Country: Australia
Registered: May 17, 2017
Last post: November 2, 2022 at 8:39 AM
Posts: 205
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Well we already know leave is confirmed for a contract next year so that would make sense for covering YangXiaoLong however it will be interesting to see if they bring in another main tank or not

posted about 5 years ago

Most likely stay in working with team itself when they travel as a lot of the reason Paris managed to sign sparkle was that he wanted to continue working with head coach Rush, so I'd say it is reasonable to believe that sparkle would want to work with the team itself and travel with them which would hardly be conducive to playing for an academy team given the constant change of ping, availability and time differences that would make organizing it a nightmare for a GM

posted about 5 years ago

I find it rather unlikely they would play him in a 2 way position for the start of the season

posted about 5 years ago

Philly pulled players out of unknown places before, eternal were rather known for scouring europe for talent. So I guess probably those guys

posted about 5 years ago

With so many players hitting free agency so many teams are opting to re-structure and grab for talent

posted about 5 years ago

Is the kirby fusion split worth adding to the tracker, since though he left the organisation he was in more of a management role as apossed direct coaching.

posted about 5 years ago

I'm assuming Australia opted out probably having already secured funding to make it to blizz con.

posted about 5 years ago

Someone missed the memo on the best of 7 series, that or his predicting the big brain draw

posted about 5 years ago

I still don't understand how the soft regionlocking works here.

posted about 5 years ago

Envy out here collecting EU tank lines like they're pokemon

posted about 5 years ago

Me looking at goats then bunker

Pain is dead, long live the pain


posted about 5 years ago

(Just gonna copy paste a post I made on a recent match)
Honestly the fusion loan system is geneous from philly. Not only do they get hold onto right of 1st refusal for academy players, they also get the playerswage covered ( at least in part) by the loan. Meaning it's cheep talent, that's still active in the scene both preventing rust and increasing market value. So if they want to pull them back to the main team fu or owl/ sell them to other other owl teams.

Like its actually 2 strong, they don't even take up the contenders roster spots

posted about 5 years ago

Honestly the fusion loan system is geneous from philly. Not only do they get hold onto right of 1st refusal for academy players, they also get the playerswage covered ( at least in part) by the loan. Meaning it's cheep talent, that's still active in the scene both preventing rust and increasing market value. So if they want to pull them back to the main team fu or owl/ sell them to other other owl teams.

Like its actually 2 strong, they don't even take up the contenders roster spots

posted about 5 years ago

Why stop at getting one of them,
Bring on the team UK philly we all dream
for. Hayes make this shit happen

posted about 5 years ago

Damn, didn't see that one coming

posted about 5 years ago

Yeah they get away with it because punk has duel citizenship with the US. Otherwise they would need another starting na player

posted about 5 years ago

Lowkey, is there anything stopping them from selling players to them self (e.g. trading Muma to the valiant for literally nothing).

posted about 5 years ago


posted about 5 years ago

Its possible they are signing someone like hoon or cr0ng (granted I'd say they might sign Guardian of the dragons bench) who don't have visas thus they need a short term player with a visa ready to go so there not down 1 at the start of stage 3.

posted about 5 years ago

Interested in why they wouldn't have gone 2 way for the Atlantic showdown then move him to main roster. Seems a bit like there pulling a drop bears losing there main tank right before finals. And we know how that worked for them

posted about 5 years ago

With. Streak longer than runaway BTW

posted about 5 years ago

They have the minor issue that the bulk of EU talent still exists in the region, where as Runaway got to run into a much weaker Korea (with 4 top teams and shit tonne of players pulled for OWL). Meanwhile EU still has some of its strongest teams active in the region like Gigantti, Huricane. Also Huricane are pretty good at this meta not dropping a match all season

posted about 5 years ago

Will the angry titans finally take home the W, or will the second place curse live on for another season.
Find out next time on Total Drama Europe

posted about 5 years ago

It's the ever present rule of boston. If you prove yourself to be good, you can and will be sold at any moment. I assume getting rCk was just to cover there off tank role while the swim in there money baths for stage 2

posted about 5 years ago

Nevermind, forgot nothing made sense in OWL anymore

posted about 6 years ago

In a way it kind of makes sense, its kind as if it were a show match for them. Neither roster was gonna stand a chance against Nyxl so the might as well put in the B team to give them play time. Also to a small extent it reduces the footage available on the A team

posted about 6 years ago

Its stage 4 Dallas supporting London all over again

posted about 6 years ago

Flag meta 2 strong, someones about to get cut. Feelsregionlockingman :(
Grandfather program is a 1 season deal, season 2 it's 3 max whoever they are I believe

posted about 6 years ago

I guess this kind of demonstrates just how core boomvox is to Philly's calling structure

posted about 6 years ago

That's an ooft right there

posted about 6 years ago

Idk man, Paris are in theory a nuts goats team. They have the core of what was arguably the best goats team in the world (eagle) combined with some the best coaches around. And experience scrimming the EU teams (of which most looked better than a large number of OWL teams in terms of goats play). Combine that with how weak London looked in there game vs philly. Its not unlikely that Paris could take this reasonably handedly.

posted about 6 years ago

They have a dedicated translator, as well I believe there in house chef might also be bilingual though not 100 certain on that one

posted about 6 years ago

I just had a fun, yet unlikely thought that I feel is worth sharing.
Due to how the soft region locking will affect contenders 2019 season 1, players who were signed to an organisation prior to October 28th 2018 are not counted towards the non-resident player limit. This rule will no longer count for season 2. But it does create an interesting hypothetical. This rule will prevent any team from north america fielding a full Korean team as no team has 2 starting players that are region locking exempt.
Well kinda, there is a very sneaky work around which could lead to the most stupid end scenario in the word. Where a full Korean team wins the 4 back to back Contenders NA title for Fusion University.
Though fusions current starting roster of Snillo, Alarm, Bernar, Naist, Changsik and Elk only has 2 players eligible for this exemption (Alarm and Bernar). There is a work around the org could use. Late 2018 the org chose to loan whoru to Korean team Meta Athena. This crucially means that he is still on his original contract with the fusion. A contract which was signed prior to the cut off date. Thus making him region locking exempt . Therefore if fusion wanted to they could build a full Korean roster that is eligible to play in contenders NA 2019 season 1. All they would need to do is bring back whoru and find a Korean main support (assuming whoru or naist plays hitscan well enough)
Granted this is unlikely due to fusion recently signing CarCar to the roster, but the meme dream is still a possibility.

posted about 6 years ago

I mean it isn't exactly something that can be helped. Simply put there the best team and no ones beaten them in contenders outside of a show match vs hurricane. Other teams kind of just need to step up

posted about 6 years ago

This isn't really a good representation of the system though. Local talent at a city level I will admit makes very little sense to be your primary objective, it's like making yourself your own little region with a incredibly low population to pull from when making your team (kind of mini OCE). Though regional talent is actually huge. Paris is a good example of this at an overwatch league level. they built a brand around being the European team and marking there European (and particularly french players). You can also see this in contenders teams like Hurricane who marked there EU players to show bring EU fans to there NA brand with a Korean main team. A hurdle that would be much harder without there regional talent at a contenders level. Looking for local talent is fine if you have a large enough area to pull from like a country or region. But if your limiting yourself to 1 city, thats just stupid.

posted about 6 years ago

Show me the proof

posted about 6 years ago

Issue is they would be putting him in for colourhex, who is a projectile dps through and through so you would really want to put in klaus. Also I'm told asking isn't the strongest at being a team mate part of being on team, so i'm not 100% sure if he would make the cut.

posted about 6 years ago

Yeah nah, Boston's solidly fucked for their 1st 2 games. Can wait to see who ends up flexing to DPS, or if they chuck someone on 2 way for those games then have them play contenders

posted about 6 years ago

Surprised bqb got through unscathed, I guess there counting the x6 suspension as enough

posted about 6 years ago

Australian players and geographical issues

posted about 6 years ago

Just for a little correction, this isn't the 1st official loan in overwatch history. It's the second, with the 1st being skipjack being loaned to laser kittens from rogue
(Sorce: https://twitter.com/LaserKittenz/status/855511849965629441 )

posted about 6 years ago

ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ You've been visited by Trill Smasher of goodults. Clap your paws and copy paste this message 5 times without getting banned by mods and good smashes will be with you for the next year ʕ ͡·ᴥ ͡· ʔ

posted about 6 years ago

Honestly idk is a hell of a pick up at main support.

posted about 6 years ago

Wait Eevee and muni. Soon to be revival of of loveshack.
Also yeah, if you want to put some Eevee's past records they played for Loveshack back during full circle summer series (and a fair bit before then, but that's The big name torney at the time

posted about 6 years ago

Tbh, I think his probably ded. Man disappeared of the face of Competitive play and twitter. Generally people don't come back from that super fast.

posted about 6 years ago

Honestly guys I don't really know on this one,
I mean I know the upsets pretty unlikely but for some reason I just have to believe. Something about the team this year really shows something. Of course everyone else is expecting the obvious results. But somewhere in my heart of hearts I believe it's possible. I believe in the upset, South Korea might just have some small chance in beating the titans of Australia.

posted about 6 years ago

Wait yeah, looked at the wrong players hero pool when I googled him

posted about 6 years ago

Hmmm, die they bring an edge lord in for the design team

posted about 6 years ago

So does sleepy speak Korean, if not I suggest he learns it pretty quick. 5 down one western player to go.

posted about 6 years ago

Really makes you wonder why its map wins not map differential

posted about 6 years ago
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