European Contenders team Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support have revealed their new roster following a 2-5 season in Contenders 2019 Season 1.

The new roster features two returning players -- DragonEddy and dridro -- and five new additions. Four of the new faces are French and the other new Morning Star is British.

The team's DPS line is now Asking and Khegasi . Asking last played for Uprising Academy. Khegasi was previously a member of Orgless & Hungry in Contenders Trials 2019 Season 1.

Joining DragonEddy in the tank line is off-tank TEK36 and main tank Chubz . Both players were members of HSL Esports in late 2018 and were players on One.PoinT in Contenders 2019 Season 1. One.PoinT made the playoffs with a 3-4 record last season.

dridro will now play support alongside prov1de . Slur played on Shu's Money Crew last season.

The coaching staff for Samsung Morning Stars remains unchanged. PiPou is still the team's head coach and DaWulf remains assistant coach.

The Morning Stars now have seven players on their roster, two of which are off-tank players.

Samsung Morning Stars are guaranteed a place in Contenders Season 2. The starting date for the next season of Contenders has yet to be announced.

The Samsung Morning Stars Samsung Morning Stars Contenders EU Rank #24 Akaya flex support cucubau Adrian Cucu dps Shikaaree dps FaKeLioN tank Adnar Federico Arena support are:

  • "Khegasi" (DPS)
  • William "Asking" Vetter (DPS)
  • Théo "TEK36" Guillebaud (Off-tank)
  • Edmondo "DragonEddy" Cerini (Off-tank)
  • Simon "Chubz" Vullo (Tank)
  • Arthur "dridro" Szanto (Support)
  • Owen "Slur" Warner (Flex Support)

The staff is:

  • Richard "PiPou" Buscemi (Head Coach)
  • "DaWulf" (Assistant Coach)