The Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support have announced their complete roster after a two week period of announcing their eight players. Beyond their starting six, the Morning Stars have an additional DPS player and an additional support player.

The new Morning Stars will feature Caspere , Kai , Leaf , DragonEddy , mowzassa , Nisa , dridro and Ex0rath . Of these players, only three were from the roster to compete with the organization in Open Division Season 3 Europe. Those three are dridro, Nisa, and DragonEddy.

The other five players on the roster come from various teams spread across Europe. Both ksp and Ex0rath last played for Young and Beautiful. Caspere played for Orgless & Hungry in Contenders Season 2, while mowzassa last played for One.PoinT. Leaf is the only new player transferring from one organization to another after winning the Contenders Season 2 Europe title with Eagle Gaming. All five of the team's new players qualified for the Contenders Season 2 Europe playoffs with their teams.

The organization has yet to announce plans for their new roster. Samsung Morning Stars last played in Open Division Season 3, where they dropped out of the competition with an undefeated 8-0 record late into the season.

The Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support are:

  • Casper "Caspere" Elvelid (DPS)
  • Kai "ksp" Collins (DPS)
  • Lucas "Leaf" Loison (DPS)
  • Edmondo "DragonEddy" Cerini (Flex)
  • Tiago "mowzassa" Rodrigues (Tank)
  • Federico "Nisa" Portolani (Support)
  • Arthur "dridro" Szanto (Support)
  • Tomas "Ex0rath" Kotacka (Support)

The staff is:

  • Alexandre "san alex" Simões (General Manager)
  • Richard "PiPou" Buscemi (Head Coach)