Country: Italy
Registered: July 1, 2017
Last post: May 18, 2022 at 3:06 PM
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Holy... Sayaplayer POGGERS

posted about 6 years ago

Yes but for the Dragons... I wish. :)

posted about 6 years ago

So just finished watching some VODs of today's matches in the EU Open Division, tomorrow is the last day before the playoffs, and watched Claris play with the Samsung Black Vs the Polish team, Kolesiostwo (Danye, Matth, etc..)

Holy mother of... his Hanzo is simply illegal at that level, if you can stand some Italian casting you can watch it here:

Happy that he's playing for an Italian team, but still believe he's illegal for this level. :P

posted about 6 years ago

Damn missed it, thank you weekend work...
Anyway 🐨

posted about 6 years ago

I'd agree, even thou Fleta had a really bad stage 2 (not just his fault of course), while for Libero, eh depends how you intend MVP I guess.

If it's raw talent on a couple of heroes, for sure not at the same level of the others, but damn he's so good as so many heroes, and they aren't even his main heroes, he's probably my MVP if I look at it from a "value perspective" on how many roles you can put him in, and still expect to perform at an OWL level.

btw the only other play that left me so speechless as Carpe's one, was the general performance of SBB during the last stage finals, he won them that match, that was closer than how it might look like imo.

posted about 6 years ago

I was literally speechless.
He might not be the MVP and best overall player in OWL, but when he pops off he pops off like no one else.

posted about 6 years ago

Don't give up, we can still win this!


Well not this one, but there's still time

posted about 6 years ago

Nice one Valiant, despite Fleta hard carrying in some maps.

posted about 6 years ago

Watched a couple of minutes of her streams some time ago, looked pretty scary on Brigitte, but then again her Zarya has always been nutty.

posted about 6 years ago

Curious to see how Boston reacts to the "new" meta with all its changes having lost their lead coach, for tha reason alone I'd say Phillie has a good chance.

posted about 6 years ago

Hopefully Blizzard can find a way to bring OWL more in line with their patches, or even better the other way around.

From my point of view they are trying to get their feet in 2 shoes, on a side the competitive environment (OWL spceifically) which requires stability for the teams to be able and practice, on the other the casual playerbase (and by casual I mean whoever isn't a pro paid to play) who can't stand playing a broken hero/patch for months.

Since they are investing so much into the competitive scene, I'd say that would probably better for them to delay live patches (for everyone) so that they land in-between stages or seasons of OWL.

posted about 6 years ago

Wasn't the Mercy meta the worst one?

I know I'll get tons of downfrags for this, but honestly, who has ever believed that OW was going to be the next big competitive FPS shooter?

They never wanted for it to be a pure FPS shooter, from the get go, Mercy was in with team resses, Torbjorn was in, you already had all the tanks,etc...

Players (not just OW players) should just stop asking devs to modify existing games to cater to their needs, there are (and will be) plenty of FPS shooters, why did everyone jump into OW expecting it to be what Blizzard didn't want it to be?

I used to play a lot of Dirty Bomb (which was available before OW), the game "died" even before it was born, 'cause people jumped on the OW wagon, due to Blizzard being known to deliver amazing games (and also Dirty Bomb having a lot of issues), and guess what? They did it again, just is not what people looking for a pure FPS want, well move to another game.

posted about 6 years ago

Undad... oh wait...

posted about 6 years ago

Great game, gg Hurricanes!

posted about 6 years ago

GL both! Give us a great match!. :)

Also, so happy to see Dezachu casting the final of Contenders, remember him casting T2-3 matches back in 2016/7

posted about 6 years ago

Wait what... I know I want to watch the EU final, but are they forcing the CN off the main stream for it?

BTW, go LGD!

posted about 6 years ago

Damn sorry for him and the team, but I was wondering.

Don't OWL teams (and their staff) have some sort of medical insurance?
I know that in the States you need it to get expensive treatments (correct me if I'm wrong, my last time in the States was in the late nienties..), but once you are covered, I see no reason to go to another country for treatment.

posted about 6 years ago

Yeh that's true and for the same reason thou is better for us EU guys...
Let's hope OWL keeps doing well and they finally manage to make it global as planned.

posted about 6 years ago

Psst poi have you watched any of the games from Samsung Morningstar?
The level they are currently playing at is not much of a challange, but Nisa is already popping off looks like.

Sorry guys not trying to derail the thread, but eh... :)

posted about 6 years ago

Korean player percentage dropping from 45% and more EU and NA players (currently EU 25%, NA 20%).

I'd love that too, and considering this league has no relegation system, I would see it also working, but I doubt it will, unless forced (which is never good) by Blizzard.

posted about 6 years ago

I honestly believe OWL is doing great, and I say great based on the expectations I personally had before it started (which weren't very high).

Robokun, despite everything else brings forward a very good point imo, for the lenght it has as a league, the teams are not enough, and the games are way too close to eachother without sufficient breaks, and you can tell that players (as well as coaches) are already starting to burn out.

From a spectator point of view is not such a big issue, as you can choose when to watch a match and when to do something different, but if you are involved (players, teams, casters, etc...) is not a matter of choice anymore, and I personally hate to see persons burning out.

posted about 6 years ago

I usually don't downfrag and won't either this time, but have to disagree with you.

While I have an idea of why ZP wasn't in OWL, I still think from a "technical" point of view is above all the current talents, and I include in this an aspect that for me is very important for casters, being as impartial as possile (which isn't the case with the top casters currently in Monte&Doa) while "On screen".

posted about 6 years ago

This, I'd say Hero ban would be bad, but really think a map ban, instead of the current fixed rotation of maps, would be better.
But I think that for the reasons mentioned by you it will never happen, Blizzard wants (rightfully) all of the maps to be played.

posted about 6 years ago

Happy that he managed to find a home so fast, despite what might have bbeen the internal issues in the Valiants he's a good player.

posted about 6 years ago

Great one Scrubasaurus!

Shifty said. "Personally Europe feels they're being overshadowed by North America for reasons that we may not agree with. So being able to show that we can possibly beat them and show that we're on the same level or above them is a really important opportunity."

The reasons are not so misterious, and of course the EU community might not agree with them.

In the end nothing has changed compared to months prior to the OWL, Blizzard is focused on NA, at least until they don't decide the "next season" will have more non-NA spots and will be played (as in their originaly plans) in the organiztions' cities.

posted about 6 years ago

GG NYXL, and GG Saebyeolbe.
Boston, next time!

posted about 6 years ago

SBB "saved" NYXL on Volskaya, going poggers

posted about 6 years ago

Snillo replaced Mistakes once he left, but they were doing great already.

posted about 6 years ago

If they win will be what? their 16th victory in a row?
I still think in the end NYXL will win (both vs VALLA and Vs Boston), but cheering for the Boston guys they deserve this stage for sure.

posted about 6 years ago

To be honest I wasn't surprised to see him in OWL, his stint on 123 was pretty amazing, but yes once dreamkazper started popping off, you knew he was going to e a bench boy.

Have to admit he's stepping up game after game, who could have imagined that if you give a pro player actual playtime he can improve uh? :)

posted about 6 years ago

Good for Buds I'd say, considering how few Benchokusai has been playing :/

posted about 6 years ago

Striker poggers

posted about 6 years ago

I''m Italian, but I honestly doubt Blizzard will go the Italy way, not so early at least.
Germany, all nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark and Finnland) all have probably a bigger audience, same goes for France.

posted about 6 years ago

Such a classic. :)

posted about 6 years ago

Ryujekong, Ruyjebong and Reijehong...

posted about 6 years ago

True, but still what a match!

posted about 6 years ago

Eh probably, yes.
Those stats for Nevix thou 104-7 or something like that :O

posted about 6 years ago

So a relatively balanced map route 66 (compared to the previous 3) and all we see is Sinatra POV, literally 90% of the time the camera was on him while the action was somewhere else.

posted about 6 years ago

Lol yes me too. :)

For everything else, woot no more scatter and...
Benvenuti in Italia ragazzi!

posted about 6 years ago

Free Logix!

posted about 6 years ago

Nah not really, he also got my upfrag for it.

I could have (and probably should have) put my comment under Zero's about Belgium and would still be valid, but with a candle would have been better thou. :)

posted about 6 years ago

Tells a lot it has been uploaded by an Italian. :D

posted about 6 years ago

True, but didn't the whole OW scene (I mean casters and the likes) did the same for Sinatra? Between the 2 the most talented one (yes even on Tracer) has always been Dafran.

posted about 6 years ago

Eh they used it also last week, so I guess it's really a thing?

posted about 6 years ago

Ah just wait for Italy! (I wish)

posted about 6 years ago

Wait... what?
I'm Italian so of course I love having Italy in this, but why for example Italy above Romania?

I mean I get it the top 150, but does that really matter, or having players with actual pro experience at high level should matter a bit more?

posted about 6 years ago

These are the moments in which I really "envy" esport careers, as if you are in an healthy environment you are allowed to take breaks that are very much needed for everyone on every job/work.

No Holidays are not the same thing, you need to plan them and you might burn out months away from when you planned your holidays.

Wishing all the best to Mineral!

And I hope every team will allow players and staff to take a breather as soon as they need it, getting burn out is not fun, and once you really are burnt, coming back might take ages.

posted about 6 years ago

I fear he has joined the bench team of SFS, which means basically disappearing from the face of earth?

IDDQD, Dhak, Babybay, Nomy (even if they brought him out a couple fo times, maybe for language barriers?) and I guess if they value Architect as much as it seems also Nevix will eventually follow.

Danteh saved himself byb being their best performer (by far) in stage 2 and yet he had to specialize in Sombra to have a chance, even thou I don't think Sinatra atm is much better than him on Tracer.

posted about 6 years ago

But then you'd lose the crazy casting of the Brazilian guys, brngs back memories of me younger up at night to watch matches from the Brasileirao.

That said, Oasis was a bit onesided.

posted about 6 years ago
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