missouri
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I haven't killed anyone yet
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Zarya grav the whole team crossing the bridge on lijiang garden, through the wall, into the pit
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Timo
Make your dream over.gg team - I guess it depends on what I'm dreaming about
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Dr.


What's your favorite type of music? - Drum and Bass (if you're a dnb fan let me know!)
What's your favorite color?- Sky blue and sun flare orange
What was your first video game?- Super Mario 64
Where are you from? - Near Liverpool UK
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Got a Super Mario 64 speedrunning world record
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Any times things get frantic with Ana and I still manage to pop off and keep my team alive
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Lnxer (forgot how to spell his name)
Make your dream over.gg team- n/a since you're all awful :P
If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Gary

penda [#30]

If you hadn’t complained about getting downfragged (you had one downfragged when I checked) someone would have seen and upfragged because they would recognize the injustice. No one likes a person who complains when getting fewer clout points on a competitive overwatch forum

I gave an upvote (wtf is an upfrag?) out of pity lol


What's your favorite type of music? Rap/r&b/jazz - also been getting into punk/hardcore lately and I'm loving it, this band called Show Me The Body is my shit right now. But I listen to a lot of stuff, just no country.
What's your favorite color? Pastel baby blue
What was your first video game? I'm not sure, but the first game I cognitively remember is Sly Cooper - a game that I still play every now and then.
Where are you from? Las Vegas born and raised (which is kind of rare - a lot of the residents here didn't grow up here)
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? I have a pretty good paying career at 20 years old without any outside help, so idk if that counts but hey ¯_(ツ)_/¯
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? Solo team wipe as Widow, or I've done the whole predicting where a tracer is going to recall and hooking her (snizzlenose style)
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? Seagull without a doubt - I've been subbed to him on twitch for 16 months, it'd be a disgrace if I chose anyone else
Make your dream over.gg team - Me, Poi98 would be my star player, Pixelfish, victorcocoblazin, Clickbait, Sideshow, with Remiska and KuroiRyuu as coaches
If you want to answer, what's your first name? George

edit: made my answers a little more descriptive

Wombat [#41]

I gave an upvote (wtf is an upfrag?) out of pity lol

It says frags next to the plus and minus. We don’t deal with vote shit here


Favourite type of music - Alternative/Indie Rock.
Favourite colour - Not got just one, would be black + white.
First video game - Either Pokemon Red or Jak and Daxter, can't remember which came first.
Where are you from - The UK.
Biggest accomplishment - I won £500 on an Xbox FIFA tournament (what an achievement kappa).
PogChamp Overwatch moment = Deflected graviton into a dragon blade team wipe (have actually done it twice so it's a double pogchamp).
Hug pro player - Either Harbleu or Numlocked. I bet they both give great hugs.
Dream over.gg team - Just give me the Brenji and it's all over.


What's your favorite type of music? - Jazz
What's your favorite color?- Pine-needle Green
What was your first video game?- Backyard Basketball. Shoutout to Pablo.
Where are you from? - Chicago
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I ran the 800m in 2:00 once.
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Fadeaway airshot over the top of the building on Gibraltar last as Pharah.
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Runner
Make your dream over.gg team- Sideshow, Sideshow, Sideshow, Sideshow, Sideshow, and Admirable

Guinea [#6]

What's your favorite type of music? - Anything but country.

What's your favorite color?- Idk. Green I guess.

What was your first video game?- Probably Mortal Kombat on my brothers N64. The first game that was actually mine was probably some PS2 game that I can't remember.

Where are you from? - New York FeelsBadMan

What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - Didn't drop out of high school

What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Probably one of my insane widow flicks

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Kaiser for sure

Make your dream over.gg team- Guinea, Victococoblazin, Skytrixsha, Kuroi, Poi98, Mert. We'll call ourselves, The Old Gods

If you want to answer, what's your first name?- Thomas

watchu mean New York Feelsbadman



If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Runner

DrElementary [#38]

Sorry, Commodore 64. Get off my lawn!

my dad wrote a video game for the Commodore in like 84 or something. Pretty nuts. I think he said it sold only like 3 or 4 thousand copies. It was just like a Donkey Kong ripoff

Raisin [#45]

What's your favorite type of music? - Jazz
What's your favorite color?- Pine-needle Green
What was your first video game?- Backyard Basketball. Shoutout to Pablo.
Where are you from? - Chicago
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment? - I ran the 800m in 2:00 once.
What's your most PogChamp overwatch moment? - Fadeaway airshot over the top of the building on Gibraltar last as Pharah.
If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Runner
Make your dream over.gg team- Sideshow, Sideshow, Sideshow, Sideshow, Sideshow, and Admirable

If you could hug one pro player, who would it be? - Runner

Pay attention not to get headbutted like Stitch

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