Country: France
Registered: January 8, 2018
Last post: February 19, 2019 at 2:32 PM
Posts: 47

But mangachu is already with an academy so i dont think they gonna pay buy out.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

Its a show match first team to win 2 map :) so not 3/2

posted about 6 years ago

Yes they played more than one year in the same teams (gamers origin in 2017 and eagle gaming in 2018 with leaf in this two teams) so they know how work together but if this happen i hope caspere could find a new contenders team because he looks good in group stage and deserved play time !

posted about 6 years ago

Only french born in Paris will play in Paris excelsior academy Kappa !
I think we will see some french but maybe not only. Last season french and swedish were the eu countries with the most contenders players. And if we look who are the french players not in owl (contenders or top OD) :

Dps :
hqrdest (ex one point)
flippy (lft/ ex eagle gaming)
tsuna (young and beautiful)
asking (Boston academy)
littleflamme (allplanned/OD 3rd)
noomi (hsl academy/OD)

Dps flex :
leaf (Samsung morning stars)
zykk (hsl esport)
tae (hsl esport)
hakan (sbbr/OD)
khegassi (allplanned/OD)

Off tank :
getamazed (one point)
tek36 (hsl esport)
hayko (lft)
ezel (sbbr/OD)
shuh (mirage/ NA OD champion)

Superplouk (one point)
Kolsti (ex smc eu)
Chubz (who)
Teemo (sbbr/OD)
Valmaster (wind and rain/OD)

Flex sup:
Hidan (hsl esport)
Deylen (sbbr/OD)
Apollo11 (lft)
Demilk (animals legacy/OD)
Emmawinston (revoesport/OD)

Dridro (Samsung morning stars)
Lilbow (giganti)
Fdgod (ex orgless and hungry)
Ascoft (hsl esport)
Izzy (ex smc eu)
Zensu (allplanned/OD)
Sstarboi (sbbr/OD)

So could be a french team there are a lot of good players and if you take 1 player in every role in this list you can build a top team. But if we look the Paris owl there are some player from Portugal finland Russia UK iceland and Poland so Paris could peak some one point players for example, who have no buyout (non org), like phatt scaler or hortic.

posted about 6 years ago

I dont know if Paris academy announce will change something but before there was a lot of chance to see hqrdest in italia with some korean phones Kappa.

posted about 6 years ago

But Paris or not Paris it was the same for open division ! There is only one team because 12 -> 8 teams in contenders eu, the only change with Paris is 3 -> 2 slot for teams in trials.

Its a good news because now we have :
Samsung Morning Stars: gaming house and players paid
Angry Titans: studio take over for bootcamp and paid
Giganti : paid
British Hurricanes : paid
Paris : paid
One point : nothing (non org)

And in trials : winstrike and hsl are org

So at least next season a lot of contenders players will be paid and its a good news for t2 eu.
Morever Paris owl team have only eu players so this academy could be a step for EU players, whereas Hurricanes cant move to the spitfire (only korean).
And maybe next owl teams wil be some eu and with more academy, contenders eu will have more teams next years, i hope, we deserved more than 8 contenders slot. ...

posted about 6 years ago

And ? Toronto esport wasnt Boston org or team cc for shangai an owl can work with an other org for his academy ! And vitality is today the best french org (with lec slot and player in more than 10 different games at top eu or top world lvl).
So why not. But it could be also just Paris academy with no other org

posted about 6 years ago

Maybe need 2 wins, last season there was 11th round for the team in 9/1 8/2 and 10/0. So only the best 9/2 and all the 10/1 and 11/0 played play off.

For the trials i see a tweet from one contenders player who said only the winner OD will play the trials because there are already 7 teams from contenders :
We have org
Bazooka puppies
Young and beautiful

Its sad if its true for the futur 2nd 3rd and 4th but look like eu with only 8 teams will be now the impossible path to pro ...

posted about 6 years ago

If you look the last t3 tournament "path to poverty" is maybe the best team but there is always surprise in open division !
I like also some team like alpha gaming and mirage.
This week there is SMC/Mirage i think, i hope broadcast gg will stream this.

posted about 6 years ago

It is a good news for SA and for brazil !
I have just one question is their dps line up, only two and look like two flex and projectile player after striker trade i am surprised they dont sign one specialist hitscan/tracer player.

posted about 6 years ago

Just for some informations about Wrath, Orks Grand Poitiers was in the top french team but also top t3 EU team. They taked 5/6th place last open division and loosed 3/2 against hsl esport in the top 4 match acess and the Contenders trials.
So good luck to Wrath with his new team

posted about 6 years ago

Really good match, between two strong team ! Happy for SMS who confirm after angry cup but the last two map lilbow was on fire (after eagle disband its cool to see him find a new team).

posted about 6 years ago

Online event can have Internet issue ... and they want to play final online lul ...

posted about 6 years ago

Now look at world cup it s easier for an italian player to be in national team than contenders but for french player it easier to be in contenders than national team, if you look main tank role in may during France trials chubz had to play against benbest (now Paris eternal) superplouk (s2 contenders champion) knoxxx (eagle gaming) kolsti (bazooka pupies now shu's money crew) valmaster (tea and biscuit) but also t3 tank like teemo and yes he didnt play world cup but not because his level is bad just there are many good tank in france ... (and in my point of view for italia carniflex when he played hitscan, nisa, midna and dragonedy played well in paris).

If you look contenders result its not like you write but like i said why all midna fan just want to trash chubz when the problem is t2 scene (and when you see they want only 8 team in 2019 ...)
And i repeat im not against midna just against that "anti chubz"and i really hope midna dont stop and can find a good team in the next weeks.

posted about 6 years ago

So yes money its the war in t2 because WHO is not an org, so not only player but also coach and manager try to show they have the level for better oportunities.
And for the next season of contenders 2019 the top team of this S3 will be in trials and dont have to play open division so yes i think if WHO is not in trial after this season they just stop ... it s why they change player after trials because 4th in group stage and not 5th could be the only hope for WHO , and the management and staff .
Like i said in my first post in my point of view midna and chubz, both deserved to be in contenders and this last days i really hope hsl who take eagle gaming slot take progi and midna like they take progi and kraandop after milkyman. Because as italien org it would be great to have one italian player and midna is today the best italian not in contenders.

But in your last post you talk about chubz and midna result so let me say the true :

  • season 1 : only 6 teams had a contenders spot and the other were all in open division, chubz created pièce of cake with the young dridro, the unknown nagga, the starcraft brain marinelord, popifresh and crems (yes the new WHO off tank) and they did 10/0 in open div, they took the 3rd place in overwatch pit. Crems signed with mayhem academy and pièce of cake signed hayko with this roster they did quaterfinal so middle team (5th To 8th).

  • season 2 : one week before the Contenders copenhagen flames who buy pièce of cake slot cut dridro and marinelord (its why a player like dridro couldnt play S2 and marinelord after that just stoped overwatch ...) chubz played only week 1 for cph and leaved the team like the major part of the team it look like problem with the org ... you can't say the top 9th to 12th was with chubz ... But WHO also was in 9th to 12th and its the bottom (because its mean trials but dont mean all players in this teams havent contenders level) ...
posted about 6 years ago

In season 1 and 2 the team who won the cup (Overwatch PIT) won contenders so let see if SMS can do it.
And leaf won the 5 last tournament he played !

posted about 6 years ago

Blizzard is number one leak Kappa
So they announce the Contenders S3 4 days before the beginning, but dont wait the team announce their roster before put it on their web site.
So progi is the new main tank (he already played in round 2 contenders trials but leave for one point) and hsl sign tae (flex dps).

I see also an other team with a new player in the Contenders website this morning but this name isnt in now so could have some changes with hsl or other team before sunday.

posted about 6 years ago

Yes i think that really sad but you can talk about esport like an other job because rules are different.
I think esport is more like sport and if i take football you have a team in second league who take a player and after one season they are in the group who go on the first league and this team gonna change 50% of this players, and after one year a player who won the second league could never play in first league.
Its sad but its sport the problem with overwatch is there is no money so if you arent in the top you cant show your skils and have no futur ...

posted about 6 years ago

Leaf won the last 5 tournament he played

  • Dreamhack Tours / ESWC / Overwatch PIT / Contenders S2 : with eagle gaming
  • Angry Cup : with SMS

Who can stop him !

posted about 6 years ago

Yes just an exemple pipou (coach) and leaf (dps) were in eagle gaming last contenders champion so yes SMS is not a surprise. (I dont say SMS was favourite but before the angry cup i think they were in the top teams).

posted about 6 years ago

So i just want to show you there is some part unknown of the story ... here you can be angry yes but maybe chubz is not the "bad" person, he is like every eu player who just want to have a slot in the eu contenders and show to the org he has the level and can be one of the players who have some money for play ow in this t2 scene :/

posted about 6 years ago

Disagree with you not because im french but here and Twitter people just show some hate about chubz without try to understand.

So after the last season WHO did some changes for the Contenders trials. If you look the first teasing with flag you can see there are 2 french flag the next day when they announced their team only chubz (as french) was in the team and one of the dps released before the new roster was in (so already one french dps leave) just few hours later WHO said chubz have better opportunities and welcome back midna.
And this is the very important part why chubz leaved ? So source by zaroide french ow journalist/youtuber/caster when eagle gaming disband because they dont pay the players, the president of eagle gaming stop his professionnal part of eagle (press/web) but still have the Contenders slot and for this he wants to build a new roster and choose chubz has captain to build the team. (Maybe it s also why the other french dps leave WHO) but after that we have 0 news so that the question, Blizzard stop this roster after the problem last season ? The president sell the slot after he said To chubz he will be the captain ? Other lies about the president and chubz prefer leave ? We dont know ...

The thing is now some players who were thinking to play contenders have nothing. i dont know where will go this mysterious dps but for chubz i think he just try to find a new team and thats the cringe part of the story the manager and coach of WHO prefer chubz its why they choose him for Contenders trials at the begining but midna also play well in this trials. They just choose who for them is the best solution.

If you want my point of view i think both are really good and deserved to be in contenders and what s happen here, is very sad ...
The hope we can have is midna played the Contenders trials and he showed his level, and this is better than chubz stay for the trials and midna can show nothing an official match but yes it is sad.

posted about 6 years ago

Leave is 17 years old he cant play before season 3 i think

posted about 6 years ago

If you want an other name marinelord also stop overwatch and return to starcraft 2

posted about 6 years ago

Good roster and staff, but maybe need one assistant coach

posted about 6 years ago

I hope but i think there is not a lot of chance. I think he did some try out for several owl teams, but if you look many of the players who are leak for owl and was in nrg or Toronto esport last contenders season just dont play this tournament. And asking use to stream before he scrims so we know he works with this players to be ready for the Contenders s3. Maybe a team can buy him but 10 days before the signing periode close, i think the teams have already build their team, so i dont believe in that. The last chance is a two way contract with boston maybe because the only hitscan dps for Boston is striker and the two other dps leak are more flex/projectile dps (colourhex/blasé) so he will play in contenders in november and if Boston think he can help the team with his hero pool just take him with the OWL team. And if the meta is better for striker he will play in contenders and try to show to the other owl team he has the owl lvl and he will be trade. The only thing with a two way contract is if the Boston need to buy some players after stage 1 they lose one slot.

posted about 6 years ago

Thanks ! And sorry if you take all of this for you that was not my goal. As i said its the first time i find something wrong here, just a lot of youtuber/journalist talk about eagle disband because there is a drama, and they can clickbait for money but a lot of them know nothing about the team before the drama, and make mistakes.
So sorry again and i will read a lot of your work like i did in the past month :)

posted about 6 years ago

Asking smurfing in NA t2 scene with ping (140) !
Very good match lot of talent, dino on ana was amazing.

posted about 6 years ago

I see a lot of mistakes about eagle gaming every where in video, press etc. So i try to correct one or two here.
So eagle was a 12 men rooster in january 2018 like an owl team, between season 1 and 2 kryw retired as overwatch player. So before the disband they were always 11. Also nicogdh is a main dps with goat meta yes he played more dva, but like agilities or soon play Brigitte they are not support player ...

In this paper, its write "getamazed did not play for the team during contenders finals" so in every play off matchs getamazed played the 2cp map it s now like a meme between the french player "the 2cp specialist" and in the finals he played 2 of the 5 map (annubis/ilios).

I dont know if other people than eu watch contenders eu because i see so many mistakes when one person(NA) try to talk about eu players.
I dont say this for honnestly its the first time i correct à false part of the news but with the new players who will join the league in season 2 there are so many "journalist" or "youtubers" who talked about players they didnt know before the leak and say a lot of bulshit.

posted about 6 years ago

Today begin the trials with this 8 teams:

British huricanes
Copenhagen flames
Bazooka puppies
We have org
Shu's money crew EU
Hsl esport
Osh tekk wariors

So i just gonna give my point of view, but this trial is high level so many talented players, if you want to see matches the english stream is broadcast gg, the french is castersnest, and i think there is also a german and spanish stream !

So to my mind the favorite team for the top 4 are :

British huricanes : big experience and talented players, they start bad the Contenders season 2 it was better at the end, but too late. They must finnish top 4.

Copenhagen flames : 5 players were in the eagle team last season so they have experience together and they already win, the last player hayko was already in cph (season 1) and 6nakes (season 2) and played with some of the ex eagle player in 2017. So very strong team, i hop these guys can defend their tittle in season 3.

SMC EU : ex that s disband some players played the last games for bazooka puppies in contenders but they choose to rebuild this rooster for the new season of open division ! And they look very very strong as a team i would say it was easy for them. So i hope the same level in this trials and its always a pleasure to see kolsti play !

After this 3 teams i see some outsiders :

Bazooka puppies : a new rooster for bazzoka and a very strong frontlane mylkiman and mete so there are some experience and contenders lvl players they can do something but i have To see them play as a team before to say they gonna take the top 4 because there is so much talent in all the teams.

Tea&biscuits : good team in open division, they show a solid playoff week end, only SMC win against them. Not the most known players but a realy good team play . They can take some win against the favorite teams.

Hsl esport : these team and their 4 french players is the only team who was in 11/0 in open division. The playoff was not clean but they take the 3 place. They change their main tank and have now 8 players. I think they have experience (hidan and tek36 for exemple) and the talent but we need to see the same lvl on each game for the top 4.

The two other teams for a surprise :

We have org : if we look the line up this is a strong team but if you follow the team we know they had a first line up who change in 24h hours (whitout the 2 french flags) and 24h after the major part of the players and coaching staff was pick up by orgless! So we have a new team without many scrims but could be the happy end with a 4 place.

Osh tekk wariors : good players but i think with a 4 place in open division its hard to imagine a big lvl up in 2 weeks and say there are favorite. Morever they have some ping. So they have nothing to lose and they can try different comp.

So if you want ad some informations and also give your bet, because its just my point of view and it could be bad.

posted about 6 years ago

Caspere was a good bet!

posted about 6 years ago

My bad, i understand full french by the fr way, sorry.
And i agree different countries need to have some players in contenders for the different community its better for every one. I just hope more eu player in owl because eu contenders deserve more respect.

posted about 6 years ago

Not sure for a all fr team.
In open division only 3 french players (tae/chubz/dridro) played in the team, we know after San alex becomes manager, Samsumg stop OD with 8/0 (the only team who win against SMC eu) so they buy 6nakes spot with San alex i think.
We see chubz in the trials team "we have org" before to say he has a better team (contenders) so i just think with the new coach pipou they rebuild a new rooster and players like chubz are not in the team.
Samsung release linepro luft najiny last week, but they have already dragonedy and nisa.
With dridro joining we know only 3 players but i think we gonna see leaf (ex eagle gaming) sign in the next day.

The last reason i think is not a full fr team is pipou leaves eagle gaming like the 10 other players, and the major part dont comes in Samsung team but copenhagen flames (superplouk/hqrdest/flippy/lilbow/baud), 2 are suppose to be in Owl (hyp/nicogdh), two retired as player (pipou new Samsung coach / knoxxx) one is without nothing (getamazed) and the last leaf has a team but we wait the team announcement. So if Samsung wants a full fr team the easiest way was to take eagle gaming rooster.

posted about 6 years ago

No a contenders team. And i think it's Samsung Morning Stars (italian team in EU contenders).

posted about 6 years ago

I hope also ! We see danish in singularity, some british with hurricanes, french with eagle, and lot of sweedish, last season one point come with 3 Portugal players and hope this season its gonna be italian.
We need different countries in contenders to represent EU and at least have a strong league with big community !
But im also happy for the french dridro and chubz after the bad end with CPH and tae for his first experience in contenders.

posted about 6 years ago

Thanks ! i'm happy to help :)

posted about 6 years ago

I think he was a sub for one week, i see him in the player list for week 3 (game 5 and 6) but not this week, and next week i think he's gonna play for an other team so maybe i'm wrong but looks like a sub for one week.

But maybe with this new staff (hayko played for 6nakes) he will join the team. And he also played with chubz and dridro in CPH so he knows staff and players why not

posted about 6 years ago

There are 3 french players : Chubz and dridro but also tae (rank 1 ladder eu last season).
tae is flex dps and play this season a lot of doomfist.
If you want castersnet cast one of their open division match this sunday against "Shu's money crew" (ex that's a disband), so you have a replay for all the italian fans but the cast is in french.

posted about 6 years ago

I think dva . The last years the summer cinematics were reveal at gamescom (in germany). This year is on a fan festival in Seoul (korea) and dva is the korean character so ...
The other solution can be a new map in korea, but i think there is something with a korean character or map.

posted about 6 years ago

Dafran i don't think he will join a team in season 1.
Space doesn't play with valiant because he doesn't have 18 but valiant don't want to sell him.
For tank/off tank shock already have super.
And for me the best players for shock in stage 2 are sleepy danteh nevix but you want to change danteh and nevix , maybe it's better to sub dhak and nomy who don't play very well for the moment.

posted about 6 years ago

Its mkL not myKL

posted about 7 years ago

Yes we know the 8 teams who are un trials EU :

Orgless & hungry
Angry titans
Kaiser littenz
Piece of cake
Cis hope
That's a disband
Birb bois

The final winner bracket open div is :

And in loser bracket we have :
Piece of cake / primordial or cis hope
Kaiser littenz / birb bois or that's a disband

posted about 7 years ago

Before the tournament , i was thinking this match will be the final so i hope a very good match

posted about 7 years ago

Yes i think the best place for kolsti is tank but its a very gold player and i trust on him To play off tank very well ! He also play a lot with poko so he have good advice ^^ (for me as a main tank kolsti have an OWL level so im very happy To see him in this tournament)

posted about 7 years ago

To my mind eagle is the favorite of this tournament but the real objectif for this team is win contenders i think this tournament is the place to test them and different composition etc (training tournament) ...
The most important for me is the potential they gonna show more than the result.
The big question for me is if it is possible to sub in this tournament and if yes how many 3 sub like contenders or 6.
Also Nicogdh is one of the player the most underrated in overwatch and i think in contenders he gonna show this potential.
Piece of cake have a very good team but when you see the hero pool of eagle with 12 players i think its gonna be hard for PoC To adapt on every map.
With leaf kryw nico knoxxx we can have a 4 tank like a triple dps but there is also hqrdest on hitscan or flippy in maybe widow sombra etc, its for this reason i think eagle is a serious team for this year in every EU tournament.
So pronostic for me group A eagle first and group B TBA first but like every french i hope Piece of cake and DOSE can do good performance too. And i think the overwatch pit can show a very good level there are very interesting teams

posted about 7 years ago