Registered: August 10, 2016
Last post: May 23, 2018 at 5:56 PM
Posts: 224
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whens in-game spectating / demos blizzard? hope that comes with the OWL announcement

posted about 7 years ago

wouldve liked to watch this on stream

posted about 7 years ago

yea, i was hoping that was more obvious but google translate failed me

posted about 7 years ago

thank god our twitch memes are still safe from the AI overlords

posted about 7 years ago

is it just me or is even NA drama just a watered down version of KR drama?

ajax tweets :joy::joy::joy: and hurt feelings everywhere vs OGN literally dedicating 5 mins of every match intro to videotaped shit talk
gale discord screenshots vs xepher forced retirement for geguri hackusations
seagull / shayed vs dean / 30 underage girls

our boys gotta step it up

posted about 7 years ago

kaiser has a !c9 command in his stream

C9팀에서 유래된.....거점/화물 신경 안쓰다가 점수를 잃는다는 표현입니다

C9 team derived from ..... base / cargo to lose the score to lose expression

posted about 7 years ago

p sure it's on the list

enigma's busy playing ranked rn though

and he's not even streaming ;;

posted about 7 years ago

im a noob and ive never been on hltv; i was just trying to find the article about the pacific championship from the event page.

it doesn't help that the search bar only brings up the event page when i type in "pacific championship"

posted about 7 years ago

The new events page is really useful but the team names in group standings should be links. Also it'd be nice if the events pages had a list of links to relevant news articles.

posted about 7 years ago

I like how in that thread he says "i dont care about that website" while giving a link to a different site he's shadily promoted several times here too

posted about 7 years ago

very negative account! sad!

posted about 7 years ago

you were supposed to put the fake news in my thread

posted about 7 years ago

Seems like a lot of real OWL news lately but this thread seemed like the right place to share this epic prediction :D

75,000 professional-level Overwatch players means up to 12,500 professional-level teams so next year OWL could make up to $62.5 billion

posted about 7 years ago

good ideas keep em rolling

I found this recent article but it seems like mostly old news

interesting that OWL is still hiring - staff get in there!

posted about 7 years ago

Haven't found too much information out there so I'd like to consult the brain trust. What will Blizzard's OWL will be like? How will it impact the world?

Please post sources with links if you have any good info. Otherwise you can feel free to post fake news or idle fantasies here too.

My predictions:

  • The current pro teams and management have been in close touch with Nate Nanzer behind the scenes and are keeping things under wraps (NDA-enforced) to make the OWL launch (big announcement in July / August) as hype as possible
  • OWL will be so well-designed and well-produced (think weekly LAN matches with OGN production except partnered with ESPN or something) that within a year it will cause OW to explode in popularity and make OW blow up as a mainstream phenomenon
  • OW will be very successful financially and everyone currently involved in the OW esports community, from players and coaches, to casters and analysts, and even twitch chat mods will take advantage of new business opportunities to become new esports millionaires
  • My favorite pro player Barndon "A_Seabull" Learner will become a household name and will be on a box of Wheaties after getting invited to the White House to teach President Trump how to improve his Genji
posted about 7 years ago

they beat liquid a few days ago too

whoops got confused with gale force

posted about 7 years ago

damn this match looks hype, wish they could stream it live

hope there's vods

posted about 7 years ago

Are they recording the off-stream matches this time?

posted about 7 years ago

glad to see mickie is finally allowed to flex on more than 2 heroes

posted about 7 years ago

I'm sure they have reasons for not competing and I'm equally sure that we'll never find out about them.

So to fill in that gap we should make up our own theories. Personally, I think that Seagull got plastic surgery and is going to unveil his new face and body when they show up to a LAN next.

posted about 7 years ago

Were they struck by the curse of complexity at the start of Hollywood? Thought I heard the casters say something about that.

posted about 7 years ago

A thought - maybe on the team page the background of the element containing the link to the match is green or something and if they lose it's red?

posted about 7 years ago

The second half of this article was super cool. In fact, I'll wager that I'm not alone in being way, way more interested in the player-centered stuff like what our glorious overlord enigma has been up to and the funny story about aWesomeGuy ("rumors", if you will) than the TSM esports mumbo jumbo.

Are there any articles or any other more detailed coverage of all that out there?

posted about 8 years ago

Do the right thing and make a thread about it on an alt. That doesn't count as reporting, right?

posted about 8 years ago

what is this referring to? please translate for us non-illuminati

posted about 8 years ago

Indeed, he joined them from the old bird noises roster.

gonna be a good match

posted about 8 years ago

I think this thread is about people who played at a "high level". MESR for sure, but J3sus played only highlander, and Surefour's 460 hours is nothing in TF2

waiting for angry HL nerds to come at me xD

posted about 8 years ago

OW league will fix everything xD

posted about 8 years ago

bring back rainbow nation smh heteronormative mods

posted about 8 years ago

It's based on the org location, not where they're living necessarily.
edit: im'm rertaded this is not true,...

That's the power of money in esports ¯_(ツ)_/¯

posted about 8 years ago

from undefeated in Carbon series to potentially 0-3 NotLikeThis

posted about 8 years ago

daily reminder that verbo killed bird noises

posted about 8 years ago

good to see liquipedia and gosugamers getting some competition in this department, hope you guys can keep it up

posted about 8 years ago

Lunatic-Hai is a common typo for Kongdoo

posted about 8 years ago

was hoping this thread was gonna be Admirable's Tracer erotic fanfic.

posted about 8 years ago

Plot twist: it's actually been ex-bird noises / Hammers / LG Evil looking for redemption ever since Verbo left them for Immortals.

posted about 8 years ago

People criticizing blizzard business decisions and things I like = angst? I guess Richard Lewis is also an angsty individual then. I am sorry that the world doesn't exist in a perpetual safe space vacuum where opinions that you don't ageee with simply don't exist. I am sure if you hit the downfrags hard enough my posts will disappear though.

Where did I ask for a safe space? I was happy to see your posts! I hope you post more :)

1 guy = a lot

I have to say I agree.

posted about 8 years ago

damn this news post really exposed a lot of deep-seated angst

posted about 8 years ago

It's an alternative headline, as in "alternative facts".

posted about 8 years ago

Seems like these two teams are always playing each other

posted about 8 years ago

Never mind lol

posted about 8 years ago

At least it has more viewers than the ESL_overwatch rebroadcasts now

posted about 8 years ago
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