Country: Italy
Registered: July 1, 2017
Last post: May 18, 2022 at 3:06 PM
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Hmm what about Soon?
I don't see the 2 of them getting split, they are sort of a one package deal.

I still don't get why the Fuel would get rid of one of their best communicators, for a guy who is better skillwise, but not on the communication front.

As a side note, woa the toxicity in the comments to that tweet, guess people don't like the French style? I do, I like'em spicy and salty... if they are good. :)

posted about 6 years ago

But what if everyone else around you became better as well?

posted about 6 years ago

And gg also to Phillie, keep improving guys!

posted about 6 years ago

And here we have game 5! Woooo!
Gonna cheer for Phillie, but in the end who cares? Has been a great playoff day anyway!

posted about 6 years ago

Yep back before the actual league started, he was considering Libero the "weak" spot of NYXL, so to speak of course.

posted about 6 years ago

And you sneaky ones pulled it out during the playoffs! Hats off guys!

posted about 6 years ago

Oh and yes just for Monte (who will never read this), sure Libero is "just a jack of all trades" player. not really top at any of them, pfff

I'm a Phillie fan, but damn now I want a game 5!

posted about 6 years ago

it was always a matter of map differential, so, again if a top team can't prepare for more than 2 teams there are 2 options:

  1. They are not as good as everyone thinks they are
  2. They are arrogant as hell

Since I doubt any of this applies to Korean teams...

posted about 6 years ago

Mr X I was waiting for it...

"NYXL probably only prepared for London and Seoul" stop this bullshit thinking, what kind of a pro team at this level completely ingores the team most likely to get into the Playoffs (compared to Seoul)?

posted about 6 years ago

Well the guys wa popping off like crazy, him and everyone else on the Fusion tbh. <3

posted about 6 years ago

NYXL adapting so well to counter Snillo

posted about 6 years ago

One could wonder who the western 18 year old wonder is, right?

posted about 6 years ago

Indeed double pogger, Philli and over.gg!!!

posted about 6 years ago

Wow however it ends.... Snillo popping off

posted about 6 years ago

Is so damn good to see some different comps, finally.
And what a great match, map 5 here we cooooome!

posted about 6 years ago

Yep I'm for a 5 map match as well!

posted about 6 years ago

Yup it was, oh well let's hope it gets closer.

posted about 6 years ago

And why do we want JUST the final to be good?
Is not like there's a title in place, so I'd prefer 2 good matches than a "bad" one and a good one.

posted about 6 years ago

Well it already looks more promising than the original main team.

posted about 6 years ago

Hehe well I am Italian, and I'm not a pro, so yes. :)

But you won't find open mic here, neither parents/wives/kids/friends shouting behind my back, and since I hate people doing it, when I smoke I don't use comms, when I sneeze i don't press the button, and I only eat in front of a PC when I'm working and don't have time for a break.

Oh yes and at 40 I really don't aspire of beahving like some 20 years old Twitch "celebrity" :P

posted about 6 years ago

That's interesting, I don't know if I'd get rid of Soon and Unkoe from my team, but I can sort of understand it, if it's them creating issues in the "locker room".

That would be fun thou, old NV becoming the new Rogue. :)

posted about 6 years ago

Poi, from my perspective what pissed people off was the video of him doing the "last chance then you are out" speech to one of his players, in a parking lot, otuside of a fast food.

I'm the manager of a department, have to deal with low performing guys every other day, but I would never, and I say NEVER, put one of my guys in such situation, why you ask?

  • 1st it doesn't work, only very few react positively to that kind of pressure, and are usually older/more experienced guys, performers in their prime who for whatever reason stopped doing it.
  • I've been through it when I was very young, and can guarantuee you that (unless you are one the kind mentioned above), even if you succeed you won't be feeling better, it will sort of remain with you as long as you keep that job.
  • NEVER make these speeches in a casual way, and even less make them public, that's the biggest mistake you can do, as everyone will see you as duche (and you actually are somehow), and most will interact with the guy even worse, considering him/her a "waste".

Sorry didn't want to write a poem, but that video really made me unconfortable. :(

posted about 6 years ago

The most frustrating moment is... when I'm not having fun, and it happens a lot in this game.

I'm old and don't really care too much about being the best around (hell I'm silver/gold), that doesn't mean I'm not competitive, and that's why I play comp.

Sometimes this game just kicks you in the nuts thou:

  • I really dislike 2CP maps -> a session of 10 comp games 7 of them on 2CPs
  • I can't stand quitters/leaver -> a session of 10 games you get 5 matches with a leaver
  • I hate people on comms, just to be on comms - Random Italians/French/Russian/whatever talking about nonensense, munching in the mic, sneezing, doing the "XQC" interpretation, etc...

When these things happen (and sometimes they happen together) I only have 1 solution, days (if not weeks) off OW, I alreayd get enough stress from my daily job, I play to have fun, if I'm not having it.. well plenty of other games (or simply go to a pub with some mates)

posted about 6 years ago

Indeed it is, two of my fav teams.

posted about 6 years ago

Well in Kaiser's own words:

posted about 6 years ago

Fragi on Rei is always so good to watch (as aan ex Rei main).

posted about 6 years ago

Well now that you have the "official" over.gg approvation, is time to buy a new machine and start streaming mate! :)

posted about 6 years ago

I don't knwo who downfragged you, maybe for being blunt, but get my upfrag :P

posted about 6 years ago

Thanks CamRa!

Always good to see that clip again, as an ex Rei main... when I saw it I was almost orgas...erm

posted about 6 years ago

Will you at least leave them Sideshow for entertainment? His tour of the treehouse was very nice. :)

posted about 6 years ago

Tbf his Zarya looked way better than his Tracer, so yes, butw asn't he supposed to be their dps saviour?

posted about 6 years ago

Except they played like 4 koth maps, all with Lucio and had Moth in.

EDIT: all = they played lucio on all 4 to some extent

posted about 6 years ago

I hope so, 'cause I truly believe that if SFS managed to win some games was mainly due to him, Sleepy and after some weeks Danteh.

posted about 6 years ago

So, now the expensive "baby prodigy" has arrived, I wasn't impressed by the first 2 matches, but again he has not played for months, so time will tell.
What I was wondering is, what's gonna happen with the bench guys in SFS?

I have this feeling that (Architect asides, everyone needs a KO), what SFS are trying to do is creating an all American (USA) lineup, if this is the case:

  1. I doubt we'll see much of Dahk anymore, he's already disappeared.
  2. Nevix will follow once Super hit the age.
  3. They will all join IDDQB, possibly not even scrimming.
  4. What about Nomy? Who even if I like as a person I believe is the weakest point of the team.

EDIT: just for reference

posted about 6 years ago

Sort of, but CptAdama's point ain't less valid.

I said it myself, he did the trials for them before OWL and didn't work, I guess it was a combination of "Not what we look for" on DF side and "Don't want to be benched" on his side.

What about now? How's the frenchman gonna react?

posted about 6 years ago

To be honest as NV they have never been in such a slump as the past 2 months.

Disciplinary/tank issues asides (ok those are big issues), if I had to point at someone for it, it would be Mickie, his DVA was clearly not at the level of other OWL ones, which is fine if he now transitions to main tank thou

posted about 6 years ago

Have to agree with the wtf, considering how strict the league has been with "minor" (so to speak) infractions, this sounds fishy.

Don't get me wrong, better for DF so cool, but still...

posted about 6 years ago

Same here, go EU boys! :)

posted about 6 years ago

They are good, and have been playing with the stable roster for months now.

SHD clearly had some communication issues (e.g. Lijang Tower), but...

Stage 3 is around the corner, and also The Frog is about to join them ㅇㅅㅇ

posted about 6 years ago

Exactely my point above, Monte is always fast to start praising a Korean player, to the point of losing sight of what's happening around that player.

Again Snillo was always flanking (and rarely dying) meanwhile Fragi was getting stats like 30-3, Widows' jobs become way easier this way.

posted about 6 years ago

True, but both Tviq and Logix outperformed SFS's dps, one the reasons the match was close is 'cause SFS supports were better than Florida's

posted about 6 years ago

Nah he's just a KO fanboy, can't admit when it's the whole team outplaying the adversaries.

Don't get me wrong Carpe popped off, and deserved the man of the match, but damn have you checked how Fragi, Poko, Snillo (and the supports) played?

When you get an offensive Winston that closes a map with a 30-3 K/D, your job as widow becomes way easier.

posted about 6 years ago

Yes, he stopped scrimming with the team from some time as well, so yeh...

posted about 6 years ago

Are we ready for more Wooooo? 'Cause you know he's gonna be there. :)

posted about 6 years ago

Dammit Monte sometimes is unbearable... "Decisive victory for Carpe!", the he realizes for example that Snillo has similar stats... pff

Or Fragi with a 30-3 K/D, Poko 27/4 vs the 9/7 of Bischu, etc...

posted about 6 years ago

Amazing, I usually don't envy pro players or the huge amount of players that play better than me (ain't that difficult :D), but damn I'd give a kidney to do even just a potg like these plays. :D

edit: 'cause inventing English words isn't good :P

posted about 6 years ago

Damn guys, Brazilian casters are always 1 step ahead, like in all other sports. <3

posted about 6 years ago

The only thing we can do is wait for the next "On the Watch" episode

But that's part of the issue, they release them 2-3 weeks late, by the time those vids come out the issues are already somewhere else, with all the focus on visibility OWL has, it's mindblowing how some of these teams don't put "enough effort" in it.

posted about 6 years ago

So it hasnt changed form season a?
thanks anyway mate, now back to KO Contenders's twitch chat!

posted about 6 years ago
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