NiCO is nutty today on that
Country: | Italy |
Registered: | July 1, 2017 |
Last post: | May 18, 2022 at 3:06 PM |
Posts: | 1473 |
NiCO is nutty today on that
And also the other Italian guy gets a win, andiamo ragazzi dai!. :)
Indeed, Sharyk just solo shattered him, has to be retty annoying. :)
Best OW site, by miles, gg guys!
Let's go guys!
Asking was looking hot even in their last loss to Eagle, dude is popping off consistently.
Thou they are gonna play 2 matches today both Trials (4 maps) and this BO5, and if the win also the final, pretty heavy schedule...
Tempted to go to SMSB gaming house and film them myself, it's just like 10 minutes away. :)
Eh apparently none of the matches is being streamed... which is a pity :(
Lol indeed.
Btw no friggin stream at all? :(
The good part is that it's a new team, but still...
Phillie looks bad, yesterday Carpe won them the game, can't always hope your star saves you the day.
The idea is (I guess) that SADO is better than Fragi (not a better Rei imo), and then you want another Korean to pair up with him as off tank so you make play Hotba, now thou looks like the 2 tanks and the rest of the team are not on the same page...
Let's see if we can get some Italy into contenders!
Edit: and in the end doesn't matter, as Carpe saves the day anyway.
I know, that's why I think it's "just" a matter of communication, but in the age of internet (and Twitch, Twitter, etc...) communication is everything, ok it was also before but eh. :)
Let's hope they improve, and by all means I'm not against bans for boosters, at all.
There is (and will never be) a system to prevent a community to be "toxic", not completely at least, not one that can run without a huge amount of direct human involvement, aka persons paid ONLY to check each and every report, bby going into the server, recovering the match a specific report concerns to and check if it's actually valid.
This is way behyond the scope of any company, and the costs will be huge, what we can all hope is that people could"take care" of themselves, I'm not a toxic person, but I know for a fact, over the course of my OW expperience I've been toxic at least a couple of times (I could make excuses, but that's not the point), and I'm retty positive each and everyone of us has been at some point.
For the same reasons I try to avoid spamming the "report" button, guess I used it like 5 times in total and received 2 confirmations out of them (those guys were really something, on the lines of threating sons and daughters of other players), for everything else... I just suck it up, it's a game afterall.
On other news I'm not so sure what's happening with all these bans AND un-bans, but Blizzard should really communicate better about this stuff.
Like it is it almost looks like they were "afraid" of Coluge spitting out names of boosters who are active in the OWL, and I honestly don't thinkk that's the case, but
I know right?
It's really a pity (imo) Florida spent money to get a replacement for him (they play basically the same heroes), while for the past 3 stages he's been one of the (if not THE) best player on their roster.
EDIT: just to be clear, I'm not saying Sayaplayer is worse than Logix, but he's isn't such an improvement either, and if you have a nutty player with some insecurity issues, the worst you could do is bench him.
And meanwhile, player of the game Sayaplayer...
If it has to be from the winning team, well Logix played 2 maps and they won them both, he also dominated Dyia in the last.
If you can pick from the losing team... Ado was nutty this match.
All in all both deserve it more than Saya imo.
Holy Scrubasaurus poggers! 6 articles in 2 hours?!?!
Oh this is why... lol now I feel stupid :D
Well Meza WB! was missing our lord of the :candle:
Don't get me wrong, love having our lord of the candle back in action but...
Why completely change a team that was stomping everyone?
EDIT: when you are stupid and don't see the thread about it... sigh gotta stop working earlier, is killing the last few cell brains I have
The Horizon Lunar Colony map will also receive several significant changes
They could scrap it completely maybe?
Honestly, it's my least favourite map, by far.
Curious to see how NL fares against a "higher tier" team, they wrecked everyone in the Open Division (and yes I'm still a bit salty they smashed also our Italian boys :P ).
Not saying NYXL isn't the strongest team on OWL, by far tbh, just saying that dominant teams (Koreans are not an exception, on the contrary) tend to underrate other teams.
I can tell you something until the end they were sure to win this one, you could see it on their faces, even after pulling off "silly plays" on Gibraltar.
And they lost, so they better prepare properly for the playoffs, else...
Doing analysis like he played his Rei, full in! Love it. :)
First 2 maps Dallas gave Unkoe the Jjonak treatment, and he was popping.
On Lijiang, what you said, Mickie popping off
TwoEasy OMG, guess we'll have some salt after all. ;)
Lol not really, GGS Narwhals, and damn Linepro promised me yesterday they would beat NL in the finals, guess it won't happen :/
Such a pity that Florida decided to find a replacement for their best player, Logix is playing so well...
Snivy, there's a typo on Italy's coach, CAlessio should be just Alessio.
Besdies that, already drama in the Danish community?
EDIT: holy whatever that was fast, that's why I love ya guys, so fast and on the point!
In all honesty? This is the only source of information on Overwatch I regularly check (besides for example streams of open division teams), I've never been much into reddit, tend to turn even the best persons into sheeps, but eh.
Don't get me wrong I wish all the best for, but I'd hate for it to become more "Reddity" just to grab more people.
Even if I know how much time it would take what I'd like to see was some more infos on lower tiers (e.g., the various Open divisions), they are full of potential.
Luckily we always have poi for T3-4 infos, sei un grande poi!
Soon was on fire yesterday.
Aww snaps lost this one, and NL apparently has SMSB's number 3rd time they beat them in a week or so...
To be honest they look very solid and are on a 16-0 streak, which ok took place in the Open Division, but still.
When you speak of healthy esport communities, Denmark has a pop of roughly 6 milions, check how many pros they have.
To put it into perspective, that's half the pop we have in Lombardia (the Italian region where Milan is), and something more than 1/2 the pop New York has on its own...
Yep they basically 3-0ed everyone except Morning Stars Blue in the 2 finals, which they sort of dominated anyway, Riverboat's Hanzo was nutty btw.
I'd bet my money on this, if it happened after the update.
Win 10's updates are a friggin mess, even if they don't screw up anything, they might have changed some setting you had locally, give it a check (in my case everytime I have to go into the registry and tinker with it, to reduce unbelivable high memory end/or Disk usage).
The hero might be OP and as some claim a bit brain dead (I don't think so but meh), but you gotta be able and practice with her to integrate her properly on a high lvl comp match.
That said I really think Phillie lost this match, Dallas played good not denying it, but Hotba was a new version of Fragi, only on off-tank, and Sado was getting smacked by Oge, Carpe wasn't on one of his best days, Eqo neither, they won a map dusting off the shelf Shadowurn, but eh
Totally agree, they have no more pressure, new players and what I think the main aspect, unlike some other teams, they are utilizing Brigitte properly.
Semmler, Hex, the desk and generally everyone before the match harping on how good Phillie's Korean tank duo is.
On King's Road they both got shamed by Oge and Mikie/Seagull, on Hanamura the same, on Lijiang was the same, just they had Shadowburn popping off.
Can we please get Poko and, at least on Rei maps, Fragi back?
Anyway GG Dallas!
I don't get it, I mean yes of course more stable patch and whatnot, but this becomes unfair for teams that are in theory already weaker.. meh
Gotta love all these Rein's clips <3 (Winston is good too, but damn if I love dropping that hammer)
Btw gratz on your open division run so far and gl forward!
Great article, the only thing I would personally add (and it's very personal) is that "way to pro" means nothing without promotions and relegations, but that's just me, I love watching a low tier team make his way to the echelon of a competition... here it simply is impossible.
As it is now the teams you have this season will be gone the next one (except for some) and new ones will be born, same playesr just shuffled around, minus the ones worth an OWL team.
Great posts as usual Poi!
There's no audio 'cause the other team didn't agree to have a spectator mode, so they are casting directly from the view of the Italian guys, and so had to be muted for the coms.
No idea about Herc's but is not so uncommon to have pigmentation issues.
As for the Italian scene, yep Carni and Fighter have been around for quite some time, and Nisa is imo the best Italian flex support, unfortunately they just got smashe (3-1) in their last match and went so 9-1.
If anyone's interested, always in Italian, and without in-game sound, soon should start Morningstar's Blue match:
Stream will not be live but delayed.
It's the 2 supports I fear, Freefeel literally costed them King's Row. :(
Geguri's Zarya, 4 gravs vs 2 on attack <3
Yeh literally destroyed...
And now Carpe... Gotta love these guys
They both are and in the same team, I repeat being Italian I love the idea an Italian team could make it to Contenders, but eh.