Country: United States
Registered: October 20, 2016
Last post: November 7, 2019 at 4:13 PM
Posts: 297
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Fun fact: no player from either line up (Shock/Valiant) is on their respective team, and 3 of them (Nomy, dhaK, and sleepy) are currently unsigned. Silkthread is currently playing Apex Legends.

posted about 5 years ago

Woop Woop! Glad to see these WC previews

posted about 5 years ago

When in doubt, wacky it out

posted about 5 years ago

Can't wait to see the runback

posted about 5 years ago

I miss Admirable

posted about 6 years ago

Haven't you heard of world-famous coach ayne?

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

If you want to watch a game with 0 GOATS Comp, watch this game now

posted about 6 years ago

I agree, but that logo is p dope

posted about 6 years ago

I believe that due to the sudden news of the name change, based tryhards will still be referred to as BGH as the name is pending Blizz approval.

posted about 6 years ago

But now he has to fight benbest for the MT spot

posted about 6 years ago

SA CHAMPIONS BGH (and friends)!

posted about 6 years ago

NenneChu vs WhorEEE let's go boys

posted about 6 years ago

OWL team - Gladiators
Current non-OWL team(s) - Team Envy, Team Gigantti
Pre-OWL team(s) - FNRGFE, Misfits, Immortals
Player (only one allowed) - Tviq
Other players - Agilities, Surefour, Profit
Streamer(s) - No OW streamers, but otherwise Strippin, Dodger, Annemution, Criken, Octopimp
Caster combo - Uber/Mr. X
Analyst duo - Bren/Sideshow
Main desk presenter - Goldenboy
Match - CLG vs IMT cyberpower 5k tournament / Renegades vs FNRGFE
Tournament - Contenders 2017 or Carbon Series (latter because it's the first tourney I tracked for
In-game moment - Gladiators bamboozle on KR / When Goldenboy almost died casting contenders
Clutch moment - Most bombs
OWL entrance - Talent Showdown

About your personal Overwatch career:
SR now - N/A
SR peak - 2400
SR goal for this season - N/A (I played rank one season for funsies and never played since)
Main class - Support
Main hero - Lucio
Other heroes you regularly play - Zen, Mercy, Winston, Junkrat
Favorite hero - Lucio
Hero you hate - mei
Favorite map - Hanamura
Map you hate - Route 66
Favorite game mode - Hybrid
Least favorite game mode - Escort
Best play - Probably some boop play or staying alive far longer than I thought
Best achievement - Playing brig and pretty much solo defending a cart
Reason why you play Overwatch - Events and heroes
What got you into Overwatch in the first place - Watching beta streams from youtubers

About other video games:
Games you are playing at the moment - Slay the Spire, Pokemon, Minecraft
Other esports you watch - LoL (know nothing about it, it's just fun to watch), 2k League
First game you ever played - Pokemon Gold
Favorite game as a kid - Pokemon Platinum
Favorite game of all time - Pokemon Black and White
Biggest achievement in a video game - Completing the National Dex / Beating tabuu in Smash Bros Brawl for the first time

About you personally (no pressure to answer any of this if you don't want to):
Age - 21
Location - Chicago
Describe yourself in 3 words - random, self-keeping, solo
Favorite music artist - Ninja Sex Party
Favorite music genre - VG Music
Sports you play - used to play basketball and football
Sports you watch - NBA mostly
Hobbies - Gaming, Pro Wrestling
Weird fact about you - I'm the secretary for a gaming club at my college/university
Shameless social media plugs - @FrozenGoggles on Twitter

posted about 6 years ago

What's strange to me is that they have assets for generic home and away skins in the orange, white, and yellow (see the map type explanations used during OWL playoffs). Why not use those?

posted about 6 years ago

Dang, my two favorite teams fighting first round

posted about 6 years ago

Technically it's Toronto vs [REDACTED]

posted about 6 years ago

And just what!?

posted about 6 years ago

I believe this was the EU Open Grand Final. Both of these teams looked p solid there, so I expect a good match

posted about 6 years ago

Rematch from Open Division Grand Finals

posted about 6 years ago

While I believe a restriction should be in place, the one deterrent is NA. A majority of OWL teams have academy teams in that region, so a lot of focus is seen there. But they are the region notorious for region mixing. If a restriction is in place then it would should be across all seven regions, no one region should get special treatment.

posted about 6 years ago

Other support is TheFrogKing and he is Sweedish

posted about 6 years ago

Yeah, only Trials teams will be created for the foreseeable future. I would rather not populate the database with teams that will only have 1-2 matches that may not even be streamed.

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

OMG what a match! It's a shame both teams can't be at LAN

posted about 6 years ago

So Canada is getting rocked by an ice storm, but Toronto is still playing

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

This is really turning into el clasico of NA

posted about 6 years ago

Man even if Simplicity wins, they're probably not in playoffs, but at least they're not relegated.
EDIT: nvm they are :candle:

posted about 6 years ago

TBH, I didn't like YaB cause their logo was a complicated mess. But given the mess they were given this season, I want them to go to playoffs

posted about 6 years ago

We have plans to implement Players photos soon(tm)

posted about 6 years ago

way to curse them, dark

posted about 6 years ago

A rare RinaVX sighting

posted about 6 years ago

Oh, I didn't know we can show live murder on air

posted about 6 years ago

If it's like traditional sports here in the US, than orgs can trade really without the players knowledge or input. Sometimes players spend a lot of time and resources moving to a city only to be traded months later.

posted about 6 years ago

I believe if Singularity wins, then they take Gigantti's spot in the playoffs

posted about 6 years ago

Man, I totally forgot about the fact that it's Mangachu vs zza on Pharah

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

The war for Canada! Featuring 0 Canadians!

posted about 6 years ago

It wouldn't be contenders without some crazy roster shakeups

posted about 7 years ago

Time to find out which team picked up the better Korean

posted about 7 years ago

Daylight Savings Time in the US was a few day ago. We had to put our clocks an hour ahead

posted about 7 years ago

One of the variables in this match would be how long Fissure has practiced with GAL. If it wasn't that long, Remix and Bischu might start for a week or two in order for the team to figure out how to rotate Fissure into the lineup.

posted about 7 years ago

Man Renegades had a busy day. First they pull a reverse sweep vs Bunny Blasters for Trials, then get the win off of EnVision. These are some solid wins for them

posted about 7 years ago
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