Country: Italy
Registered: September 26, 2017
Last post: November 12, 2019 at 5:04 PM
Posts: 85
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Rare flag pog

posted about 5 years ago

You can't really change how OW works without substantial backlash, doing that for a new game might have been more acceptable. If anything, I hope what Frozello states will be true: now that the casuals have their own game mode, they will finally balance the PvP aspect of the game for competitive players.

posted about 5 years ago

I just noticed that Boink is listed twice in the re-signed players section

posted about 5 years ago

Overall, I'm disappointed. While I always wanted to have a game that explores the story of overwatch, I expected a new experience that could learn from the mistakes of OW and fix some of the poor design decisions that led to the game's demise, not just a PvE expansion with a facelift.

They had this one opportunity to wipe the slate clean and they wasted it.

posted about 5 years ago

We're going to see totally different Outlaws next season.

posted about 5 years ago

Good patch notes. We'll see how sigma evolves from now.

posted about 5 years ago

I wish I had time to play overwatch now. Role lock and separate role sr sound awesome.

posted about 5 years ago

Imagine seeing this match last season

posted about 5 years ago

It's the LW Blue curse

posted about 5 years ago

Let's not talk about how many players retired that were playing back then or it gets depressing

posted about 5 years ago

CV unstoppable

posted about 5 years ago

Who was better than Fissure? Nobody :(

posted about 5 years ago

I am not so sure about that. Imagine facing a team that you know they have better GOATS. It makes sense for your team to ban GOATS heroes, because you know that in a mirror GOATS match you're likely to lose.

An hero ban system has the potential to both increase the strategic depth of the games, and their overall variety.

posted about 5 years ago

I am not fond of this coercive way to disrupt the meta. At this point of the game, I think blizzard would have been better off having 1 hero banned per team. 2 heroes out of 30 (and more coming) isn't a big deal, and would provide insight to blizzard itself in terms of what heroes are the most powerful or the most unpleasant to play against.

posted about 5 years ago

Paris Kolsti?

posted about 5 years ago

I think academy vs owl showmatches should be a thing

posted about 5 years ago

Insane plays by the Seoul supports! It's nice to see former lunatic-hai players pop off :)

posted about 5 years ago

He had been troubled for long... the alleged toxicity was part of its progressive mental breakdown. I am sad that I won't be seeing him popping off as tracer anymore, but at the same time I am glad he took the difficult decision to break up with the source of his discomfort.

posted about 5 years ago

Expected, but still sad news 🕯 Good luck to you Verbo.

posted about 6 years ago

Access passes, cheer emotes, owl merchandise and tokens do that as well. No need for ads, they're just being greedy.

I don't particularly mind them though.

posted about 6 years ago

I'm with murasaki. We already witnessed several cases of burnout: it's clear that players are not receiving enough psychological support, yet Blizzard decided to place even more burden. Most of the players are young adults, some of them are barely 18 that don't live in their homeland, I would not assume they have the necessary mental fortitude to face this additional source of stress.

posted about 6 years ago

Very good match. EU contenders provide high level games as usual

posted about 6 years ago

Architect is so good that he literally counts as two

posted about 6 years ago

It is not a perfect system anyway, as ELO should be linked to players: teams would then present a rating which amounts to the average player ELO.

This is because even in the OWL, for many teams the previous ELO is irrelevant, as they're significantly different (think about Shangai Dragons). And let's not even start talking about how quickly the T2 teams change. But that would require a complete overhaul of the ELO system, which may not be worth the trouble given how arbitrary the over.gg ELO rating is.

I do not deny though that I pleasantly browse the Teams page to check the current rating for many teams, so if you need a supporter of a over.gg ELO revamp, I'm definitely one!

For starters, I agree that the rating should lean to 1500, which is the starting point for new teams.

posted about 6 years ago

wait, what?

posted about 6 years ago

Watched a match yesterday. I refuse to give these embarrassing games more viewership when the entire T2 scene screams for visibility

posted about 6 years ago

All this bash against Korean teams makes me nauseous. I think the best players should complete regardless of nationality, if that's Korean so be it.

posted about 6 years ago

Let's just say the coach made a bold decision after the S1 Shangai Dragons fiasco, this team has a tough legacy to overcome.

posted about 6 years ago

This team wants to capture my european heart.

And it succeeded ❤️

posted about 6 years ago

To be perfectly honest, I think the comment was more directed at blizzard itself being sometimes pedantic with political correctness than at the black people community.

At least, that's how it sounded to me. I would not have made such statement in a public setting regardless, because it's easy to pass as racist even when unintended.

posted about 6 years ago

First Generation... Second Wind...

Might as well name Spark academy team Third Impact

posted about 6 years ago

I am happy that he is still going to be around, but I also wanted to see him play in OWL at least for one season :(

posted about 6 years ago

SMS did very well in angry cup, let's see how they fare in contenders.

Also hi

posted about 6 years ago

Hopefully this means we will see Muma on Symmetra

posted about 6 years ago

In my opinion it is boring to watch, and looks like a game which is 10 years old. Not really attracted by it, but I have to say that I don't like Battle Royale games in general so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

posted about 6 years ago

If Dallas loses, it means Effect is not angry enough to carry

posted about 6 years ago

I don't think anyone said that, but I think it's very important: find your role.

Play support, tank and DPS. Ultimately you may want to specialize on a role, but in the beginning you really want to try most heroes to find out if their playstyle suit you. I will also say to you that certain heroes are very powerful at lower ranks but their effectiveness decrease as the rank goes up. Pharah, Reaper, Mei are some of these heroes, for example. Some heroes instead are bad at lower ranks because they require more coordination/game sense/mechanical skills, and they unlock their potential much later. Such heroes include McCree, Ana, Tracer.

In general you can play any hero at any rank: if you are good enough you'll eventually increase your SR. Although, it may be much harder if you insist, for example, in using Ana in silver. At the same time, you can "cheat" your way to higher SR by playing easier/stronger heroes, however don't forget that this will hinder your flexibility because you won't be able to play other heroes as effectively.

In conclusion, find what you like and what you're comfortable with, but be mindful of hero efficiency for each rank. Don't get discouraged if you like difficult heroes and you struggle gaining SR. And please don't become a Moira OTP.

Cheers :D

posted about 6 years ago


posted about 6 years ago

In general, the whole DreamKazper situation is not something I'd discuss in public. It was a display of how disgusting humanity can be from ALL sides. Let's just get over with it and start talking about Overwatch again.

posted about 6 years ago

You guys don't seem to realize that many people are simply not used to political correctness, I see a lot of difference concerning this matter between EU and USA in general, with EU citizens being way more relaxed in general: maybe because we're used to teasing each other?

Anyway, this does not mean that racist behavior should go unpunished, simply that players come from different places, and may simply not have the background to understand that a simple gesture that you used to do when you were a kid is actually part of a racist subculture. The right course of action in my opinion is not to harshly punish the players, but to educate them to behave properly: in this regard a fine like that is way beyond extreme.

posted about 6 years ago

Right now the best feature are the dope ingame skins, not going to lie. If you have Twitch Prime and can get it for 20$ it might be tentatively worth it, if you are willing to bet that Blizzard will improve the feature later. 30$ is too much at the moment.

posted about 6 years ago

FeelsBadMan my brother beats me FeelsBadMan my sister beats me FeelsBadMan my father beats me FeelsBadMan at least I can feel safe with team Italy FeelsGladMan because they can't beat anyone FeelsGladMan

It is with bitter feelings that I meme my own country. I really do hope they can do better this time :>

posted about 7 years ago

Well there slowly is going the chance to see the west improve, now everyone's looking for Koreans. :)

I don't understand the deal with Koreans. It's because you think that good players from Korea "steal" the spotlight from western players? Before OWL the Korean scene was one of the most competitive scenes, maybe the most competitve, so it is only natural that many top tier players come from there.

What honestly leaves me more bafled is how they are also stacking their academy/B teams with Koreans, this is imo only bad, for both the Western scene AND the Korean one.

I am confident in the opposite of what you state, actually: having teams of mixed nationality made the global scene richer, and allowed players from the west, which for the most part had played confined in their own continent, to confront the best players and teams from around the world.

posted about 7 years ago

Fissure/Void tank duo is scary. I am looking forward to see what the boys in purple can do in stage 3!

posted about 7 years ago

Stats are calculated automatically through a bot

Is there an API to programmatically access these stats?

Reason for the question: I really liked CaptainPlanet's meta report graphs and I kind of wanted to implement a meta graph generator fetching data from OWL matches.

posted about 7 years ago

Eagle Gaming won because it had more french players

Baguette meta is real

posted about 7 years ago
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