I think the only team I surprised by is SF. I thought weren't gonna have the depth they would need but Babybay really stepped it up.
Also, LAG looks stronger than I thought and I'm not surprised but what really helped them is that S4 is not just playing everything. He has a specific role for the first time since Reaver was his other DPS. Not that S4 got carried but Grego, Debett, Adam and Kyky were an amazing core and Reaver was underrated so he was able to shine because they were all so fucking good. That's how LAG looks too.
And I think Dallas is a lot stronger than they looked because they were clearly just trying out some new strats and if that is the way they are approaching this season, the other teams have no chance. They were infinitely creative and their new strats mostly worked.
I'm not surprised by Misfits either but I really want to highlight how awful they are. It's not surprising. Logix and Manneten are great players and teammates. Tviq is a good player and horrible teammate with a giant ego. The rest of the team is questionable. Cwoosh straight up doesn't even belong in OWL. There are no less than 10 tanks in the world that are better than him.
But I think Seoul, LAV, Dallas will be the top 3 with London, Houston, SF, and NYE all in the chase.