Country: Australia
Registered: May 17, 2017
Last post: November 2, 2022 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 205
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We're in, Blizz con baby

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

LETS GO, 1 down 4 to go

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

TBH I though the plan in signing him was to allow them to strait transfer him up to Boston Uprising in order to solve their dps problem, guess Nero is gonna be filling that role

posted about 6 years ago

I highly doubt that it will be a full french team, talent pool isn't really there to make a completely national team from anywhere outside of Korea and china

posted about 6 years ago

Contenders AU's is at lan, rod laver arena Melbourne

posted about 6 years ago

I don't quite understand why Spain keep bringing bromas(imo kind sucks horible hero pool in most metas),at least popi is there to carry hard enough an owl might give him a chance for S2 or something

posted about 6 years ago

The players on INTerstella were decently well known for various forms of account boosting/win trading within the ranked system

posted about 6 years ago

Well thats a nice fucking meme for the guys in surge

posted about 6 years ago

When the patch notes are longer than your last essay

posted about 6 years ago

Meza seems a bit slow on the old candles as of recent

posted about 6 years ago

There is also strawbella who played Australian Contenders season 1with legacy

posted about 6 years ago

Meta change, loss of proper coaching, as well as the 10-0 from last stage seeming like I bit of a fluke with many of those wins being super close.

posted about 6 years ago

I'd say its gonna go to Hurricane and Fusion. also think there is definite potential for Toronto to take the semi vs envision but the gap between Fusion and every other NA team is definitely big enough for them to take the finals. And hurricane just look so dam strong right now I no one in EU can match them.

posted about 6 years ago

Dallas fuel the only thing keeping mykl in business after Kungarna

posted about 6 years ago

Low key incoming news that Houston has signed esca for the triple lul meta

posted about 6 years ago

Well then, they still can't run tracer genji dive....

posted about 6 years ago

most likely there won't be many name duplicates (of the pro players adam and jake are really the only ones that duplicate) and its most likely that when they sign to owl they will allow duplicate names.

posted about 7 years ago

Whats this, dallas is still falling the fuck apart. Whats new here

posted about 7 years ago

He played the genji/d.va role for eUnited back during the contenders season 0 and take over 2. But has recently gone back to his old lucio role that he previously played on ReUnited (I belive sighting that it was very hard to find good support players when creating a new team(orgless and hungry) , when compared to finding dps players so he dusted of the old skates for a new age of lucio bot)

posted about 7 years ago

Lowkey, the blank blue thing is a meme......

posted about 7 years ago

Now realistically I would be super excited to see another org enter overwatch in OCE, but at the same time I've actually heard horror stories about tainted minds an their incompetence with manage professional teams. "The bedroom of the team house did not have a door" (paraphrased) which at least makes me raise an eyebrow about these guys entering the scene

posted about 7 years ago

What is it with diem and farming easy money

posted about 7 years ago

feels kind of bad that none of the guys got into OWL or even contenders NA

posted about 7 years ago

why didn't they grab IDK while they were at it though, thats the real question

posted about 7 years ago

Legit best draw ever, Eagle were about to take the point when half their team DCs of out of the game the moment it hits 0 and it calls a draw

posted about 7 years ago

3 spots down 4 to go

posted about 7 years ago

The idea is to give the spots value it means there something thats rather valuable to both an org and free agent team. That's also a reason as to why any free agent team that makes contenders blizzard is apparently gonna help to set up a legal entity instead of the current captain owns the spot rule. (granted the captain can be the owner of the legal entity so they would still technically own the spot, idk legal stuffs not my strong suit)

posted about 7 years ago

That is if he has improved, its not to uncommon for players to drop of over large absences of competitive play, Granted he has still been playing so he should be mechanically fine but his coms and team work might be a bit off.

posted about 7 years ago

Well then, who are they gonna pick up to replace him when the next have to take disciplinary actions on Whoru.
Would be kind of cool to see them snipe someone like Sp9rk1e from element mystic, or maybe.

Also it seems to be rather common that these players who are becoming known for boosting scandals are the ones who have been directly picked up out of Korean ranked which might mean we see less players being picked up off ladder in the future / or possibly much more strict vetting by teams when they look for players out of ranked

posted about 7 years ago

A lot of casters are going to be missing out because they are needed as talent for contenders.
Its highly likely the current casters of each regions current premier broadcasts will be covering the contenders broadcasts for each region.

So most likely,

  • PapaSmithy, Wolf, Atlas and Achilios will be casting contenders Korea since they casted apex
  • BobbyJ, Genome, Zenox, Raquet, ect would be casting ANZ contenders as there currently casting open
    div and casted our 10k tourneys back before blizz shut them down. (also go and watch ANZ contenders
    these guys are funny as fuck)
    -Pacific contenders is probably gonna be the boys from full circle from New Zealand who were casting
  • Contenders China will probably be covered by Jamerson and JKap since they did APAC and OWPS
  • As for contenders Europe, NA and SA. I could only assume that Jkap, Zp, Left Guy, Jemerson are gonna
    be split across all 3 aswell as some new talent from stuff like Calegate and things (e.g maybe dogman)
    would be getting bumped up to cast contenders for those regions.
posted about 7 years ago

Wait so I'm pretty sure that Dennia was the holder of the 123 spot, So does that mean that they are gonna have the 123 contenders spot. That would allow them to completely skip Open Div and go strait to contenders.

posted about 7 years ago

There's still hidan floating around somewhere aswell. Though I don't know if he still holds up now since I haven't seen him in a while

posted about 7 years ago

Just to fill in sideshow, Its most pacific contenders will be covered by pixie and co at full circle and the anz will be covered by the bobbyj, genome, zenox and racquet who cast the more local events including open div

posted about 7 years ago

I have a sneaking suspicion that poks is gonna be there next pick up,
He has already played with davin, and he is Finnish so it keeps with the national team idea.

posted about 7 years ago

Ok who got runaway

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

IDK seems kind of mid tier if you ask me

posted about 7 years ago

And if you were building a roster of westerners heres another idea


Adam (NA)


posted about 7 years ago

Korean roster would probably look like this,
Runaway core with some other extras



Then bring in Runner and Twinkl to coach

posted about 7 years ago

Since no ones gonna look at the comments on the youtube video might aswell repeat myself,

AKM should be mid season signing to Valiant as a replacement for grim as there both hitscan players that can't play tracer and in the Soldier Mccree department I would consider AKM to be an upgrade

posted about 7 years ago

they don't want to be next to the horrible NYXL logo

posted about 7 years ago

BTH thats some kind of boring merch wheres the variety, why can't I get a get a beanie with a team logo on it,
also that shirt just exemplifies how bad the New York excelsior logo is.

posted about 7 years ago

ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ You've been visited by Trill Smasher of goodults. Clap your paws and copy paste this message 5 times without getting banned by mods and good smashes will be with you for the next year ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ

posted about 7 years ago

My god thank fuck someone finally decided it would be best to run Surefour as a bloody hitscan only player

posted about 7 years ago

well thanks to a little leak from your boy ChristFer that shadowburn got into OWL (which lets be honest was kind of a no shit Sherlock moment). We can assume since we have rosters for all the other teams except london( which unless if his 1 Russian on a team with 12 Koreans) we can assume that he will be playing for Fusion

posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago


posted about 7 years ago

Well I highly doubt it since,

  • Debett left C9 to pursue a careers
  • Bromas is A. on mosaic and B. Absolutely one of the worst hitscans you could pick up when compared to free agents
    like J3SUS, Sharp, Moffit and AKM.
  • Ryb is on Mykers so I doubt he would be on a non-signed contenders team

The players I could actually see make a comback on a team like this are,

  • Grego
  • Reaver
  • Tailspin
  • xRetzi
  • Hidan
  • Kyb
posted about 7 years ago
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